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  • Savage,

    That rule isnt new at all..when I worked for a firm in Philly we ran into this exact problem all the time. The whole issue is that if you make buy #1 and sell, that is fine..but once you buy 1, sell 1 and buy the SAME one again without settlement, then the firm in a sense is floating you the money until settlement. I had a compliance officer that I worked with that it was his crusade to block accounts where this happened. People would want to free ride without paying and this guy would go ape-shit over it.

    So the rule isnt new at just gotta have them take you OFF ACH and establish a money market where you hold funds. Thats what we did for a few guys..ACH is the problem because every buy and sell settles with your bank account. So take my advice and remove ACH..tell them you want to wire some funds into your account, establish a money market and let the funds stay there...does that make sense?

    On ASTM..I did ok with it..but my last batch I started way too high..I started at around 3.70 and nibbled all the way down to 3.19 having a total of 8k shares at a time..then I told myself if it broke 3.10 I was out..and it did, I was and even though the stock has bounced back, if I had held I would not have traded ALTI (5k shares of ALTI plus 8k shares of ASTM would take me on margin...) so hitting that stop was painful but it worked out for the best.

    Let me know if that makes sense...they can turn it off, then back on later if you want it.


    • WS-What you said does make sense, and I am simply going to leave sufficient cash there (at Q and R) rather than in my checking account at my bank;that way there is no question.
      I still don't know why several (not one) folks have told me rules did change somewhat in December.
      re: Astm-gotcha;I didn't realize it really got that high as $3.70;and to think I sold our way below $1.


      • Savage,

        Maybe the rules got stiffer or the penalties bigger, but our office manager and complance officer was bugged about this very thing years ago.

        One thing that is a positive..the int rate at Q&R for holding cash in a money market is going to be as good or better than your bank..and they can always debit or credit back and forth as you tell them to. We did it all the time and it sure beats getting those Reg T violations..I forget if it was reg T or what..but I saw them all the time..especially with people who only traded pinks and bb stocks..once in a while people would do that mistakenly on listed stocks too..overbuy and not pay.

        Thanks again for bringing that stock to my attention, I can use all the gains I can get.

        In my longer term account I had to sell a stock at a big loss..ECST..I had high hopes for them but the street thinks otherwise and I had to sell for a fat loss. I am also getting clocked on LU..what a dog..I kinda got talked into that you recall I didnt like them back when it was over 4 bucks..but I thought they had turned a corner..what a mistake. I am going to hold it though longer term. I am looking at KKD for a trade too..high risk trade..maybe MWY instead..there are several..



        • Hi WS-thanks for your take and info; as always it is helpful.
          To tell you the truth until you mentioned it, I hadn't looked at LU in a longtime;you must have paid on the higher end of trading range if you are way behind.
          I was looking at NT but never pulled the trigger;it isn't doing much either.
          I may unload my remaining 2000 shares of idco soon;I still don't fully have confidence in it, and the multiple mailings by another of paid advertisers at the same time makes me suspicious;.in sportshandicapping as you know they would be called touts.


          • That insight on BHMNF is starting to payoff. How long do you ride this thing?


            • Originally posted by Brennanleroy
              That insight on BHMNF is starting to payoff. How long do you ride this thing?
              I have a few thousand shares left and have made a decent profit. I sold the remainder between $2.55 and $.260.


              • WS-I have to say that as much as I am in wlsf for the long haul, it has been disconcerting to see stock price drop so fat when news appears(that is the key word) to be good;I guess on the other hand folks are wondering why one of insiders filed to dump about 1.5 million shares;it makes you wonder.
                I sure hope this isn't cln reincarnated.


                • Savage,

                  You gotta decide when enough is enough. I think the euphoria has passed and reality has set in. The endeavor of selling cigs is very costly..I was shocked the stock ran like it did.

         and out of ALTI again today..made 1k.


                  • WS-Well first of all congrats on alti.
                    On Raging Bull, there is a guy who used to work for MO really knows them how,how they operate and seems to have a great handle on them and wlsf.
                    He is very optimistic and thinks stock will be 5 by August and 30 in next few years;obviously that is very optimistic, but I think stock will hit $2 at least sometime this year;lets see what happens.
                    I have been adding to position in low 70's but probably won't buy more if it sinks into 60's.


                    • Hey Frank-I guess one thing we can agree upon is that pro wrestling is "not always" on the up and up. lol


                      • Savage What Is Jack Prices Or Cory Whatever His Names Comp Line Number I Want To Hear That Voice Again..thanks Cokes


                        • Savage,

                          I could go on ragingbull and say I was the president of Doral and nobody could say otherwise.. I cannot see 5 bucks unless they launch and then try and get listed once it went great. There are just too many barriers to entry to think a stock will 8X in one year..that would put its valuation over 500M and getting close to 1B..

                          Of course I always root for you and I even think these levels might be worth buying some.. Looking at a year chart, it looks like 55 cents would be a level of support..hope it doesnt go there but I am going to wait..just like CLN..I will let the market decide what happens and not try to be a hero..


                          • Originally posted by cokes
                            Savage What Is Jack Prices Or Cory Whatever His Names Comp Line Number I Want To Hear That Voice Again..thanks Cokes
                            Cokes-I posted it the first time you asked on service thread. 18887573777.
                            You can always click on a poster's name and view his past posts.
                            Have fun with the call.
                            ps Someone else said something funny about these guys on service thread after my post.


                            • WS-True but remember when I started off thread and said it was a screaming buy in the low .20's, I believe you were not exactly enthralled.
                              I really believe if not this year, then certainly within 2 years, this stock will see $5.
                              If Vegas put out a line on this. I would jump at it fast and even bigger if the line was $ 2 for the next 12 months;thats how confident I am with this company.
                              ps Of course I Have been wrong sometimes as with cln, but I think these guys are on more solid footing;saving lives from cancer is important,-no one can argue with that.


                              • PS In all fairness, WS, you didn't slam it either when I posted it was a buy at .62(equal to .21 after the split).

