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  • Savage,

    I should have been here early to advise you..if we had looked at the news (it wasnt horrible, but not really bullish) than we would either have waited or waited for lower prices. Given that though I still think we have great potential on this stock.

    And you arent alone on the doom/gloom feeling..I feel that way, epecially on the sell side..when I sell it is always when the move is like 10%

    Watch HAL run to 40 in a week..

    Also keep in mind that mania has different names today... MACE and a few others that are taking the $$$ lets see what tomorrow and the rest of the week brings.

    But I stick with the sell point...I didnt see it but should have bot at 3.05

    I am ticked at DAL too....stock under 3 a week ago, now hunting 5..


    • Savage,

      Getting closer..,r14&c=

      Not low enough, but constricting Bollinger bands and RSI lowering, we are getting close to a buy entry...

      edit) You watching Trump's company? DJTC- been on a big tear this week..
      Last edited by wallstreet; 10-26-2004, 03:33 PM.


      • Walstreet-Appreciate the commentary and "condolences"(hopefully not with stem).
        We need a "fix" so that Kerry wins(and in my humble opinion for a lot more reasons other than the price of stem).
        I am eyeing ugho;mr mrkl was up slightly today.


        • Wallstreet-Here is the latest touted stock from the "Homerun Stock Alert." NSEO. It is being at a low projection of $6 to a high of $8.
          I have received others in last few weeks but don't want to bore you with them.
          I doubt I will buy it but wanted to pass it along.


          • Savage,

            I dont mind you bringing those picks here, I imagine others would like to hear too..

            What you could do is copy the message and if you want me to look into one specify and I will always be able to on any stock.

            For how bad the stock seemed, we arent that bad off at all..and the upside potential is very good..

            I wanted to short MACE, but didnt.

            Go Sox!


            • Wallstreet-give me a quick impression on that NESO if you get a chance.
              Is it all smoke and mirrors like most of these stocks, or is there anything to look at?


              • Savage,

                Looks interesting..near its 52 week high.

                Negative is they did a 1 for 10 RS last year..but I would take that over a split like WLSF

                The chart looks great. Based on previous activity it should consolidate like after the run from 4 to 4.50 and 3.50 to 4.

                I dont like seeing that the top managment are making 177k and 181k..

                Here is a profile..

                Real quick on the Income Stmt- burning cash strongly, revenue choppy.

                Balance sheet improved since they obviously either sold some shares or got some funding since Dec.. They have a huge negative retained earnings, meaning they have been carrying a TON of losses.


                But we know these things, that is why they are on the BB and arent alone..

                Read this before you buy a share, the most recent 8-K filing.

                Then once you have done that, make your mind up and live with the trade by not letting it turn into a bad trade..setting that stop after building a position and then not letting it go against you.

                I wouldnt rush into the stock, if you decide to get in thinking it has more to run, buy in 1/4 pieces so if you make a mistake it isnt fatal..


                • Wallstreet-Thanks for the great analysis.
                  Right now I am just hoping Sox hang on to make it 3-0.
                  Did you see my value on other thread-Something to Ponder?
                  Talk about value!
                  So far this game reminds me of a stock-virtually everyone was on St. Louis tonight;that means goe the other way.
                  What should we do in the market usually when everyone is buying or everyone is selling? Same thing as in who to have bet tonight.


                  • Savage,

                    I think Pedro was a dog because of his poor previous showings. If I were betting I would not have taken him myself.

                    You are right though, like the market it is wise to buy when selling is the strongest and sell on buying strength...using research and experience of course.

                    I dont think we see game 6.

                    One last thing....I am so happy Rolen is sucking a$$, he really pissed me off how he treated Philly so poorly. Couldnt happen to a worse player. Oh and I dont like the coach either..

                    Congrats! 3-0 looking good!


                    • Wallstreet- I still think Martinez should be favored slightly against Red Sox reject Suppan or at least a pick; no way he should be a dog.


                      • Savage,

                        Also add that Vegas thought St.Louis would get 1 win at least..first game being the best chance?

                        I almost made a trade today..on this dummy ZTEL stock..had it at .75 but thought it was hot at a

                        STEM doing better today..not sure your overall basis but you are hanging in I imagine?

                        edit) man I was too bearish on ISON..hit our target buy and now to 4 bucks..
                        Last edited by wallstreet; 10-27-2004, 10:05 AM.


                        • Wallstreet-As stated in my mind there is no way a Future Hall of Famer should be an underdog to a historical grade C pitcher I don't care where game is being played.
                          RE; Look at stem. Now I am actually ahead with 1000 shares putchased at 3.66 and 1000 shares at 3.11(near low of the day).
                          Hope we both make a nice hit on this one;keep me advised, although I am not sure I want to trade this one;I might make it a core holding especially IF Kerry wins.


                          • Savage,

                            I wouldnt hold STEM as a core holding..I would sell the week that the elections were over if he would get another chance down the road to buy again...

                            STEM looks is the conference buying and overselling on that earnings yesterday..

                            I did buy some of that ZTEL, for .80 and looking for .05 on the trade..just a 5k share trade here..

                            Lowe had a great outing last time, I hope they close it out tonite..


                            • Out on the trade at .86

                              Not bad for 20 min...


                              • Wallstreet-Congrats. on the nice trade.
                                I don't want to get ahead of myself;if stem has a big move, I guess I would sell 1/2 of the shares(1000) or maybe all;lets just take it as they say (I hate this cliche) one (trading) day at a time,

