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  • Originally posted by KazDog
    My hold out should not be construed as being a 'little bitch' as it is more of a hold out based on principles. I think it's great Tony jumped right back in and posted in your thread. But I'm not Tony that's for damn sure.

    I think Tony and I come from different psychological idiosyncrasies. Tony more than likely felt like he needed to show everyone that he could take a punch or two, get knocked to the canvas and get right back up. Which he did. Bravo for him.

    Me, on the other hand, felt like I was sucker punched by my longtime friend and I needed to stay away based on a belief that Spark pulled a quick trigger and there was really no warning. Spark's quote to me and Tony was, "That's enough .... Relax ... everyone ..."

    THAT IS NOT A WARNING THAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE BANNED IF YOU DON'T STOP! Spark has emailed me more than once and said he would never ban me for speaking my opinion. Well, he did. That's where the principle lies.

    Spark will always be my friend, I think he's a good guy. Him banning me will not change that. But I have to stand up at times for what I believe is right. You can all say I'm my worst enemy, but I am who I am and that's how I roll. I do march to the beat of a different drummer. I don't follow the herd. I can't In my profession. It is essential for me to be a free minded spirit and hold myself to the principles that I stand for. Being creative is not an easy task and it takes a unique sense of individuality. If I did follow everyone else, I might, think that kissing the Mod's ass around here is right.

    Or I might eat more than my fair share at the dinner table.

    I might be ultra right wing and think Bush is a great president that's done no wrong.

    I might have a pants size that's 36x32 instead of the 32x36 that I currently wear.

    I might think that it's not a crime to have sex with my sister.

    I might think it's OK to sleep in a hotel room with a complete stranger that I met on the internet. (Oh wait, I did that. That was gay!)

    When I sit around the house, I would really sit around the house.

    I would own a dog instead of my pussy. That cat was the best fuck I've ever had.

    The girls I have sex with would have teeth.

    I'd make snow cones with Jack Daniels and drink them.

    I wouldn't drink a malibu rum and coke in front of men and Longnex.

    I would hunt small animals with assault rifles.

    I wouldn't think having sex with Hillary Clinton is all that bad. Or even Bill for that matter. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    I wouldn't be on an endless search for something on this website which I have never found.

    And last, but certainly not least.....I would boil my lobster instead of BAKING THEM!

    I'm back bitches so fire away. Spark, ban me permanently if you wish. But just remember, that's enough .... Relax ... everyone ...This is just one man's opinion....PEACE OUT JACKASSES

    OMG ... What a novel ...

    pls send me the e-mail where I said it is ok to call names on the forum

    I guess when I say "Thats enough" I mean to just ignore me and keep on blasting away ....

    and yes, I have said to say what is on your mind .. but be respectful ..

    I am done with this ... if you want to be banned just stay away ... but always remember, you lose your head, which you have a tendency of doing, your ass goes with it ...

    Grow up buddy .. You act very immature ...


    • Originally posted by KazDog
      My hold out should not be construed as being a 'little bitch' as it is more of a hold out based on principles. I think it's great Tony jumped right back in and posted in your thread. But I'm not Tony that's for damn sure.

      I think Tony and I come from different psychological idiosyncrasies. Tony more than likely felt like he needed to show everyone that he could take a punch or two, get knocked to the canvas and get right back up. Which he did. Bravo for him.

      Me, on the other hand, felt like I was sucker punched by my longtime friend and I needed to stay away based on a belief that Spark pulled a quick trigger and there was really no warning. Spark's quote to me and Tony was, "That's enough .... Relax ... everyone ..."

      THAT IS NOT A WARNING THAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE BANNED IF YOU DON'T STOP! Spark has emailed me more than once and said he would never ban me for speaking my opinion. Well, he did. That's where the principle lies.

      Spark will always be my friend, I think he's a good guy. Him banning me will not change that. But I have to stand up at times for what I believe is right. You can all say I'm my worst enemy, but I am who I am and that's how I roll. I do march to the beat of a different drummer. I don't follow the herd. I can't In my profession. It is essential for me to be a free minded spirit and hold myself to the principles that I stand for. Being creative is not an easy task and it takes a unique sense of individuality. If I did follow everyone else, I might, think that kissing the Mod's ass around here is right.

      Or I might eat more than my fair share at the dinner table.

      I might be ultra right wing and think Bush is a great president that's done no wrong.

      I might have a pants size that's 36x32 instead of the 32x36 that I currently wear.

      I might think that it's not a crime to have sex with my sister.

      I might think it's OK to sleep in a hotel room with a complete stranger that I met on the internet. (Oh wait, I did that. That was gay!)

      When I sit around the house, I would really sit around the house.

      I would own a dog instead of my pussy. That cat was the best fuck I've ever had.

      The girls I have sex with would have teeth.

      I'd make snow cones with Jack Daniels and drink them.

      I wouldn't drink a malibu rum and coke in front of men and Longnex.

      I would hunt small animals with assault rifles.

      I wouldn't think having sex with Hillary Clinton is all that bad. Or even Bill for that matter. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

      I wouldn't be on an endless search for something on this website which I have never found.

      And last, but certainly not least.....I would boil my lobster instead of BAKING THEM!

      I'm back bitches so fire away. Spark, ban me permanently if you wish. But just remember, that's enough .... Relax ... everyone ...This is just one man's opinion....PEACE OUT JACKASSES



      Please leave me out of this. I think this is how we got banned in the first place. But let me straighten things out a little for you.

      #1 - I did not need to show anyone anything. (*you remind me of my sister....instead of just accepting things as they are....they have to know the Why.....).....I just came back....PERIOD....I did not think about it....plan what i was going to say. I felt it was no big deal.
      #2 - The need for me to figure anything out other than I was a banned....and came back is not necessary...I do not need to sort out psychologically where i came from or where i am going.....I live in the NOW.....
      #3 - In the future just speak for yourself...not me. You do not know me at all and to comment on me is sheer speculation.
      #4- If you come back great since many people seem to like you.

      **I wish you well, but i think the biggest fight you face is with yourself since you seem to be the only one "stuck" on this


      • You know, I am not sure why i put so much into this place. I honestly feel now that i am wasting my time.

        You cant convey what you want to via email or on a chat site. It really is impossible, and i dont really know what the fuck is wrong with me for caring.

        You know i spent Thanksgiving in Ga with my inlaws, my father in law is a cat freak, and i mean a cat freak. He has a shelter in his yard with 16 cats that he has taken in as strays. You would think that throwing 16 cats in one small area that it would be a blood bath with all of those cats. But it isnt, they learn to live in complete harmoney.

        To bad that we cant do the same here
        Questions, comments, complaints:
        [email protected]


        • Originally posted by jcindaville
          You know, I am not sure why i put so much into this place. I honestly feel now that i am wasting my time.

          You cant convey what you want to via email or on a chat site. It really is impossible, and i dont really know what the fuck is wrong with me for caring.

          You know i spent Thanksgiving in Ga with my inlaws, my father in law is a cat freak, and i mean a cat freak. He has a shelter in his yard with 16 cats that he has taken in as strays. You would think that throwing 16 cats in one small area that it would be a blood bath with all of those cats. But it isnt, they learn to live in complete harmoney.

          To bad that we cant do the same here
          Wow thats alot of cats. Next time you go visit see if Kaz wants to go. Sounds like he will have fun.


          • Originally posted by jcindaville
            You know, I am not sure why i put so much into this place. I honestly feel now that i am wasting my time.

            You cant convey what you want to via email or on a chat site. It really is impossible, and i dont really know what the fuck is wrong with me for caring.

            You know i spent Thanksgiving in Ga with my inlaws, my father in law is a cat freak, and i mean a cat freak. He has a shelter in his yard with 16 cats that he has taken in as strays. You would think that throwing 16 cats in one small area that it would be a blood bath with all of those cats. But it isnt, they learn to live in complete harmoney.

            To bad that we cant do the same here
            I need to meet your father-in-law.


            "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
            is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


            • Originally posted by jcindaville
              You know, I am not sure why i put so much into this place. I honestly feel now that i am wasting my time.

              You cant convey what you want to via email or on a chat site. It really is impossible, and i dont really know what the fuck is wrong with me for caring.

              You know i spent Thanksgiving in Ga with my inlaws, my father in law is a cat freak, and i mean a cat freak. He has a shelter in his yard with 16 cats that he has taken in as strays. You would think that throwing 16 cats in one small area that it would be a blood bath with all of those cats. But it isnt, they learn to live in complete harmoney.

              To bad that we cant do the same here

              Believe me JC...You will feel alot better if you were not here everyday, every minute and every second. I agree with you.. Do like i do...Log on once or twice a day and if nothing interesting is going on, dont log on again for the rest of the day or night. Less stressfull my friend! I'm not saying leave this place for good, but cut down on it my friend


              • Originally posted by TwoTonTony

                Please leave me out of this. I think this is how we got banned in the first place. But let me straighten things out a little for you.

                #1 - I did not need to show anyone anything. (*you remind me of my sister....instead of just accepting things as they are....they have to know the Why.....).....I just came back....PERIOD....I did not think about it....plan what i was going to say. I felt it was no big deal.
                #2 - The need for me to figure anything out other than I was a banned....and came back is not necessary...I do not need to sort out psychologically where i came from or where i am going.....I live in the NOW.....
                #3 - In the future just speak for yourself...not me. You do not know me at all and to comment on me is sheer speculation.
                #4- If you come back great since many people seem to like you.

                **I wish you well, but i think the biggest fight you face is with yourself since you seem to be the only one "stuck" on this
                I don't need to be straighten out on anything Tony. And trust me when I say, this is NOT the biggest fight I face. Lmao. I was asked why I haven't been posting and I gave my opinion. I said nothing ill of you at all in that post and gave an analytical point of view. Those are the ones that are generally misconstrued. Most of it was done tongue-in-cheek. If you don't like it, you are more than entitled to your opinion as I am mine. If anything, in a round about way, I complemented you on being able to get back on the saddle.

                I don't need to know you to know what I feel about you. It comes out in your posts and I won't go any further than that. I am done responding to you. I am going to stay out of your threads and responding to you in any manner. In so many ways, you really matter little to me and I'm sure I don't matter to you. I wish no ill on you what so ever and you seem to be liked around here as well.....Good luck to you, just as I said to you before I was banned the last time.
                [email protected]

                I'm just here so I won't get fined....


                • Thank you for the compliment and I appreciate that my posts are well written.

                  I wish you well also. This is a forum that i use for fun....not controversy..


                  • Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.


                    • Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                      Believe me JC...You will feel alot better if you were not here everyday, every minute and every second. I agree with you.. Do like i do...Log on once or twice a day and if nothing interesting is going on, dont log on again for the rest of the day or night. Less stressfull my friend! I'm not saying leave this place for good, but cut down on it my friend
                      Hey Doc you are a
                      SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                      • Originally posted by jcindaville
                        I love that dude, he is hammering it
                        Any speculation of you playing for BOTH teams is now confirmed...

                        PS - I dont know the humor you guys find in those avatars....they are the grossest and gayest things I have ever seen...please fuckin change them...jeez you homos...
                        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                        • SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                          • Morning Guys


                            • Originally posted by The Lovedoc
                              Do like i do...Log on once or twice a day and if there is no OFFSEASON BASEBALL THREADS dont log on again for the rest of the day or night.
                              Even without the edit of this you are still a loser Doc...

                              "Do like I do"

                              Why would anybody do like you do you homo....
                              SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                              • good morning guys
                                2013 NCAA POD Record

                                8-3ATS +3.80 units

                                2013 NFL POD Record

                                1-2 ATS -4.50 units

