3J like i told wayne i'm looking to spend up to $200 a night for a place. either go sat,sun,mon or sun,mon,tues prolly late june or early july.
as for dinner. i figure 1 night we will go some place nice. ie a seafood place or a steak house. i dont mind droppin $100-200 for dinner for the 2 of us. anything beyond that is just too pricey for me.
Wayne - The arch idea seems prudent- I guess the scenario of fucking up the other toes hit a unwise tone for me. Fusing the area also seemed like a quick fix with a loss of ROM. I swear Wayne- the foot has to be one nasty place to get injured. I had one patient I remembered that came in after dropping a piano on the top of his foot- he hasn't been right since- he has never been right come to think of it!
All the best buddy!
"The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.
Sorry. They did have a 3 star hotel by O'hare airport for $89. Thats an easy drive or train ride to Wrigley.
Thanks for the local input, Longnex and Spark. My brother is working on another lodging option today. If that doesn't work, I'll book the O'Hare area hotel through Hotwire....along with a rental car. can get a full-size car through hotwire for $20 a day! Of course the last time I drove in Chicago I was by myself and got hopelessly lost. Had been to a Blues bar on N. Halstead called Kingston Mines. That's a great place!
Kb, glad you're feeling better. I came back from Las Vegas with some kind of upper respiratory bug and have been sick at work all this week. May take this morning off.
wayne, sorry to hear about your foot, man! Hope you get that resolved.