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Where The Hell Are All The Picks????

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  • #31
    Originally posted by bryce View Post
    To John!

    You are an asshole!

    Just kidding buddy! I understand and didn't mean to cry a river last night.. You are a good man and always appreciate what you have to say. Yep the other reason I am on here so much is because of the iPad.. Makes things simple.. I hope I didn't piss anyone off just hope that this board becomes better and what it used to be.. that's all I hope for

    Yes, I am an asshole
    Questions, comments, complaints:


    • #32
      Originally posted by tech fan View Post
      Bryce its people like you and vols that have passion for this place and care more than the owner itself.hell i remember kb giving out his own $$$$$ for the nba draft just trying to get people to post.

      Hell, KB also gave Dimer and JC a free Ben Franklin when he ran his gums about JR winning 2 races before the end of the year. That straight up shows how much he cares about getting people involved at BC!!
      KB is generous with his money Tech fan
      Questions, comments, complaints:


      • #33
        Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
        Tech fan, Vols, Bryce, KB, and others here have a strong passion for this place, but like Wayne said, would you rather be Tech fan, Vols, Bryce, and KB at another site, or would you rather be Jerry, Phillip, Mark, and Kyle here????
        That is seriously a great way to put it JC. Wish i could have worded it that way myself. I feel exactly like you do and to me, that is what makes this place "Home" for me, whether there are 60 people here or 6,000. I do have my own site but this place will always be home for me. I like tinkering with my own site but i have never bothered with other forums because i think they all stink compared to here to be honest. Just no "Personal" feel for any other place and i have gone to them all and checked them out. A few here said my own site was going to lead to my own forum and a money making adventure. I told them it was never about that and as long as this place exists, i would never do that to Monte ... or Joe. Well, over a year later, i have kept my promise to Monte and others and my site is still what it is and nothing more. Point being, this will always be home for me. Even the guys i have argued with in the past, i would still go to battle with them anywhere and back them up. We don't always get along but they are all part of the family atmosphere that we love here!


        • #34
          Can we all just have a group hug.

          MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
          HUGE PLAYS 2-1

          NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
          0-0TOP PLAYS

          NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

          4-1 TOP PLAYS

          GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

          AS of 6/3/12


          • #35
            i haven't posted in a while and JC is still a douche, Nex is still gay, Dimer is still bigger than me, KB is still an Oklahoma queer, Bryce still bitches when he's mad, Spark is still 137 yrs old, Wayne never likes to argue, Tech still likes to hug guys, etc.

            I hate to say it but JC is right (man that hurt !! ) - times change because of our personal life, finances, etc. I still chat, text, email, etc a few guys on here and its because of BC that I became friends with these guys. I'm friends with those guys above because of this site but times have made it harder for me to post as much as before.

            I'm gonna try and post more after I get back from Cooperstown next week if anyone gives a shit !!!
            jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


            • #36
              Yes Wayne you are right this is home for me and I like my home happy... Feel comfortable here and this is where I want to stay.. That's it!

              Dave yep I bitch lol! Hope you are doing well buddy


              • #37
                Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
                i haven't posted in a while and JC is still a douche, Nex is still gay, Dimer is still bigger than me, KB is still an Oklahoma queer, Bryce still bitches when he's mad, Spark is still 137 yrs old, Wayne never likes to argue, Tech still likes to hug guys, etc.

                I hate to say it but JC is right (man that hurt !! ) - times change because of our personal life, finances, etc. I still chat, text, email, etc a few guys on here and its because of BC that I became friends with these guys. I'm friends with those guys above because of this site but times have made it harder for me to post as much as before.

                I'm gonna try and post more after I get back from Cooperstown next week if anyone gives a shit !!!

                YOU"RE RIGHT !!

                No one give a shit

                He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                • #38
                  Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
                  I'm gonna try and post more after I get back from Cooperstown next week if anyone gives a shit !!!
                  when are you going to be in cooperstown? 1 hour drive for me. Let me know.
                  2013 NCAA POD Record

                  8-3ATS +3.80 units

                  2013 NFL POD Record

                  1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                  • #39
                    Since I started this, let me make a couple of points.

                    I've been around illegall gambling for a long time. I know and have known local books in several different cities. I've played mostly online (and have been burned) for the past few years.

                    I have never seen gambling affected by the economy. Maybe it's different now.

                    I know horse betting numbers are down.

                    But the biggest point I make about the low number of picks posted is that I don't think people here are betting. I admit I wouldn't handciap games if I wasn't going to bet them. Betting must be down.

                    I have to wonder if if it's because of the crackdown on the offshores.

                    In my case, I still think I can win money betting sports (but not very much). I almost always come out ahead in baseball and college football. My pro football wasn't that good and my NBA was in a toilet for much of the year.

                    My horse betting has been very profitable (and yes, I bet much larger amounts than the increments I post here).

                    When I bet something for decent money, I'll keep posting it. Why not? If I think I've got a good opinion, why not share it? Nobody has to pay attention if they don't want.

                    I just hope we don;'t lose a good forum for smart people sharing their picks. I do admit the pciks posted by goofs (largely gone now) added nothing.

                    I just think more people would be posting if they were still betting and that many people have moved away from the offshores and don't want to bet with a local.
                    Last edited by griswold; 07-27-2011, 10:36 PM.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by bryce View Post
                      Monte... I just am frustrated and do NOT want to go anywhere else. I just think the board doesn't encourage people to post and we have lost a lot of people. MCP for one... Weasel...etc...they are posting elsewhere pretty much every day. I have always been here and want to contiinue. I want this board to succeed and grow.. I want this board to be successful like you do. So I don't know what the answer is but there has to be something that WE can do to encourage people to participate as other boards have a lot of participation. Winter summer spring and fall.... Again I do not care to go anywhere else...I'll shoot you an email later today...
                      MCP has left before as for Weazel I don't know what's going on with him. And for you to tell me that I haven't done a damn thing to keep this site alive is bullshit. I had to do a double take to maker sure I was reading the post by Mark. Never seen you become so negative and trying to blame it all on me.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by tech fan View Post
                        Monte you are correct by the fact that we do not know what u are doing and how u feel about the site.We just see the fact that you are not around as much as before as u not caring.That is wrong and sorry for the assumption.A lot of us deeply care for this place and don't want nothing to happen.Just having this conversation shows how much Passion we all have for this place.I am sorry for what u are going through and knowing the way you ran this site years ago I know must be something major going on in your life.I understand now but just look at it from our view and not knowing what is going on and not seeing or hearing from u makes us feel like u don't care.You are right we should not assume that you are giving up.Just understand from our side its hard to watch a great thing fall apart and just sit there and watch it happen without trying.I trust that when things get back better in your life that we will see you around more.

                        Good luck for whatever you are going through I am sure u are in a lot of peoples prayers.
                        Let me tell you something Jerry this is my job! And when books that are site sponsors keep pulling out of the USA it means less & less money for me. Shit I had to take money out of my savings to pay my bills last month and this month I had to borrow money. So not only is this a money issue, but I have health issues to deal with every day.

                        I don't want to come on my own site and read where people don't think that I have a passion for my baby that I fought to get up to the point where it was doing well and now all of this shit with the offshore sites pulling out is screwing me up more.

                        FYI anyone wanting to know more about what took place with me from the age of 19 go to the following site: Home Page


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
                          Seems to me from the little that i have read that Monte really has had some pretty severe medical issues. Very hard to effectively run a business when you are not physically well.

                          I think he should be issued a little rope, IMHO.

                          I for one dont have the time i once did to post, got divorced, quit drinking, cut back on gambling 95 % because of lack of $$, and my job has afforded me less time to get on here and shoot the shit.

                          Still love this place, still talk to people outside these threads and exchange Home and Homes as i am so ridiculed for.(For the record, I dont give a fuck about being

                          Things in life go in cycles, what once was up is now down, but it will soon reverse and be up again.

                          To Mark,

                          Your life sitiuation changed dramatically with the accident, before that you were here, but no where near as often as you are now. You are off work and dont have as many responsibilities as you once did, which affords you more time to be on BC. That is just a small example of how things change, it happens to all of us, and that has a direct reflection on Bettorschat and how much activity it gets.

                          Tech fan, Vols, Bryce, KB, and others here have a strong passion for this place, but like Wayne said, would you rather be Tech fan, Vols, Bryce, and KB at another site, or would you rather be Jerry, Phillip, Mark, and Kyle here????

                          Jerry is living with a woman and helping raise her son, Phillip works in the HVAC business is recently divorced and is raising two boys to be rednecks who love nascar, Mark is dating a woman with a shit load of girls, his mom recently died and he quit drinking, Kyle has found a girl name starts with an S, dont want to give it out because he hasent given me permission, he works for Big Oil, drives an SUV and would inhale 88's COCK in a new york second if given the chance.

                          I know this because of BC and i care, go to another site and you wont know much about the bozo's you get ignored by, they wont give a fuck when you lose a job, your mom passes away, you get divorced, you poop a capital

                          Ok, i am about to cry, so i must stop.


                          forgot Joe was 153, my bad
                          Nice Post


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                            MCP has left before as for Weazel I don't know what's going on with him. And for you to tell me that I haven't done a damn thing to keep this site alive is bullshit. I had to do a double take to maker sure I was reading the post by Mark. Never seen you become so negative and trying to blame it all on me.
                            Monte I sent you an email. I apologized and said I was out of line. So please read it when you may.. Not being negative just being a member who wants the place to prosper. Not my style to be negative... Ever.. Once again I came off wrong and mean no harm... I hope you know that. This is my home and always will be as strange as it may sound... Please read your mail


                            • #44
                              Monte.. Hey one more thing.. People want you here.. They want to see the site owner.. Make sense or not? Please read more in my email but when you speak people listen... As you are the owner.. When I see a bc thread I click on it... Take care buddy... Hope you are ok and we can talk offline if you want...


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                                MCP has left before as for Weazel I don't know what's going on with him. And for you to tell me that I haven't done a damn thing to keep this site alive is bullshit. I had to do a double take to maker sure I was reading the post by Mark. Never seen you become so negative and trying to blame it all on me.
                                monte i can not speak for Bryce but i can speak for myself but i really have not given much thought about all of the things that has to be done behind the scenes to keep this site running.I never really thought about you having to pay for servers and all of the other cost that come from your pockets.Without you alot of us would have never ever been friends and i personally thank you for all that you have done.I was and i am sure many here are seeing things our way but after your explanation i can see that you are still doing your best.We all take for granted what we have here and looking from our side we see the site owner not posting for a while we think you dont care.I now understand what you are going through and feel bad and will be praying for ya.Never really thought about this being your job.Sorry and if anything i can do to help just let me know,
                                MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
                                HUGE PLAYS 2-1

                                NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
                                0-0TOP PLAYS

                                NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

                                4-1 TOP PLAYS

                                GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

                                AS of 6/3/12

