it was just one of the worst choke jobs in NBA history
As a Celtics fan, i'll take it!
One call doesn't sugarcoat blowing a 10 point lead with 5 minutes to go. I agree. The call was horrible but as a C's fan, i am fine with it and i can't believe the Magic went "POOF" with their lead that quickly. Damn .........
Jimmy, why do you make it personal...did I ever? Just shared an opinion. I could be very wrong, I just don't think there wa sa replay that showed something to reverse what I saw wathcing it live. It is called an opinion.... I didn't get obnoxious about it and never called you blind. If I thought the ball did not hit the rim there would have been nothing in those replays to reverse that thinking...
It was mor epleasant when you weren;t bitching abut something every night....
How exactly did I make it personal? Please enlighten me!!!
If they looked at the replay and couldn't tell either way, guess what, JUMP BALL.
But when 3J first saw it, it ABSOLUTELY hit the rim so rather than him being blind, WE'RE ALL BLIND!!!
I am sure they will show this on ESPN 50 times tonight and dissect it 1001 ways...and if I am wrong, and since I seem to be the only one that thought it hit the rim that is very likey, it will only be the 20th time I was wrong today.
Unlike others, I don't think everything I say is bible or always correct. As I have said before, having an opinion and being able to share it with others on a grea tchat board with most others who respect a different opnion and being able to discuss it in a respectful manner, is what makes sports great.
I am sure they will show this on ESPN 50 times tonight and dissect it 1001 ways...and if I am wrong, and since I seem to be the only one that thought it hit the rim that is very likey, it will only be the 20th time I was wrong today.
Unlike others, I don't think everything I say is bible or always correct. As I have said before, having an opinion and being able to share it with others on a grea tchat board with most others who respect a different opnion and being able to discuss it in a respectful manner, is what makes sports great.
Again, I don't think it hit the rim, but I could be wrong. Again, my pt was why not even look at it on replay?
imo, i rewinded my dvr and watched it several times............. The call was a sc violation, and there was absolutely zero evidence to reverse that call. That call imo was worse and more questionable than the "no-foul" on melo. That imo, was truly an awful call.
i too rewinded it and just suffered watching it 3 more times
it wasnt even fuking close !!!!!!!!
The fuking ball hit the fuking bottom of the fuking net
if im orlando i tell the nba to stick their upcoming
"apology" up their fuking ass
But That Ball Didnt Hit The Fuking Rim And You Guys Know It
With A One Point Lead And 30 Seconds Left It Was A Crucial Part Of The Game And Pretty Has A Big Impact On The Outcome Of The Game
Dino, Screw reading lines man. It looks like reading refs is the way to go. You could take the frank b approach and not watch the games. I think it would add about 5 years to your life!
One call doesn't sugarcoat blowing a 10 point lead with 5 minutes to go. I agree. The call was horrible but as a c's fan, i am fine with it and i can't believe the magic went "poof" with their lead that quickly. Damn .........
very very true wayne
they choked
but it want like boston was up 5-6 points when it happened
it was a one point game with 35 seconds left - should of been orlando ball
nONE OF US WILL EVER KNOW IF IT HIT THE RIM. Question remains: Why not review it????????????????????????????
I'll tell you why:
Because if they reviewed it, everyone will tell you that, that was not conclusive evidence. You can say it looks like it "might" have hit the rim. But without a shadow of a doubt, they can't reverse it. So jump ball right???? Howard's on the floor, vs. who? Kendrick Perkins? Sorry but Orlando would have gotten the ball.
I don't gripe about the refs or umps or whoever very often, even when my Mavs lost I wasn't too pissed about that call. IMO, this call was worse. Way worse. Because this time they didn't call it wrong, they called it RIGHT, and then had the gaul to overturn it without even looking at things.
This is a time when I wish I had tivo, woukd love to see it over and over again and I'm still dumbfounded that they didn't look at it again.
I would think there had to be one official that thought he clearly saw it hit the rim for them not to look at a replay (are they even allowed to look at a replay in that spot?)...and, I believe it was the official standing near Van Gundy that overruled the call...perhaps that was the best angle and why VG didn't argue???? I am sure we will find out soon.....