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Urgent Please Read/respond!!!! Part 2

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  • Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
    The soft deletes were undid by me for all to see what happened. KB wasn't banned for that if you want to know ask Joe or do a search with his username. Bascially he's been acting like an ass. Texting Joe nasty texts too.
    The soft deletes!?!?! How about the deletes where Greek told Vols he should have been aborted. Really you can say that on this fucking forum?? Fucking for real Monte? Really Spark???

    If anyone but Greek said "No biggie, I got a push", even though it was a posted loss, they would be ripped a new asshole by about 90% of the forum.

    Vols called him out, and Greek tells him he should have been aborted. And you delete that shit, but leave all the other crap up and say you want people to "see what happened". Bull fucking shit. Good to know what you can and can't say in this fucking place. It's a fucking joke.

    But I'm just a shit stirrer and trouble maker right Monte???
    "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


    • I don't get it

      I lost the my ability to look at bettorschat during the day because it's labeled a gambling site. (dumb) Anyway, it use to be where a bunch of guys (and Meg) hung out and shared their opinions on who would beat the spread, and they then spent the rest of the time sharing their jokes, a couple naked women, political views and a jab about Dale Jr. Then it turned into a popularity contest for some. Who got the most views. Very sad. Some members still try to protect what I was years ago, a lurker just trying to beat the man. Just seems like the people who want to keep the site a honorable sharing of honest information and keep ego's in check are being banned. JMO


      • Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
        The soft deletes!?!?! How about the deletes where Greek told Vols he should have been aborted. Really you can say that on this fucking forum?? Fucking for real Monte? Really Spark???

        If anyone but Greek said "No biggie, I got a push", even though it was a posted loss, they would be ripped a new asshole by about 90% of the forum.

        Vols called him out, and Greek tells him he should have been aborted. And you delete that shit, but leave all the other crap up and say you want people to "see what happened". Bull fucking shit. Good to know what you can and can't say in this fucking place. It's a fucking joke.

        But I'm just a shit stirrer and trouble maker right Monte???
        mavs I will answer you but this is .. this will be the end of it ...

        When the trouble started Sunday night I was not here ... I got a text saying there was trouble on the forum .. I got here about 20 minutes later .. I started soft deleting all posts after vols started his bashing ... I only read a couple of the posts when I was soft deleting ... after I soft deleted all the posts I locked the thread down to go over everything and read the posts .. Now nex says some posts got permanently deleted .. you come in here 3 days later and say the say thing ... I do not know if you heard about the posts being deleted or you saw the posts as they were being made ... other members told me that they were here and nothing got permanently deleted ...

        that is exactly what happened ...

        Now you say gg gets special treatment ... you are speaking about a guy who posts everyday and never leaves his thread ... he starts absolutely no trouble and bother no one .. unless he is provoked .. I agree he can really be nasty when he gets upset ... this is the 2nd time vols came into his thread and started stuff with him .. and where nex came from i have no idea ... no one backed them 2 up .. in fact they were the one's getting bashed

        So anyway i am done with this .. it is over ... I usually do not explain why I do things but I know there is a hatred for gg around here for some reason and I just wanted to clear the air ...
        Last edited by Spark; 02-03-2010, 10:51 PM.


        • Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
          I lost the my ability to look at bettorschat during the day because it's labeled a gambling site. (dumb) Anyway, it use to be where a bunch of guys (and Meg) hung out and shared their opinions on who would beat the spread, and they then spent the rest of the time sharing their jokes, a couple naked women, political views and a jab about Dale Jr. Then it turned into a popularity contest for some. Who got the most views. Very sad. Some members still try to protect what I was years ago, a lurker just trying to beat the man. Just seems like the people who want to keep the site a honorable sharing of honest information and keep ego's in check are being banned. JMO
          Club ... let's talk open and honestly ... who got banned???


          • Originally posted by Meg29 View Post
            If there is one thing this forum has taught me (well besides everything having to do with sports betting) is that men are bigger drama queens then women.
            They are much worse than women ... really!!!

            I mean let's start worrying about real things in life .. this is a sports forum .. some place you come to converse with others and have a good time ...
            Last edited by Spark; 02-03-2010, 11:06 PM.


            • Hey Spark, where can I shoot you an email?


              • Originally posted by Guns View Post
                Hey Spark, where can I shoot you an email?

                Last edited by Spark; 02-03-2010, 11:03 PM.


                • Thanks man, I just hit you up.


                  • Originally posted by Guns View Post
                    Thanks man, I just hit you up.
                    No, thank you ... back at ya Guns


                    • Originally posted by Spark View Post
                      Club ... let's talk open and honestly ... who got banned???
                      Guys who challenge service and posters who change their lines after the game starts, or say they took a later line. In the last year, some guy (can't remember his name) put out a GOY and after the game started he said he changed his mind caused the line went up 1(A GOY shouldn't change because the line changed by 1 should it?). Hey, they (guys that are banned) go over the edge, but they are just trying to do what "I" think makes this site good. If everyone. including service section (which I think should be deleted) posted like You, Meg and Wayne (and I have no reason to suck up) the site would be like I remember. But ego's get in the way. Wiz had great insite, lazar was increcedibly hot some times and even linemover had some great predictions, but it all turned into a contest instead of "here's what I think and why" But you can't control that. I understand,I just hate to see when some of the guys who I think are trying to make this site better banned.

                      If I ask you, Is KB bashing for shits and giggles or is he's challenging someone for the betterment of the board? What would you reply?


                      • Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
                        Guys who challenge service and posters who change their lines after the game starts, or say they took a later line. In the last year, some guy (can't remember his name) put out a GOY and after the game started he said he changed his mind caused the line went up 1(A GOY shouldn't change because the line changed by 1 should it?). Hey, they (guys that are banned) go over the edge, but they are just trying to do what "I" think makes this site good. If everyone. including service section (which I think should be deleted) posted like You, Meg and Wayne (and I have no reason to suck up) the site would be like I remember. But ego's get in the way. Wiz had great insite, lazar was increcedibly hot some times and even linemover had some great predictions, but it all turned into a contest instead of "here's what I think and why" But you can't control that. I understand,I just hate to see when some of the guys who I think are trying to make this site better banned.

                        If I ask you, Is KB bashing for shits and giggles or is he's challenging someone for the betterment of the board? What would you reply?
                        I think kb has good intentions but the way he has been going about it has been completely out of line ... calling Monte a prick ... me a puppet .. acting like a total rebel around here ... let him try that on any other forum and see how long he lasts ...

                        I wish I could tell you how many times he has apologized to me for him being a jerk ... and then the same thing happens ... now he is texting me everyday .. just being a total punk ... I will tell you now ... the way it looks kb will not be back ... we do not want/need anyone on the forum like this ... and that club is being honest ...

                        And if anyone wants to protect the forum .. the best thing to do is to e-mail me when trouble starts .. if I am not on-line I can usually be here within 5 minutes ... don't start bashing and make matters worse ... make sense???


                        • Originally posted by Spark View Post
                          mavs I will answer you but this is .. this will be the end of it ...

                          When the trouble started Sunday night I was not here ... I got a text saying there was trouble on the forum .. I got here about 20 minutes later .. I started soft deleting all posts after vols started his bashing ... I only read a couple of the posts when I was soft deleting ... after I soft deleted all the posts I locked the thread down to go over everything and read the posts .. Now nex says some posts got permanently deleted .. you come in here 3 days later and say the say thing ... I do not know if you heard about the posts being deleted or you saw the posts as they were being made ... other members told me that they were here and nothing got permanently deleted ...

                          that is exactly what happened ...

                          Now you say gg gets special treatment ... you are speaking about a guy who posts everyday and never leaves his thread ... he starts absolutely no trouble and bother no one .. unless he is provoked .. I agree he can really be nasty when he gets upset ... this is the 2nd time vols came into his thread and started stuff with him .. and where nex came from i have no idea ... no one backed them 2 up .. in fact they were the one's getting bashed

                          So anyway i am done with this .. it is over ... I usually do not explain why I do things but I know there is a hatred for gg around here for some reason and I just wanted to clear the air ...
                          I come in here three days later, because after having threads locked on me and being told "end of discussion" and basically called a trouble maker, I didn't really feel like posting anymore. And after Sunday, I feel that way 10x over. I have more respect for you than anyone else on the forum, I've told you that thousands of times.

                          I read every word that was posted in that thread and Vols WAS and STILL IS, right. NO ONE, is ever allowed to pull the shit Greek did w/o being assaulted with barrages of insults. Vols and Greek don't like each other, I get it, and that's fine.

                          I read that shit top to bottom and one HUMAN BEING, told another that he should have been aborted, this is the most vile and disgusting thing I've ever read on this forum, and I thought here of all places, that wouldn't be tolerated.

                          NOTHING Vols said, was deserving of that, and then to have someone come on and say "Sorry Greek, Vols is wrong (again)" is just fucking mind boggling.

                          You guys can tell Vols he's in the wrong again, he isn't. You can tell me and Nex and KB we are too, we're not. One person is treated differently around here than others, that's not hard to see at all.

                          It's not as if any of the above matters, because for some strange reason I've been told "this... (is) the end of it" and "i am done with this." Again. Unreal.
                          "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                          • Originally posted by mavskidd02 View Post
                            I come in here three days later, because after having threads locked on me and being told "end of discussion" and basically called a trouble maker, I didn't really feel like posting anymore. And after Sunday, I feel that way 10x over. I have more respect for you than anyone else on the forum, I've told you that thousands of times.

                            I read every word that was posted in that thread and Vols WAS and STILL IS, right. NO ONE, is ever allowed to pull the shit Greek did w/o being assaulted with barrages of insults. Vols and Greek don't like each other, I get it, and that's fine.

                            I read that shit top to bottom and one HUMAN BEING, told another that he should have been aborted, this is the most vile and disgusting thing I've ever read on this forum, and I thought here of all places, that wouldn't be tolerated.

                            NOTHING Vols said, was deserving of that, and then to have someone come on and say "Sorry Greek, Vols is wrong (again)" is just fucking mind boggling.

                            You guys can tell Vols he's in the wrong again, he isn't. You can tell me and Nex and KB we are too, we're not. One person is treated differently around here than others, that's not hard to see at all.

                            It's not as if any of the above matters, because for some strange reason I've been told "this... (is) the end of it" and "i am done with this." Again. Unreal.

                            K mavs ... that is your opinion and you are entitled to it ... but I think otherwise .. I am not going to give my reasons again but he was wrong ... if you say kb is right in what he does around here you are so mistaken ... your problem is you do not like Monte nor Greek .. so you say they are right ... but if you step back and see the entire picture you will admit that they are as wrong as 2 left shoes ...

                            Now saying that, you do not know what is going on off the field with me and these guys ... or maybe you do ... do you honestly think I do not want vols posting?? .. I like vols .. always have and always will ... I think he is a dynamite guy ..
                            Nex, you could not find a better guy for this site ... team player ... helps out whenever he can ... I would hate if they stayed away ... but I have to do what i think it right for this forum ... and I would do the exact same thing as I did Sunday ...

                            Past my bedtime guys ... catch you tomorrow ...


                            • hey Chad .. i see you in here ...

                              Damn Hawks ... chokers like all Chicago teams


                              • Originally posted by Spark View Post
                                I think kb has good intentions but the way he has been going about it has been completely out of line ... calling Monte a prick ... me a puppet .. acting like a total rebel around here ... let him try that on any other forum and see how long he lasts ...

                                I wish I could tell you how many times he has apologized to me for him being a jerk ... and then the same thing happens ... now he is texting me everyday .. just being a total punk ... I will tell you now ... the way it looks kb will not be back ... we do not want/need anyone on the forum like this ... and that club is being honest ...

                                And if anyone wants to protect the forum .. the best thing to do is to e-mail me when trouble starts .. if I am not on-line I can usually be here within 5 minutes ... don't start bashing and make matters worse ... make sense???
                                Yup, I will not not defend anyone, but maybe I did, I was just going back to the good old days, I don't have a problem with you or Wayne.
                                Monte, I don't understand some stuff, but then he owns this and I won't start. Won't! I don't allow bashing of me at my job, so I accept this.

                                So what's your cell number so I can take shots at you off line?

                                Like I said, I miss the days when I ghosted the site and picked up plays, and looked at Waynes babes pictures. But the best was when the old crew were crackin jokes at each other. I would say 2 years ago, there wasn't the drama. The site was better imo.

                                PS I voted no on the Rant section, cause those emotions carry into the rest of the forum.

