So you think there was global warming 10's of thousands of years ago that caused the ice age?
To deny global warming is insanity. Even Exxon Mobil finally admitted that they were part of the global warming process after denying it for years while lining their pockets.
I mean really Dawg. How can it be proven it's global warming rather than just a cyclical climate change?? Do you think "global warming" caused the ice age years ago
uuuuhhhh YES
You haven't watched Gore's IT movie , huh !!
Okla. will be safe don't worry .....
To deny global warming is insanity. Even Exxon Mobil finally admitted that they were part of the global warming process after denying it for years while lining their pockets.
Looking back on weather records, the earth goes through cycles of being warmer and colder. To deny that is stupidity. I'm just not sold that it is global warming. It definitely could be don't get me wrong, but there just isn't enough evidence to prove that global warming is 100% the cause. You have to be open to the theory of the earth just going through another one of it's warmer cycles.