Originally posted by Kaptain
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I still umpire high school baseball, but I had to give up high school basketball. I "retired" last year when I realized that my buff chest I had at 19 was now by my belt

I haven't reached the stage yet to give up baseball because I still love the game and I have gone back to working out so that I can lose a little of what "chest is by my belt". When I reach the stage where I feel I can't give the players the game they deserve, I will quit.
I also run an umpires association. We get paid well. The problem with getting "young bucks" to learn and work the games is the fact that they don't want to put up with the bullshit from parents and ignorant coaches.
To officiate college ball, which I did years ago, you have to have proper training, which means starting at the rec ball and high school level. Even though we get paid well, younger guys don't want to do it because of the abuse that is given out by parents and coaches who "think" they know the rules.
This hurts getting younger blood at the college level and that is why some of us "old, fat, farts" still have to work. You would be shocked at the number of "old" guys who are begged to work because we need bodies out there. It is a trickle effect.
Some guys should not be out there and some of them know that - some don't. But, the ones that know it are begged not to quit because there is no one competent to replace them. Baseball is the worst because of the abuse.
It sucks but its true.
I could give a baseball test here or anywhere to the so called "experts" and I promise that if no one cheated and used a rule book (you shouldn't need it if you know so much), 60% or more would fail.
There are guys that should not be there because of age but there are not many knocking down the door to take their place.