jimmy it takes lots of money to remain this fat. billion star locks = lots of cheeseburgers!!!!!!
spark as you know i cannot tip my hand on when i will release a play. everyone is after me im in hiding. sorry
Fat was a sign of wealth and success in Roman days. Well done Ceasardimebry.
When I lost my pup Bosco last year Monte I almost got one ... a friend of mine years ago had one and I really liked that breed ...
a little hyper maybe???
Depends on the stock that they come from. I don't consider mine to be hyper but I've seen some that are really hyper. A lot of people buy them and end up getting rid of them because they can't handle them.
club....know what you mean Verne, and how you feel when your posted picks bomb out....kinda lonely, and you feel like you let the members down....
FORGET that theory....no one in here will badger you if you post a loser, or even if you post more losers than winners....
I have the faith AND CONFIDENCE IN YA......post them bad boys....taker the winners/losers in stride....It's all about giving us your opinion, sharing thoughts, having fun with us, feeling like you belong, and becoming a good solid "FAMILY" member....
BRY: I'm not surprised in the BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGG $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ play of yours hitting again........you're solid with them bad ass boys.......keep em coming.....
thanks PAPI....have a good day fellows, the kids/grand kids are coming over for their obligatory/free meal (SUNDAY), so you guys know I'm in HOG HEAVEN.....
Thanks Spark, and Kapt. You guys are so solid, and Wayne too, Bry, well he's on another level..I see some "tossed salad" beat up wayne just to tout lewis/and or CB, just don't need it. BUT>>>>>OK HERE WE GO, MEMORIAL DAY LOCK OF THE YEAR, (might be more locks of the year) Florida State -6.5.