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Trade Thread III

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  • #61
    I am not sure about the wmv. But don't be sorry I was excited to see them but oh well. I love this picture now very much. I have a buddy that makes a bunch of crazy pictures about us that hang out together. I figured he would know how to do it. So I sent him some photos to crop for me. He fell in love with this picture too.!! LOL It is very easy to do. I went today for that deal. Things went very well so far. Will keep you updated.


    • #62
      I was just going to ask you how the deal went..I thought it was tomorrow. I expect that you will never take that deal again though, right?

      And dont worry about posting here, there are about 3 of us who frequent this area..if people were smart they would get accounts and trade with us..the last month was very nice for me.. making 3k plus is much better than betting games. But thats just me being a snob.

      I still cannot believe that deal...even if you were talked into the deal by some crooked salesman, you gotta be smarter than that and have a friend there who doesnt want the deal..

      I think you get what I


      • #63
        I agree 100%. Today was a suppresment hearing. Tomorrow was the real deal. But not now. How much would you say is a fair amount to start with if I would open an account. Remember I am poor right now. LOL I might try that with ya. If or when I get the money together to make it worth while.


        • #64

          You are going to think this is odd..but I would wait until you have money to really make it a go.

          Enough money meaning 5k or so.. that is the min I would even attempt to trade the market at. It isnt really enough, you can only get 1 position or two small ones, but to really have a shot it has to be that size of an acct.

          When I say trade, I mean trade real stocks too, not the pink sheets two cent stocks or the ones that are a buck.. the ones I trade arent 50 bucks, but the fundamentals I try and use are good for 5 bucks stocks, they are good for 50 buck stocks.

          So when that time comes, I am more than happy to share my thoughts and make money with you. It would be great if we had 10 people who really traded, I could learn from others and it could be a great experience. But what can you do..

          I hope the 4th of July is a good one for you..I think you made the right move in the email you sent out.. I have a story in that arena but it would take 5 hrs and it makes me I will save it for another day.

          Speaking of money, I need to get more to my offshore book..I keep losing do I keep losing it..



          • #65
            Thanks a million wallstreet. I will try to get that up and when I do I will be in touch over that. I know nothing about it except I hate fucking level 3. lvlt. Can't think of anything better than making money with the pals on BC.


            • #66

              Isnt Level 3 hilarious? Was getting killed..the Buffett invests and miraculously it runs to 6 or comes crashing down again.

              I think they either go under or get acquired..they are a small fish in a big pool full of sharks like LU..

              Another funny thing.. there are 100 LVLT's out there that were huge winners in 2000-2001, now are either gone or almost gone.


              • #67
                Oh I was so pissed. Like I say I know very little if anything about this stuff. I wanted to sell when they were at 140+. Everyone talked me out of it. Don't do that they are gonna go higher and split maybe triple don't be a fool. Well I still ended up a fool with no money. I totally agree. I thought Buffet would bring it back to some respectability. But never happened.


                • #68
                  Wallstreet-I sold a lot of the shit in the "fun" portfolio(penny and under a penny in some cases), and as you know already reaped quick benefits with Lucent which I bought just two days ago.
                  CLN is tough to part with, but if fundamentals disappear I will have to sell and move on.
                  My father was a very wise investor and did extremely well.
                  When I was starting off and saw mistakes I was making, he used to tell me that I was better off owning say 50 shares of quality $20 share than a thousand shares of a $1 stock for the most part.
                  Boy was he right and so are you!
                  ps obviously I didn't heed his advice;its never too late though.


                  • #69

                    Given the size of your fun account, it is never too late. At least you dont dabble in those 2 cent those are death.

                    I agree with your dad, but in this market you can own 1000 shares of a 5 buck stock that still does good business and you can make a nice hit, just like you did on LU. We both dont like LU for a huge trade, but you hit it nicely when everyone was bearish, and they were one of 50 stocks that made a nice return over the last week here.

                    Now lets do it again! I hate waiting for the market to dump, and now that I am about 80% cash again, thats what I have to do.

                    Also, side note, I think I sold SONSE too early, it is acting very well and could go much higher. I hope I get a chance to get back in..


                    • #70
                      Everything you say is right, wallstreet, and you are right;at this point in this account I can certainly afford 1000 0r 2000 shares of a $5 stock.
                      Its the same as in sports-stay with quality.
                      You would have been much better off last year with laying 160 or even 170 with a good team than chasing the($.02) Tigers every night.
                      ps the sad reality is that for now at least I am stuck with 29000 shares of a $.60 stock.:D


                      • #71

                        Bot 1/2 position SONSE @ 4.70

                        rumor of 10-K delay.

                        I wont mention my IPIX trades today..holy hell was I juked, it cost me 2k in profits today....


                        • #72

                          My friend from and a some few emails, which im not sure is pumping or not, think mobl is looking good right now. here is the latest email i got in my box...

                          Good Day: Great DD in here! .50 Target!
                          Have you guys seen MOBL and the stuff they have accomplished in 8
                          months and what they are projecting! 115 mil in revs and 21 mil in
                          ebitda earnings 6 mill in opertaing profits! From none last year!
                          and to be solidified in the next few months! Not too mention the
                          last 23 PRs their have been extremely stellar! And The MGt team
                          fortune 500 companies would kill for! Check this DD and see if its
                          worth a profile, and a buy from you guys as well! Look like a hero
                          profiling this unkown stock right now! Dollars soon! Check out this
                          DD and tell me this wont be over dollars very soon! This stock is
                          def a stock to watch, all this and coming from nothing year and half
                          back! Honestly give this one a look over, it took a lot of time to
                          put together, well worth it stock!
                          5 or ten grand in MOBL now will make you alot of money down the road
                          in my opinion! Would be a great stock to article!
                          New PR today out another 3 mil added again!


                          • #73
                            I would not touch this stock, nor any you get from an email or a kooky website like that.

                            The stock is 17 cents..please do not consider that to be an investment because it is not. You are playing a Celtics to win the NBA finals at 10000 prop bet if you put 1 dollar in this stock.

                            You are a hero, or you get other outcome in the cards. If you buy some, I wish you the best!


                            • #74
                              Any of you lurkers been playing the markets?

                              I missed out on about 5 real strong plays and since the market has turned again.

                              NT was easy
                              TASR at 25 was easy...

                              Damn if I didnt sit on my hands!

                              Still have HLSH though...whoa she is a winnaaaaaa. Next year she emerges and is listed, I say in the TEENS.. My account is getting fat off HLSH!

