Originally posted by wayne1218
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Calipari is stealing kids that Memphis paid for. You want to tell me I'm wrong? Fine. You want to act as if "it's all up to the kids" That's fine as well. My stance on this, is that Calipari is an asshole who has used University funds, solely for his own advancement. It gets tiring arguing the same point in circles when I'm on my own.
As a Memphis fan, Calipari has completely screwed our team over. Yesterday, 3 of the top 5 in the nation were in our pocket, and today BECAUSE CALIPARI IS LEAVING, these kids are too. So sue me for blaming Calipari......
You guys want me to see your point about this that and the other thing. And I accept those things, that's all fine, but I don't think that one of you, not one, sees my point about how one man has taken one team and completely did a 180 on it in ONE DAY.
Fire away all you want.