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  • Hi Wallstreet-Just to let you know that I added some more bhmnf today;my man says something big is going to happen this week.
    Obviously its a shot, but I am willing to take it;he says he has 26000 shares;lets see what happens;the stock has been moving gradually upwards.
    Anyone else who reads this-please DO NOT invest in this company unless you can afford to see your money dwindle quickly if the information is bogus and/or timing is incorrect.


    • Wallstreet-Not to boast, but I am sure glad I kept my stem;even George Bush can't stand in the way of medical progress.


      • Savage.

        The news helped a TON..

        Good job.


        • this is good



          • Just sold 500 shares of stem at 5.71-don't want to get too greedy.
            I still have 1500 left with a nice profit now.
            It just goes to show how shortsided people are;many thought simply because George "anti-medical progress" Bush was re-elected, he could hold stymie this area and thus the price of the stock.


            • Savage,

              Nice going!

              I think the stock goes higher..did you read the reason that the stock is up?

              They are potentially entering a new segment for business, or how shall I say, they are exploring into new areas for them..and it could be a big deal going forward.

              I am trying to buy some (crazy huh) on a real big order is far out but I expect 6 bucks by tomorrow just on the volume and momo here..

              What a stinking pisser huh? I sold right but never bot back...


              • Hi Wallstreet-I know a little about the news but have learned from past mistakes to always sell some of your shares when there is a nice pop;by my way of thinking it doesn't matter if you have 100000 shares or as the case here a mere 2000-the same principle applies.
                Of course, I will buy those shares back and maybe even more if price drops.


                • Savage,

                  I agree..we both know that selling into strength is a very smart move, especially when you only sold 20%.

                  Man this market is getting rocked..very interesting.

                  I bot 4k shares of STEM at 5.45, looking for a strong close..thinking of selling here in a bit..I need a gain for every 5 losers I have..



                  • Good move on stem on your part!!! It is rocking.
                    ps I sold 25% shares of stem not 20%, as I had just 2000;I may have had 2500 or even 3000 or more earlier,;I will have to check; if so, then your 20% would have been correct.
                    Last edited by savage1; 01-04-2005, 08:44 PM.


                    • Savage,

                      I took a stupid profit..damn it.

                      I sold way too early, stock was teetering and I took a small profit..

                      Crap..I always do that..

                      But a baby profit isnt bad.. 400 bucks.


                      • Wallstreet-I am confused. Did you buy 4K shares and sell them after a $.10 gain?
                        Tell me exactly what you did.
                        No matter what-you made money, and that is what counts;you can always buy back.


                        • Savage,

                          Yep....but stock went to 6, I was just bitching..



                          • Wallstreet-I have done that many a time.


                            • Wallstreet-the guy who likes bhmnf informed tonight he has over 300000 shares of tgen (you read it right) at an average of 1.33 and looks for big things soon.
                              I had a modest amount of shares (compared to his) at one time and made some money;check it out and tell me what you think.


                              • Savage,

                                I have seen worse buck stocks I guess..during the bubble in 2k it hit 20 bucks, chart looks decent..not great but decent. Market cap is a bit large at 136M.

                                Net income looks choppy quarter to quarter, they are losing money every single quarter. It looks like they have enough cash to finance losses for another 18 months and a year ago they did a finance getting them 20M..and since then they have burned through 10M of that. Dont look at retained is hideous.

                                If this guy knows of some kind of breakthrough they are going to annouce then you might be onto somthing..but this stock has really lousy fundamentals..burning cash and tons of shares out know how I feel about that. I havent see a 10K for this but I bet there is a semi going concern in the language..because when you burn like this there is no promise that funding will continue, thus any auditor with a brain would make the conclusion that unless they stop burning they could go get what I mean there.

                                It could be a big hit if somthing comes from what they do..but rolling the dice with a biotech is similar to a BB guarantees and the odds are against you..

                                Not that it helps but I will always shoot straight with you..

