Morning all! Nice to be able to log in after an OU BCS bowl appearance and not have to worry about seeing me lead a pack of Huskies in an Iditarod race.
Morning all! Nice to be able to log in after an OU BCS bowl appearance and not have to worry about seeing me lead a pack of Huskies in an Iditarod race.
Sooners looked good. Only thing I'll wish for is that our special teams be less un-special...well...besides the hope that #85 comes back for one more year.
Morning guys, long story short, my daughters flight got cancelled, she was very upset, was driving, got stuck in the middle of the road, (she drives a 4 wheel drive jeep) hopped out and got in another car that was gonna attempt to pull her out. However, she locked her doors with the keys in it, engine running, her cell phone, all her stuff still in it. Fargo was closed, literally, yadda yadda, I drove about 20 MPH on closed highways to get her and bring her home (6 hour trip) Her car is still down there, wasn't gonna let her drive anymore.
Happy New Year Jimmy, I gave up tobacco for my new years resolution....My entire family hates me. I'm having temper tantrums, eating nothing but sunflower seeds, pistachios, beef jerkey, and cursing like a sailor!
Happy New Year Jimmy, I gave up tobacco for my new years resolution....My entire family hates me. I'm having temper tantrums, eating nothing but sunflower seeds, pistachios, beef jerkey, and cursing like a sailor!
Next year my NY resolution will be to loose the 50 lbs I gained because of this years resolution. Skoal Longcut Wintergreen and Marlboro Lights to the resue!
Morning all! Nice to be able to log in after an OU BCS bowl appearance and not have to worry about seeing me lead a pack of Huskies in an Iditarod race.