I was wondering what was behind the pseudo-campaign to bring back Co-Captain.
when co-capt was posting in service section we use to rip on him and spark would change his avatar to that avatar. it was just to F with him. its all a big joke. ppl need to chill. good lord.
when co-capt was posting in service section we use to rip on him and spark would change his avatar to that avatar. it was just to F with him. its all a big joke. ppl need to chill. good lord.
Hey Bry,YOUR avatar digusts me.She has all her clothes on and she moves to fast
My hold out should not be construed as being a 'little bitch' as it is more of a hold out based on principles. I think it's great Tony jumped right back in and posted in your thread. But I'm not Tony that's for damn sure.
I think Tony and I come from different psychological idiosyncrasies. Tony more than likely felt like he needed to show everyone that he could take a punch or two, get knocked to the canvas and get right back up. Which he did. Bravo for him.
Me, on the other hand, felt like I was sucker punched by my longtime friend and I needed to stay away based on a belief that Spark pulled a quick trigger and there was really no warning. Spark's quote to me and Tony was, "That's enough .... Relax ... everyone ..."
THAT IS NOT A WARNING THAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE BANNED IF YOU DON'T STOP! Spark has emailed me more than once and said he would never ban me for speaking my opinion. Well, he did. That's where the principle lies.
Spark will always be my friend, I think he's a good guy. Him banning me will not change that. But I have to stand up at times for what I believe is right. You can all say I'm my worst enemy, but I am who I am and that's how I roll. I do march to the beat of a different drummer. I don't follow the herd. I can't In my profession. It is essential for me to be a free minded spirit and hold myself to the principles that I stand for. Being creative is not an easy task and it takes a unique sense of individuality. If I did follow everyone else, I might, think that kissing the Mod's ass around here is right.
Or I might eat more than my fair share at the dinner table.
I might be ultra right wing and think Bush is a great president that's done no wrong.
I might have a pants size that's 36x32 instead of the 32x36 that I currently wear.
I might think that it's not a crime to have sex with my sister.
I might think it's OK to sleep in a hotel room with a complete stranger that I met on the internet. (Oh wait, I did that. That was gay!)
When I sit around the house, I would really sit around the house.
I would own a dog instead of my pussy. That cat was the best fuck I've ever had.
The girls I have sex with would have teeth.
I'd make snow cones with Jack Daniels and drink them.
I wouldn't drink a malibu rum and coke in front of men and Longnex.
I would hunt small animals with assault rifles.
I wouldn't think having sex with Hillary Clinton is all that bad. Or even Bill for that matter. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I wouldn't be on an endless search for something on this website which I have never found.
And last, but certainly not least.....I would boil my lobster instead of BAKING THEM!
I'm back bitches so fire away. Spark, ban me permanently if you wish. But just remember, that's enough .... Relax ... everyone ...This is just one man's opinion....PEACE OUT JACKASSES
Thats my boy.Show them people us rednecks are smart.What the F is microeconomics
Beats me
Just the study of the economy and how supply and demand effects the economy and a whole bunch of other stupid shit. I really didn't learn much, just had an easy teacher
Mornin' Spark .... just reading the past 2 days of
I have come to the conclusion that you should set a minimum AGE requirement of 30 for this site . Apparently the younger guys are NOT quite Jaded enough for the site , with the exception of the resident Okie alcoholic and a couple of others . JMO