Hey Rook,
After seeing that food sack, front porch, keg, pot belly, butterball stomach of yours. If you come to vegas with us I dont think they will let you in the buffet.
LMAO....dimer is jumping on the moment of making fun of someone else's weight instead of his...
bro i've been ripped to shreads about being fat. take it all in stride its all good. heck i got an I beat Anerexia avatar for pete sake. So when i see someone with a boiler like rooks, i gotta react. lol
bro i've been ripped to shreads about being fat. take it all in stride its all good. heck i got an I beat Anerexia avatar for pete sake. So when i see someone with a boiler like rooks, i gotta react. lol
When Dimer sits around the office, he really sits around the office!
bro i've been ripped to shreads about being fat. take it all in stride its all good. heck i got an I beat Anerexia avatar for pete sake. So when i see someone with a boiler like rooks, i gotta react. lol
Spark, Dimer needs the anorexia avatar today please. Thanks