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Trade Thread III

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  • #16
    Well it is getting ugly and the VIX isnt even all that high..

    Means we may see more before this is over.


    Bot 1/2 position VTSS at 4.50 (I love this trade)
    Bot 1/4 position NANX at 7.25
    Bot 1/4 position SONSE at 4
    Bot 1/2 position HLIT at 7

    Darn good thing I used a mental stop on that MAGS..I lost 1k, but at this price I would have been down almost another 1500..

    Not saying I am up this last few

    All these trades are speculation of sorts, the market may never come back..if it doesnt, then I take a bunch of risk buying into the abyss so to speak..


    • #17
      Wallstreet-Boy were your right about imnr.
      The stock price has the staying power of a few hours if not minutes and then today collapses like a deck of cards if you get my drift.
      Good news, FDA approval, successful testing products of biotech products, etc. means nothing other than quick pop.
      It goes to prove old adage-buy on the rumor and sell on the news.
      ps I am sorry that I sold only 15% of holdings yesterday-should have sold all.


      • #18

        They are taking a can of whoop ass on everything this last week.

        I have many stocks that I love that are getting punked every day..these relieve crap rallies in the morning are getting sold every day.

        The good thing is this is likely temporary and if played right you can have a HUGE gain on your plate.

        IMNR is just one of 100 that the same thing happens..some great initial movement, then sellers come in and smash the crap out of it and take advantage.

        Here is my lock list, stocks that I think at these levels are a 10-20% winners, maybe more.

        NT (hold your nose and buy in pieces)

        I am sure others have some to add to this list, but the fact is we are getting smacked around and that is the time to be buying. Even with my buying I still have 40% of my cash avaliable and I will use it to add to current positions. It scares me when I am buying so much and my prices mean jack crap..I dont feel early but man the market is telling me I am..



        • #19

          I bought ADSX @.40 and just looked today for the first time in awhile and saw it is now @ 2.50 and climbing. Couldn't find any reason why, can you see what you can find out? Thanks! hc


          • #20

            Two reasons.

            1) They had good earnings or somthing today, causing the 25 cent move.

            2) Most importantly, they did a 1 for 10 reverse split. That was in April, so if you had 10k shares at 25 cents, you have 1k at 2.54 now..

            If that doesnt make sense let me know and I can try to give more detailed info as to why.

            Sorry to tell you that at .40 pre-reverse, you are down 15 cents per share as of todays close.


            • #21

              Nibbled on some HLIT at two prices

              1/4 at 6.75 and 1/4 at 6.45

              Lowering my basis a bit and I like this trade!

              Not a bad day overall, enjoying the move in HLSH.PK..moving to highs on some good news. This one is a double in a year..


              • #22
                Wallstreet-that was quite an exchange with Ty;it brings back "fond" memories when I was posting over there.
                I don't want to post my comment over there and perhaps start more controversy, but I wonder if he really is hitiing every play as he seems to with his big plays, made a fortune with Yahoo, what the heck he is doing here every day and trying to get more customers?
                The above can be left as a rheorical question if you like.
                ps You handle yourself with dignity and class.
                What I would really to see is one of Ty's real longterm customers come forth and state how he has really done one way or the other;its fun to dream isn't it?
                What puzzles me is that he has said he has actually gotten some customers from bettorschat.
                If they are still customers(and one would assume they are if Ty has done as well as he says), you would think that at least one of them would have come forward to by now to say Ty is really that good.
                I guess for now above will have to remain questions without answers.


                • #23

                  I agree..

                  I cant see how he hits those numbers, and how would we ever be able to verify that? If this guy were hitting those kind of numbers, I think I could sell a few stocks to get in on the action. I just cant see how he can beat the odds like that.. I doubt I will ever know since I wont pony up that kind of action to find

                  How are things going? I was bummed when I saw CLN move to 1.19, then back to 1.05 again. If it dropped below a buck, I would buy some for a 10% move. I think it has that kind of move in it..but I cannot wait a year to see a 50% just doesnt trade very well. On the other hand I see great news for HLSH..if they get relisted (they just got a new CEO..stock been on a tear) then I think I have a 3 bagger on my hands.

                  Any other stocks you like? I am over or at where most of my purchases are except HLIT..but I waited a year on a lot and I know it will be fine..dont want to wait that long, but they have a viable business and are making good strides towards market share..

                  And thanks for the compliments on Ty...I try to treat people nicely, even Big Red!!


                  • #24
                    One further thing-I minored in college in statistics.
                    Although perhaps the sample is not big enough to be valid, I find it hard to believe that Ty's Zebra and VIP plays hit at the rate he says when his comp. plays are average.
                    Even though comp. plays don't reflect the stronger plays, I would think his verified comp. play would be much higher than it is his member plays are as good as he says.


                    • #25

                      If I had deep pockets I would be tempted to try his service to either see if it is true or expose his record. I dont play those kind of figures so it isnt going to happen..haha

                      Been doing some buying today

                      SIRI 1/2 at 2.95
                      NANX 1/8 at 6.65

                      Several orders in on stocks like HLIT, CHTR etc but no fills.


                      • #26
                        Hi Wallstreet.
                        Thanks for your opinions and buys and sympathies.
                        Yeah, cln and the oher botechs I have are doing lousy(for that matter the whole market stinks, so I shouldn't complain).
                        My ex-wife bought 4000 shares of Siri at 4.07 and has no available funds to buy more;it does look tempting to me at present level.
                        Best of luck with your investments and with Ty.
                        I wonder whether he really did time his buy and sell with Yahoo as he says;its too bad there isn't some way to verify his claims about this and his sports betting picks and I for one am not going to purchase to find out.
                        Still, if he were really that good and has purchasers from bettorschat, I find it curious that no one has come to his defense and or someone who will vouch for him.


                        • #27

                          I agree on what you say concerning Gaston. I have tried to ask around for anyone that has used his service, but no luck on several sites. I dont think it matters because how can anyone think this guy has the holy grail of capping ability. he would be the top top in the biz. And what kind of sportsbook would take his action? The guy would be banned in I dont buy it.

                          That really stinks in regards to SIRI.. I didnt like it in the 4 range..I started liking it as mentioned around the 3.25 range, but the market told me to wait...even if I had got a fill, my purchase would be in pieces..

                          I think she gets that 4 buck range again..and it seems cheap doesnt it? At 4 bucks the company is valued like at 4 billion dollars...holy crap!

                          Oh and the VIX is getting higher..we are near to a bottom in the short term..licking my chops...


                          • #28
                            Hey Wallstreet-I check his website(haven't gone there in a long
                            Go there if you like and check out code zebra records for NBA and playoffs and baseball record;I don't want to get embroiled on his thread any more(enough folks have picked up that slack), but if there were some verifiable source to check the veracity of that winning percentage, I would bet anything that those records aren't "quite" accurate.


                            • #29
                              ps People would be shouting from the rooftops if he hit the percentage he claims--in short the claims would come freely from folks OTHER than Ty himself, and as you said Ty would be banned and bookmakers across the land would be begging for mercy.


                              • #30

                                I think we have bugged him about that and he refuses to have an independant source to verify. He said he went 2-0 yesterday on his Code Red plays. I dont know what they were or how to verify. Thats why if I had deep pockets it would be worth it to scare people away from his service by exposing his record..

                                I thought we might rally in the market there..but the DOW is bringing everything down with it.

                                HLIT buy getting close.. I am very excited for this market bounce..some of these puppies are going to explode..

