Around here either Vol, even in Chapel Hill......Actually sorry for the way I said it, just when a carloina fan speaks bad of DUKE, well, it brings out the worst in us
..........I've listen to carolina fans whine and cry all of my life around here..........when you don't hand them something, they blame everyone but themselves.....I've just never seen anyone cry like a carolina fan
I do think the NIT has some very good teams in it this year and probably the biggest name schools they've ever had.....Should be a good tournament............I just hope all the refs are from carolina tonight when Bill and Mary thumps that butt.........I just can't take hearing them cry about the Refs
lol, had to poke at the tarbabies
Sorry again, I'm just a Dookie
Crap, hard to beat this time of let me go pray that Duke doesn't lose the first game
just kidding, see you in the final 4!!!
