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Trade Thread III

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  • #46

    Peeling off some SONSE prices 5.10 and 5.15

    Nice gains after many buys and patience.

    Leaving some on the table still..


    • #47
      Do you have any info on NNCO or TSBB?

      Just curious, both have been high volume, but not much increase in price.



      • #48

        NNCO is crashing and burning..when volume goes up and the stock down..bad combo.

        That TSBB might be trying to move off the lows..

        Both of these are quick sand stocks..nothing but junk. I wouldnt even put hard 8 money here.

        Please consider not investing in 2 cent stocks, they are garbage!

        Sorry to be harsh, but I have to be....


        • #49
          Thanks for the info


          • #50

            Peeled off some MRVC at 2.70, booked a 10% hit.

            Also, VTSS close to my 25% target..

            Dam I need to vent..I sat on trading DAL a few days ago at 4.75

            Crap.. 6.75 now......


            • #51
              Wallstreet(we'll use screen names here)-bought some lu at 3.27 a couple of days ago. Stock is moving an news is good.
              Please give opinion for all, and whether you would take profit or let it ride(I only bought 2500 shares).


              • #52

                I agree on names!

                I am mad about LU, SUNW, NT etc..nice moves, nearly on cue!

                The trader in me sees a 10% hit and almost 1k in profits there.. I like profits and would at least book half. I have a few sell lines in the water today myself! I want to be a little lighter into the long weekend, but I think you gotta do what makes you happy!

                Nice trade, you didnt say anything!!


                • #53
                  Wallstreet-I just sold it all for about $850 profit after commissions.
                  Why get greedy?
                  Question-since I purhcased at 3.27 and sold at 3.62, what would you use for re-entry point/
                  I am looking at 3.35-3.40.


                  • #54

                    I think we restest lows again. After the holiday, the market usually drops..summer swoon..

                    I would start a position around where you bought. I lightened up quite a bit is what I did-

                    Sold SIRI- made Burger King $$$, I git tired of waiting.

                    Sold VTSS- made 1k

                    Sold SONSE- made about 800 bucks

                    Sold some HLIT- one acct, made 400 bucks

                    Still have a tiny bit of VTSS, lots of HLIT, a little MRVC, some NANX, holding HLSH for 2005 (profit already)

                    You buying more CLN??


                    • #55
                      Wallstreet-thanks and congrats on his.
                      Re: cln-I think I will sit tight for a while-have too many shares already.
                      If it dips to $.50, I might be tempted to buy more, but on the other hand, that might indicate even more undisclosed news and that stock could be in real trouble.
                      For now my 29 thousand shares, which pales with a lot of folks on chatboards who claim they have 350000 to over a million shares, is still a lot for my smaller portfolio.
                      As stated the real siginificant part of my portfolio is managed by a proven investment firm, as I don't trust myself with the serious stuff and since I am retired and have to be a bit more conservative.


                      • #56

                        I think we have talked about this before, but you will make more $$$$$$ than you ever imagined if you use ragingbull and yahoo less.

                        Track stocks you see and like, buy based on what you find and study you do.. not to be harsh, but the lesson (even if it turns around) that you should learn from CLN is that Tom or whoever it was is not a good enough reason to buy a stock.

                        What I try to do is not pump a stock or sell you on somthing, rather help you make good decisions in buying and selling.

                        Make your own advice, buy on your work and you will outperform all the geniuses and idiots that hang on those sites.

                        Might be harsh, but I need you to hear it from me! I want you to make $$$ bottom line.



                        • #57
                          Wallstreet-you make sense.
                          However, at my age of 59 I feel I muust keep the bulk of my portfolio with folks who have averaged 12% for the last 30 years or so-not great, but still probably better over the long haul than i would do on my own.
                          I mean this "little" portfolio I talk to every day is worth around $60000, and for me thats enough;let the big boys manage the rest.
                          Hey, my daughter is 9 and I want to be sure that some day she gets a great college (and beyond) education and that I can leave her a tidy bit some day.
                          If it were just me, I might take some more risks.


                          • #58

                            Sorry for not clarifying. I was meaning in the "play" portfolio. I think you take risks that you dont need to take, playing cheapie stocks and using the message boards for that. I cannot blame you for letting your money be managed (although I am serious that a person who has the time and desire can beat 95% of money managers by doing their own hard research). I think you have to be happy with who you have, and they seem to do well for you.

                            Sorry for speaking so generally, but if it were me, I would take that 60k play account and see what you can do on your own, leaving stocks under 2 bucks or so alone. Sure you might hit a home run, but the law of averages always wins and most of these little guys will not ever leave the 1 buck nest.

                            CLN is just one of 100 out there that are around a buck, have a big ragingbull following and underperform. The reward just isnt worth the risk when you see the company keeps floating millions of shares and dilituing the ownership of you and others. With that philosophy in mind it is hard to think the stock was going to hit levels many there thought it would. They would about have to cure cancer to get that high.

                            Just think of all the other biotechs that were 5 bucks or more that if you had put the same $$$ value in those stocks, some of those have 4 bagged plus this year.

                            Enough of my rambling, I just hope you use that fun account a bit better than stocks we have talked about (IMNR,CLN,IPFS?) etc..


                            • #59

                              I had to change my picture how do you like this one? Sorry I put this response in your trade thread.


                              • #60

                                I saw the second one too..which do you like the best? I like this one..very cute.

                                So are you learning about cropping or how did you get these to be smaller? Its really easy actually..just open the pic in paint, then mess around with it..resize etc..then save the new pic.

                                Sorry about the other files I sent, I have to think you dont have the current version of windows media player since the files are .wmv (I think that means windows media viewer)

