This is true Chado.Once in a blue moon will a girl come up to you at a club if your just leaning against a table or off in the distance so most of the time you have to start the conversation.Like my brother said I would always be the one who brought girls home but I was always the one walking around buying drinks and talking to see what I could get.Me and Tech lived together for a while and it was a rule of thumb,If I bring a girl home from the club by 1:00 a.m you might want to peek out and see her.If it was 4:00 a.m dont bother looking she wasn't worth looking at.We had some good times and hell your only 22.Get over your confidence problem by gaining confidence talking to girls.If you talk to a girl and she turns you down but the next one goes home with you,do you give a shit about the one who turned you down.HELL NO.By the way Tech,30-40 turndowns a night is kinda pushing it bro
i was trying to make chado feel better buddy yeah 30 or 40 was a bit much
MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
Now after you see a pic of her you can see why I have been going so crazy about her....
Why oh why did you pass up making some moves on her on the couch that first the looks of her pic she knows what she wants and you didn't even try.
Dude you need to get out of the virgin slump, once you get your pee pee wet it will bring back that animal instinct!
Chad, you should ask her out for coffee and in conversation over a cup ask her if she would like it in the cinnamon ring.
If she says no, buy one on the way out!
This girl loves fucking with my head once again. So ran into her outside of work this morning before we started. She is like you were all "distant" to me on Thursday (when I ignored her). I said I was sick and that was why lol. She then said she was wondering where I was on Friday when I told you guys I stayed home from work sick. So after not talking to her for the past 5 days and thinking everything was toast with us she finally initiates something again. Man I was trying to get over this and now she messes with me and gets me back. Ahhh how girls make your brain and thoughts go 100 miles per minute..she better not be teasin me...