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  • Originally posted by longnex
    Take the kids out for some poutine. They will love it.



    • You all are sick.

      2012 - 2013 NCAAF

      21 - 20 - 0

      2012 - 2013 NFL

      14 - 10 - 1


      • Originally posted by Chado1
        OMFG...If I bought her little girls some small present it would be instantly lay for sure...
        Hell yea!!!


        • Just take her to Tim Hortons for some donuts and coffee.


          • Originally posted by TheRook
            If he gets the kids some poutine he will get some poontang from the mom.


            • How bout some delicious Canadian roast polar bear, boiled reindeer, moose meat soup, sweet pickled beaver, squirrel fricassee, fried woodchuck. Stuffed whale breast, steamed muskrat legs, boiled porcupine, boiled caribou hoofs. Baked skunk, dried buffalo meat, baked salmon, roast or boiled corn, and acorn bread.


              • My goofy friend sent me an email last night with a link to this song and said to sing it to her and she'll love it:


                What a tool...

                These suggestions are pretty far-fetched...geez...I dont wanna fuck things up by coming on too I said we have been friends for a while and work together...cant just make this transition right away or might fuck it up....but thanks for sure guys...
                SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                • Originally posted by TheRook
                  Just take her to Tim Hortons for some donuts and coffee.
                  Wow you actually know about Tim Hortons...thats where we went for our coffee break Canada Tim Hortons is like StarBucks to Americans...that place is always lined up the door and drive thru arount the parking lot every morning...I drink like at least 2-3 coffees from there per day and so do most is a liscense to print money up here....
                  SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                  • Originally posted by longnex
                    If he gets the kids some poutine he will get some poontang from the mom.
                    SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                    • Rook you have to take that location down, every time I see it I laugh so loud the whole office comes in to see what I'm laughing at....Like a sceen door in a hurricane
                      Last edited by ToDaClub; 02-22-2008, 12:24 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Chado1
                        Wow you actually know about Tim Hortons...thats where we went for our coffee break Canada Tim Hortons is like StarBucks to Americans...that place is always lined up the door and drive thru arount the parking lot every morning...I drink like at least 2-3 coffees from there per day and so do most is a liscense to print money up here....
                        I watch hockey on Direct TV...and I see the commercials.

                        Love the Molsen Ice commercials. Those are my favorite.


                        • Originally posted by ToDaClub
                          Rook you have to take that lacation down, every time I see it I laugh so loud the whole office comes in to see what I'm laughing at....Like a sceen door in a hurricane

                          Can't take credit for that...saw that in a joke once and loved it.

                          Taking the wife to a nice hotel tonight for the night to celebrate our anniversay. I'm hoping that I can say I lived up to my location!!!


                          • Originally posted by TheRook

                            Can't take credit for that...saw that in a joke once and loved it.

                            Taking the wife to a nice hotel tonight for the night to celebrate our anniversay. I'm hoping that I can say I lived up to my location!!!

                            Motel 6 will be a rocking tonight.


                            • Originally posted by TheRook

                              Can't take credit for that...saw that in a joke once and loved it.

                              Taking the wife to a nice hotel tonight for the night to celebrate our anniversay. I'm hoping that I can say I lived up to my location!!!

                              Have a happy anniversay!!! Send pictures to Spark so we can see the celebration!!!


                              • Originally posted by TheRook

                                Can't take credit for that...saw that in a joke once and loved it.

                                Taking the wife to a nice hotel tonight for the night to celebrate our anniversay. I'm hoping that I can say I lived up to my location!!!

                                My camera phone takes a 30 second video. Does yours? Im sure thats all you will need. Post the video here so we can all watch.

