I'm not going Savage on you guys but just looking to see if anyone agrees with me.
It's no secret about the shitty officials we have been dealing with here in the SEC and probably in all sports.Saturday against Alabama my Vols had 9 penalties to Alabama's one
My question for you guys and I hope some of you "old" guys don't get offended but these refs are to old to keep up with the game these days.The game is so fast we need a crop of young guys to come in with sharp minds officiating these games.Not only for sharp minds but for saftey.Hell I saw a ref get run over in the Pitt game when Minnesota ran that kickoff back that guy looked 60 years old.The mind and legs ain't as sharp at that age IMO.What do you guys think?

It's no secret about the shitty officials we have been dealing with here in the SEC and probably in all sports.Saturday against Alabama my Vols had 9 penalties to Alabama's one
