Rook, don't be a little tool.
I'll let you pull my tampon string next time. I'm 6'3", so I'm sure you'll have to reach. Maybe you can use a step stool.
OK Jimmy- Ice the area at the L4-5 vertebrae for 15 minutes. Yeah I know you know- but what you don't know about is a muscle call the iliopsoas muscle that goes into spasm that creates issues in the back as well! Yes- I understand that you are limited in your range of motion- yes I realize that you can pass out from any movement.
Now after icing down L-4/5 for 15 minutes. If you have a mate/friend or whatever this works much better!
You can lay belly down on the bed close to the edge of the bed and a kind person will place one hand under the bent knee (good side first). The other hand on the butt or low back.
You raise the back of the knee toward the ceiling and the person holds it in place -------- you now push down on his/her hand. They must add resistence to your pushing down. Then Move around so the person can now work the other side.
Since I do this for a living- and work with athletes all over the world- you can diss me and suffer all you want. Makes no diff to me!