Just spoke w/Megnus on the phone .... she sez to say Hi to da Adminihole ! Go figure !! HI !
Unbelievable! Even Ldork has Meg's phone number! Is there anyone on this site who DOESN'T have Meg's phone number besides me? She hands it out to every two-bit dirtbag around, yet the most honest and reputable guy on here doesn't have it. And to think, I almost asked her to marry me.
Not saying you guys are two-bit, but you are dirtbags....
at the movies-"LITTLE CHILDREN"-just got thru watching with the girlfriend-a deeply disturbing film yet you can't turn it off-THUMBS UP !! PS-NICE FOUR HOUR KILL MONTE-TKN6 !!
Fvck did I miss out on a Memo ... if Montezilla is TKN6 . .. who ta 'ell is 5 ?
You can't count ... you thread killing Bitch !
wow .... I sound drunk , huh !
Nope too early !!
Down a dime.... today er'thing will be Motherfuckin' this , Motherfvckin' that !
Here's your Motherfuckin' Passport Sir !!
I'll be better after I have a little KimChee for lunch ...
Unbelievable! Even Ldork hasMeg's phone number! Is there anyone on this site who DOESN'T have Meg's phone number besides me? She hands it out to every two-bit dirtbag around, yet the most honest and reputable guy on here doesn't have it. And to think, I almost asked her to marry me.
Not saying you guys are two-bit, but you are dirtbags....
Unbelievable! Even Ldork has Meg's phone number! Is there anyone on this site who DOESN'T have Meg's phone number besides me? She hands it out to every two-bit dirtbag around, yet the most honest and reputable guy on here doesn't have it. And to think, I almost asked her to marry me.
Not saying you guys are two-bit, but you are dirtbags....
She dont just give her number out to anyone. Well almost anyone, I have it. I'll sell it to you.
Unbelievable! Even Ldork has Meg's phone number! Is there anyone on this site who DOESN'T have Meg's phone number besides me? She hands it out to every two-bit dirtbag around, yet the most honest and reputable guy on here doesn't have it. And to think, I almost asked her to marry me.
Not saying you guys are two-bit, but you are dirtbags....