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Chado "in date" thread

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  • Alright guys heres the update on the situation:

    Throughout the past few weeks I have been the one who has asked her to go out with me. I have been the one going to her desk and talking to her all the time. I have been the one has been initiating going on breaks and everything. So I thought wait a minute. How come she is never coming to me desk and talking to me? How come she has never asked me to go on a break with her? How come she has never asked me to hang out outside of work or called me on the phone without me calling first? Based on these circumstances she may not feel the same way about me so what I am gonna be doing for the next few days at work is ignoring her completely. I stayed home from work today because I am sick but yesterday I ignored her all day and sure enough she didnt come talk to me or say anything. With how much attention I have been giving her and going over and talking with her all the time after a few days she must start to think why isnt he talking to me. At this point I am expecting her to ask if I am mad at her or something. Then I am gonna be tell her that I like her and have been backing off talking with her all the time because I feel she may not feel the same towards me. I will know then what she is thinking about me and where we stand because it makes no sense why she never talks to me without me being the instigator. Really sucks and makes me wonder after we clearly had a great time on our date last Saturday and everything seemed quite promising but then she never goes out of her way to call me or come and talk to me at work?!?!
    Last edited by Chado1; 03-07-2008, 03:03 PM.


    • Originally posted by Chado1
      Alright guys heres the update on the situation:

      Throughout the past few weeks I have been the one who has asked her to go out with me. I have been the one going to her desk and talking to her all the time. I have been the one has been initiating going on breaks and everything. So I thought wait a minute. How come she is never coming to me desk and talking to me? How come she has never asked me to go on a break with her? How come she has never asked me to hang out outside of work or called me on the phone without me calling first? Based on these circumstances she may not feel the same way about me so what I am gonna be doing for the next few days at work is ignoring her completely. I stayed home from work today because I am sick but yesterday I ignored her all day and sure enough she didnt come talk to me or say anything. With how much attention I have been giving her and going over and talking with her all the time after a few days she must start to think why isnt he talking to me. At this point I am expecting her to ask if I am mad at her or something. Then I am gonna be tell her that I like her and have been backing off talking with her all the time because I feel she may not feel the same towards me. I will know then what she is thinking about me and where we stand because it makes no sense why she never talks to me without me being the instigator. Really sucks and makes me wonder after we clearly had a great time on our date last Saturday and everything seemed quite promising but then she never goes out of her way to call me or come and talk to me?!?!
      I thought you said she asked you to go too the rink that weekend? And she asked you to hang out the next week?


      • Originally posted by BettorsChat
        I thought you said she asked you to go too the rink that weekend? And she asked you to hang out the next week?
        See thats the thing...she has initiated a few things but for the majority it has been from me...

        She did ask me to go skating that weekend without me suggesting anything but as for last weekend that was from me....
        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


        • It just makes me wonder why I am not getting any initiation of things and have to create most of it personally....if only we could all know what females are thinking....damnit....
          SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


          • Originally posted by Chado1
            It just makes me wonder why I am not getting any initiation of things and have to create most of it personally....if only we could all know what females are thinking....damnit....

            When you went back to her house and didnt make a move, she new right then you were a pole smoker so she isnt interested in you anymore.

            She figures because of your gayness she just wants to be friends
            Questions, comments, complaints:
            [email protected]


            • Originally posted by jcindaville
              When you went back to her house and didnt make a move, she new right then you were a pole smoker so she isnt interested in you anymore.

              She figures because of your gayness she just wants to be friends
              John I am pretty upset about this and of course its easy for you to throw humor into it just like yourself or others may me not doing anything would not be the sole cause of anything specifically for acting like a gentleman....I could be wrong but I am pretty sure girls dont fall for guys that try get all over them right away and just use them as objects but maybe in Necktucky....
              SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


              • Meg27
                Registered User
                Last Activity: Today 03:33 PM
                Viewing Thread Chado "in date" thread @ 03:33 PM

                Meg your a girl...

                from a female on what she may be thinking or what is going on with the whole situation....

                She does have two kids and is coming off a relationship of about 9 years that has only been through with for only 4 months or so...a lot of shit she is going through....
                SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                • dude-MAN UP !!


                  • Originally posted by WayneChung
                    dude-MAN UP !!
                    SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                    • hey buddy, i've been gone a few weeks and this thread is funny.
                      my advice to you is just ask her to fuck !!! the worst she can do is say no !!!
                      just walk up and say - "look, lets quit the chit chat and lets just go fuck "
                      thats what i would do !!!
                      jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                      • Originally posted by Chado1
                        See thats the thing...she has initiated a few things but for the majority it has been from me...

                        She did ask me to go skating that weekend without me suggesting anything but as for last weekend that was from me....
                        So when the skating didn't work out she didn't say anything about doing something for the next weekend?

                        And I don't think Meg is going to help you get laid.


                        • Originally posted by baseballdave
                          hey buddy, i've been gone a few weeks and this thread is funny.
                          my advice to you is just ask her to fuck !!! the worst she can do is say no !!!
                          just walk up and say - "look, lets quit the chit chat and lets just go fuck "
                          thats what i would do !!!
                          The only thing that will end up fucked is Chado's face when she slaps the shit out of him.


                          • Originally posted by baseballdave
                            hey buddy, i've been gone a few weeks and this thread is funny.
                            my advice to you is just ask her to fuck !!! the worst she can do is say no !!!
                            just walk up and say - "look, lets quit the chit chat and lets just go fuck "
                            thats what i would do !!!
                            You could always show you care by giving her a present.

                            The ol "DICKINABOX"
                            Last edited by Bill the Thrill; 03-07-2008, 05:17 PM.
                            updated thru 4/04 play

                            CFB: (0-1) 1.05 units
                            NFL: (0-0) 0.0 units


                            • Originally posted by Chado1
                              Chado, Next date stop at a Drug store, when she asks
                              what you're doing, tell you're going in to buy a condom,
                              If she's still in the car when you come out...
                              Touchdown Fat Boy!!

                              TOUCHDOWN FAT BOY!

                              I was Born my Pappy's Son,
                              When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
                              Jon E. Checkers


                              • Originally posted by BettorsChat
                                The only thing that will end up fucked is Chado's face when she slaps the shit out of him.
                                yeah, but she might say yes !!! sometimes you gotta take a chance !!! i'm sure chad has been slapped before but he hasn't been fucked yet so take a chance !!!
                                jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat

