Well, somebody knows something because teams don't drop solid relievers who throw heat. I smell a rat
The last I heard, the Red Sox and all other teams have team doctors and trainers and there are such things ax Xrays and MRI's to check his elboe, arm, shoulder and all other parts of his anatomy for that matter.
The Sox gave Smoltz a chance after serious shoulder surgery, waited way too long, and then finally released him because he failed.
Now they have chosen to give Wagner a chance, a lefthanded pitcher who might possibly fill a void on the team.
I simply hope that the Sox learned their lesson with Smoltz and won't be quite as patient with Wagner if things go real bad.
Overall I think it is a good move on the Sox part, and at this point where it is now apparent that the only road to the playoffs is via the wildcard, and since the bullpen has been slipping a bit of late, what do they have to lose except money?
wayne, this split salad guy is a complete jerk-off!!!!! this mavs kidd. must want to blow jasonkidd everynight has no idea what he is talking about. why bother dealing with stupid nonsense from a non redsox fan!!!!!!!! if i'm the redsox, i would take a chance on billy wagner. i watched him pitch and he looked really fucking good. why not take a chance. your team really needs a set up man and wagner is willing to do it this year and close next year. mets already have putz and krod and while they really need a lefty. wagner wants to close next year and told the mets that. this trade will go down. mets may have to eat part of salary but they suck and need prospects!!! i may bitch and complain about bad bullpens and closers but i know what the fuck i'm talking about. sorry wayne that you had to deal with alot of nonsense last night!!!!!!!!
your word is your bond
I don't get it either trims. Wagner was a beast from the left side for a long time and he is worth a shot. I don't understand how anybody can say it is a horrible chance to take. It isn't like they are trading Buchholz or somebody to get him so why not?
anytime you can get a lefty setup man and lets be honest here. you could possible have 2 solid closers . papelbon sometimes is overused and has not been as good as the past couple years. wagner is 38 but from what i hear about this tommy john surgery. its possible his arm could be better and stronger than the past and he is fresh!!!! as a mets fan, wagner has been real good at times and real bad but WHAT CLOSER HASN"T EXCEPT FOR RIVERA!!!!!! so with that. if wagner can be anything like thursday night. you got a steal!!!!! take a shot. 2 million not a big deal to redsox nation and after what the yankees did last night. any pitching will help. good luck to you my man and i have been out of control lately with some threads. been frustrated!!!!!!!! i will calm down!!!!!
your word is your bond
No need to calm down trims. That was one of the reasons for the forum change. We just didn't want a bunch of screaming threads mixed in with everybody's pick threads. Now, they are in seperate forums so go nuts!
No need to calm down trims. That was one of the reasons for the forum change. We just didn't want a bunch of screaming threads mixed in with everybody's pick threads. Now, they are in seperate forums so go nuts!
i must admit i glad you guys did that!!!! that was a smart move and gives guys the freedom to vent or express there thoughts without pissing anyone off i guess. lately i think ive pissed everyone off. i see a trend happening over and over drives me nuts. but i understand its part of the game. bullpens are just bad lately and cost me alot of loot. guess take good with the bad!!!!
your word is your bond