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Trade Thread III

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  • #31
    I hope you are right about exploding(hope mine don't implode).
    I agree with you and Pimp. on Minn. today and might play it bigger than usual.
    I am curious to see what JB and other respected cappers say.
    At WWTS line is 5 1/2 now.


    • #32
      Here is one for you wallstreet-wlsf.
      Stock was selected by honest stocksire several weeks ago with nice writeup.
      I didn't buy it when it was in mid 1's.
      Shortly after that stock went into low to mid 2's and then next day skyrocketed to 5.65.
      It collapsed and sits in low 1's(obvious manipulation0.
      Do you see anything here based on fundamentals, or anything that would justify buying it for maybe at least 15-20% from here?


      • #33

        I didnt play Minny...

        On that stock..

        Forget fundamentals..two monster reverse splits last year, obvious manipulation..

        Look at the year chart, see where it naturally based in the low 1's..

        That is where I would throw some hard 8 bucks at it... never know when it might be the email stock of the week...



        • #34
          Wallstreet-I played Minn. and had to sweat out that comeback and overtime.
          Re: wlsef- I am confused. Are you saying it now at around $1.04 and what do you mean by "8" in your last post?


          • #35

            Sorry for the gambling term

            Hard 8 money is when I go to the craps table and I want some action..not part of any kind of strategy and an acknowledgment that I could lose the whole thing or I might hit a nice return..

            So at these prices, low 1's meaning I would want some stabalization to occur..right now it looks like a downtrend is in the cards..but if you look back to Feb when the stock was hanging out around 90 cents to 1.10 or so, that would be a decent given some price stability it would be safe right here.

            But that in mind, the way this chart looks it could flip at any time.

            I would do what you said though..dont shoot for the moon on this one..make a few clams and sell the sucker.


            • #36
              Wallstreet-thanks for response and pardon me for my stupidity.
              For some reasons craps and cards are forms of gambling I never got into.


              • #37
                It looks like Ty has been backed into a corner.
                I find the give and take actually kind of entertaining at this point.
                I think you and I both know deep inside the truth, but I am done posting over there for now(you and the others sre doing a great job).


                • #38

                  I kinda got a bit nasty there with the Clark County stuff..

                  Interesting what you can find online

                  And no problem with the craps lingo..I would rather specify than say somthing and you not know what I am speaking about!

                  He wont come to the plate, if anything he will sneak away and not post here anymore..


                  • #39
                    It could be to use a boxing term a TKO.
                    His response to the guy who bought his pciks and knows all about him was very weak.
                    Those 34-2 records he cites with neither verification nor anyone coming to his defense says a lot.


                    • #40

                      Market fixated on 40 buck oil, horrific events in Iraq to go higher.

                      What this means to me is the VIX gets higher, shorts get cocky and when this blows aside it will add some serious fuel to the move up.

                      It isnt black outside yet, but down every day is getting bothersome..when it gets to the point where I want out, then we go higher.

                      Eying more purchases today..will post if I make them. I am getting higher in % of getting a little low..


                      Looks like Ty and EC are going at it. I am sure you love this action!


                      • #41
                        Wallstreet-I am amused at this point for the daily soap opera over there.
                        I decided to get brave and bought some wlsf at $1.11 today.
                        As you say I am sure it will be email stock of someone pretty soon, and that should be good for something;it is up a little already.
                        Perhaps I should ask Ty if this stock has Code Zebra potential.


                        • #42
                          The only stock Ty knows is YHOO..

                          Huge rally off the 200 ema on the SPX.

                          What we do tomorrow and Thu determines if we rocket higher..

                          I got too involved there today..


                          • #43
                            I appreciate and respect your opinions on market and individuak stocks a lot, almost as much as Ty's on picking winners.


                            • #44

                              I see you are up on the stock, I would have been tempted at 1.25 to sell some, but that isnt enough margin unless you have 50k in shares..

                              Hope it keeps going up for you!


                              • #45
                                50000 shares "not quite", Wallstreet.
                                You don't bet the ranch on a stock like this.
                                Maybe i should have sold earlier, but something tells me he "email stock pick of the month", etc. or maybe a Code Zebra selection from Ty on this stock will make it go at least into 130's.:D

