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  • WS-I sold my remaining idco at 1.92 and bought some more wlsf at .66.
    I will add a lot more if it goes into .50's.
    I feel as strongly now about buying it as I did when I started the thread;of course there is no guarantee I am right. lol
    Last edited by savage1; 02-24-2005, 11:34 AM.


    • Savage,

      You know how skeptical I am concerning anything that is half of the concern. I am interested in seeing how this pans out..there is definately a sellers bias to this stock over the last month or so..almost since the first of the year actually.

      I will be watching for sure!


      • WS-time will tell. I also just bought 5K more mrkl at .52. I think that is seriously undervalued also.


        • WS-Hot off the presses and just received today-the next two can't miss get rich stocks-mining stocks of course:
          I am not buying them, as I have several drawers of my bureau filled with other magazines promising the same thing with other similar stocks;I haven't checked the stock prices but I would bet most of them are down significantly from the price at which they were recommended.


          • WS-If mrkl starts to tank bad, I am going to sell the 5K I bought today, because then it would indicate that there is something wrong which is probably known only to a few.
            That stock was $4+ at one time last year.


            • WS-I bought some more wlsf today at .71;check out the news re: the rollout.
              I am not up to 40000 shares and hoping/praying.
              Ps Above holdings ares peanuts;there are a number of posters at Raging Bull, who have several hundred thousand shares or even a lot more.
              For me 40000 shares is a big investment in my privately managed portfolio.
              I let the big boys manage my big account, because with my gambling instinct, if I had access to money in there, I probably would think nothing about increasing the shares of this stock to 250000 or so shares;I don't want to do that, because as you well know, there are no guarantees when it comes to these kind of stocks-Hello cln.
              Last edited by savage1; 02-25-2005, 11:58 AM.


              • Savage,

                I swear today I had an order in to sell this horrible dog stock in an account of mine to swap into WLSF..I didnt see the news but it makes sense.

                40k shares is too many if you ask me..that 28k could buy you some YHOO or GOOG or KMG or somthing legit my friend! I agree with you on the professional are wise to do that. I wish I could talk you out of these crap stocks..because we both know they are crap shoot could lose it all and it wouldnt be shocking.

                So what will it take to get you off the BB drugs you are on? haha

                Nice move for WLSF, CLN is up a bit..good..I see that IDCO hit 2 bucks yesterday..that one moves a bunch too.

                As for me I am looking at ASTM for a small trade..just for today..I dont see bargains out there yet that make me want to spend my cash..


                • WS-I don't think 40 thousand shares is too much;thats only 32K, and as stated I think this stock could be a homerun ;you yourself sometimes invest 25K at a whack, no?
                  I remember at one point my 5k holdings of iatv which I did not sell in timely manner(I talked about that on one of sports threads) was worth 250K;thus 32 K is not that big.
                  In any case, the types of solid stocks you mentioned are in the professionally managed account, and I see no harm with going for the fences once in a while with my own picks especially when I BELIEVE!
                  I do respect your opinion as always though.
                  ps It may be a short term bounce only, but stock is back to $.80 already.
                  Also, you may not have gotten in at .66 and low.70's as I did, but in long run it may not matter even if you buy now.
                  ps I forgot to say-I didn't buy those shitty mining stocks, but I did buy dbtc today(diabetes stock). Yeah it is hyped but as with wlsf, I like the concept(bought 3000 shares at .47).
                  Also good luck with astm;I probably should own that or stemj, as I think there is a great future in that industry also.
                  Last edited by savage1; 02-25-2005, 04:00 PM.


                  • WS-No big deal but sold 2000 of the wlsf shares today at .84, which I purchased at .66.
                    I am still holding 38000 shares and still believe this stock has mega potential.


                    • Savage,

                      I think 40k of a BB stock is a ton of shares..and you are right about me and 25k plus on a stock..but my horizon is different with those sink in the cash and hold, I dont wait around..if I buy and it drops even 5% I bail..questions later, bail

                      I just would like you to speculate on stronger stocks with better pedigrees than what you do somtimes. I think you are smart and could outperform your professional account. If you dedicated your efforts to stocks that met a higher standard, you could do better than what your advisor is..

                      I like how WLSF is acting, but like you say there is plenty of time before their roll out..I expect to see a dip, but watching it today, I dont see much out there but buying.


                      • WS- I may be smart but lack discipline to manage the big managed account;that big account is loaded with big solid companies with nice dividends, and I have it set up in such a way that they send me a little less than 2K a month to supplement an already nice pension from my job;if I managed the account, I would probably buy the same kind of sh-t I buy in the account I manage.
                        At age 60 I know myself and my limitations, and the fact that I am a gambler is precisely the reason I have a managed account and why I don't bet big;I am too compulsive and don't want to risk losing a lot in either the market or sports on my own.
                        I have a 10 year old to put through college, and believe me, while you might do better than these guys(they have an outstanding documented record over the years on the other hand by anyone's standards-no Jack Price, ****** Demarco bs here), I don't trsut myself;past experience and gut feeling says go with the current mix.
                        You know WS I have pissed away many and I mean,many thousands of dollars over the years in gambling, stocks, especially options, etc. (I don't buy latter any more).
                        When my father passed away in 2003, I told myself that I was not going to touch that money(the managed account) except for emergencies, and I have lived up to that.
                        Some day, hopefully many years from now, when my mom passes(she is 85) and I receive a LOT more money than I have even now, I am going to use the same philosophy-have fun with my own managed account bu tlet the big boys run the rest;I do want my daughter to be well off when I die.
                        Anyways, sorry for the rambling, but I just wanted to give you a picture of where I am coming from.
                        ps Hope your trading is going well and that overall your life is happy;that is what counts.


                        • WS-My pyto is up .17 today-I wonder why.


                          • ps WS-I am sorry if I told you the same story before in my long rant-can't remember if I did or not.


                            • Savage,

                              I hadnt heard that story before..I sure appreciate the insight. I think I came off wrong after reading my message...I meant that your "FUN" account could outperform that pro account on a percentage basis..not for you to take over the account.I think we went over that view point last year, right? I think the ammt of money you have in the fun account could do better if you stopped with the BB stocks. I did the same as you..played options and BB stocks in my early market years..I stopped them both and have done great due to not gambling so much.

                              I am a bit shocked at you having a 10 yr what a life changer that had to be!!


                              • WS-Oh yeah.My darling(daughter) keeps me young;I got started late in life.
                                I wasn't much use when she was a baby-not good at changing diapers, etc., but now it is so much fun to watch her grow up, help her with her homework, teach her thongs like the fine art of handicapping games and picking stocks(just kidding), etc.
                                Back to stocks-I could do a lot better over time if I bought more quality stocks than the usual overall garbage.
                                Sure-stocks like wlsf come along once in a while(until recently anyways), but over time, they do no make up for the cln's and the other multidude of crap out there.
                                I guess penny stocks fuel my gambling instincts and desire to make a quick buck;I have no argument with your basic premise.

