i didn't think it was directed to you. even if it was, it was in good fun and you know it
oh i know monte meant no ill will towards me...but put yourself in the shoes of someone who just periodically visits the website and they see that title...in their eyes the thread could have very well been directed at me...all i asked was the title of the thread to be changed
you know you are coming into a website where the majority of the members are men and you know the pictures we post. if you don't like it, don't look at it i guess is my point
you know you are coming into a website where the majority of the members are men and you know the pictures we post. if you don't like it, don't look at it i guess is my point
i agree with you on that..but you don't title a thread like that " BC Female Member"...especially considering there are such a small number of females on here
you know you are coming into a website where the majority of the members are men and you know the pictures we post. if you don't like it, don't look at it i guess is my point
The thread said BC female member ... she did not know what was in it before she opened it ...
The thread said BC female member ... she did not know what was in it before she opened it ...
kb, You have any daughters???
I think KB is young for daughters. But in his defense, i dont think he meant any malice. The title should have been different, but as Meg stated she new that Monte wasnt singling her out. Im sure in hind sight he would have never done that. Damn us men are pigs