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  • Savage,

    Looks like we have only a few days to earn you some Red Sox bucks..

    I have done that a few times..take trading profits and had fun with them..

    Maybe we can hit one or two this week and make your budget a little bigger.

    STEM below this is tempting. I might bite if she gets below 3.70 soon here.

    edit) placed a day order for 1/4 position at 3.65


    • Wallstreet-I would rather they finish this series in St. Louis(actually I will be reasonably happy to just win one game there).
      I think you are correct though;a few hundred or so trading / winning bucks might help to loosen me up a little should series return to Fenway and should I fail to negotiate my $300 deal for a standing room only ticket.
      That Dime Guy had some great suggestions about waiting until game time to buy;supply and demand factors might be in my favor then, but then again who knows how many people have the same idea.
      Last edited by savage1; 10-26-2004, 09:20 AM.


      • Savage,

        Me too..I would rather they win quick..get it over with.

        And on the stock tomorrow..sorry I cant be here really early but will post when/if I see an entry. If you are watching in the first hour and you see a big drop, it will likely be worth a shot since the conference is on Wed and the Prop vote isnt until next week..plenty of catalyst to get you some $$$$$

        And good luck if you try and go to the game!


        • Bought stem (only 1000 shares of 3.61). It was actually lower but couldn't get any shares as it moved quick.
          Lets see what happens;hopefully you get your order filled and price goes up.
          I might sell if it goes below $3.40 or so.
          It has already headed lower;fcorget what I said. I am going to wait a while before panicking and selling. I am NOT going to buy any more just yet.
          Last edited by savage1; 10-26-2004, 09:40 AM.


          • I decided I am going to keep this for a while, as stock has great potential.
            If I can hold on to crappy astm and lose, then I can sure as heck be patient here.
            Obviously if stock really soared for no reason real fast, I might re-evaluate.
            I didn't get the low price of the today ,but it is a heck of a lot lower than the high yesterday.
            I am going to enter a day order to buy another 1000 shares at 2.90,which is 20% lower than my entry price.
            Last edited by savage1; 10-26-2004, 10:25 AM.


            • Savage,

              Good purchase..I just got in and will check it out, place an order and let you know what I do.

              A few others that are moving...


              I placed an order at 3.35, let see what she does.

              I think there is another day or two of higher prices for this stock, but we both know if that Prop 71 misses, it will be time to bail..

              edit) I forgot to mention that we will know we have a winner if the latter part of the day that the stock goes to higher highs..
              Last edited by wallstreet; 10-26-2004, 11:35 AM.


              • Savage,

                Got the 3.35 of course, my add would be in the 3.05-3.10 area..

                I think my stop price is 2.80 ish..gotta let her go if it drops that far..not sure I will pull that trigger since I think there is a catalyst going forward this week..


                • Wallstreet-I hope your trade is successful, and I am going to take your advice and change buy order on second thousand shares from 2.90 to betweem 3.05-3.10.
                  If stock goes to original 2.90, I think I will sell 1/2 (1000) shares if not all.
                  I don't like their earnings report released today, in addition to fact that for this stock do well, it would seem Kerry has to win, which is very iffy right now.
                  Last edited by savage1; 10-26-2004, 12:34 PM.


                  • Savage,

                    I dont like seeing these lower lows..lets see if the last few hours sees the stock turn around. Normally seeing the action like this I would be quite pessimistic.

                    Trying to sell my HAL for a little gain..the stock has done very little since I bot it.

                    edit) Here is why the stock is still slumping-


                    I didnt see they were reporting today, and I sure dont like that they are selling shares even though it is a private transaction.
                    Last edited by wallstreet; 10-26-2004, 12:35 PM.


                    • I just bought 1000 shares of stem at 3.11.


                      • Savage,

                        We gotta see the trend reverse..and right now there are many more sellers than buyers..which is hopefully why we are getting great prices.

                        Just think..if Kerry wins we have a double on our hands!



                        • For now at least it appears I bought near bottom.
                          Someone on the chatline (raging bull) says stock could be a $200 stock someday(and the moon is made of cheese).


                          • It looks like stock is headed lower.
                            I may sell 1000 shares if it goes to 2.90.
                            I have bad luck with stocks like this.


                            • Savage,

                              The way I see it is this.. what do I have to risk on the downside vs what the very near term upside is.. I think the downside is 1 pt max..likely less..but the upside is 3. If both "barrels" go (prop 71 and Kerry winning) the stock could see 10..not trying to be over enthusiastic but it is true. If one hits the stock should see 5, maybe 6.. if none hit, then I imagine it sees 2 again.

                              For that kind of ratio of risk/reward to me it is worth the chance. We also dont have to hold a month to find out. The pop will be immediate.

                              Let me know what you think!

                              Sold the HAL today...good riddance! (for a 1 pt profit)


                              • Wallstreet-you make sense; I think after watching Sox fail for so many years(this year hopefully is the exception) that I am programmed to believe that initially when I buy a stock, it will go down.
                                I may coattail you on this one and/or listen to your advice based on technicals, etc.
                                Remember I bought 1000 shares at 3.61(ugh) and 1000 shares at 3.11.

