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  • Wallstreet-let me know when you sell stem;.I imay follow suit or sell at least 1/2(1000 out of 2000 shares).


    • Wallstreet-I don't know what price of stem will be when you read this;right now it is at 3.78.
      My question is having bought 1000 shares at 3.61 and 1000 shares at 3.11, do you think I should sell some now(assuming it is still 3.78), maybe half or should I wait?
      I think I will wait now that it is down to 3.69 again.
      Last edited by savage1; 10-29-2004, 10:56 AM.


      • Savage,

        I was thinking about this earlier today..before I came online.. The time to take profits to me is on will be one day before the elections and there will be anticipation of the Prop 71 passing.. I think the stock goes higher on Monday. Tuesday unless both barrels hit I think the stock could go lower. Now that might mean that we are OUT and get back in..but I think the odds are the stock goes lower I could be 100% wrong, that is why I think I will leave a little on the table for Tues just in case we get a double..but I will have taken profits on some too.

        Do what makes you sleep better..your average basis is 3.40 or so (including comissions), that means you are up 600 bucks right now. If you are happy making 600 take it all off the table, or half of it.. I think you are doing great!!!

        I am up but not nearly what you are..I didnt get a full position in..I should have but didnt..


        • I mist have missed it;the sucker actually hit 3.91 earlier. I know at that price I would have sold 1000 shares if not all.
          ps Check out an "interesting" comp. play I just posted in the service thread.


          • Savage,

            Who is the RoosterMan??

            I am miffed.. I signed up with MVP and had to give a phone number..lucky I gave a cell number, I have never had more calls from scam dippers than since I signed up there. It is unreal. Now I ignore all calls that are unlisted, private or have some odd area code that I dont recognize.

            I got killed in the first part of foots, this year has been awful in sports betting for me so I have been laying low so to speak lately.

            STEM looking really decent today. Great volume and decent price action..lets see if she moves back to the highs before the close.


            • Hey Wallstreet- now check the sports service section for the ad Roosterman is running;it sounds like a fair deal to me. :D


              • I just sold 1000 shares of stem at 3.81 and will keep the remaining 1000 shares;why get greedy?


                • Savage,

                  Nice is never wrong to sell a winning position.

                  Stock looks great...3.87 here..Higher highs would mean we see the 4's today or Monday..

                  And I will pass on the cock fights..


                  Sounds like a Gaston ad..


                  • Wallstreet- I just added to my ad for RoosterSports to accommodate Knowlez if you rememeber who he is.


                    • Savage,

                      STEM looks good this morning..

                      I am trying to sell at 4.20, to buy back later in the day.

                      Even at 3.60 you are looking good..


                      • Wallstreet-Good morning.
                        Thanks for the headsup on stem;I may follow you and sell remain shares and try to buy back.
                        ps I don't ususally see you posting this early.


                        • Savage,

                          PHX is in MST now...


                          Looking at ISON, AAII,DAL,DCLK


                          • OUT

                            looks great..maybe I regret the trade?


                            • I just sold mine at 4.15 and am very happy with nice profit I made on the 2000 shares I owned.
                              Thanks a lot Wallstreet for that pick; stock may go higher but will coattail you as to when/if to get back in.


                              • Savage,

                                Check out AAII

                                On the move, down from much higher prices..

                                I should have bot when I first posted it.

                                Have a 1/4 order in at 3.85

