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Trade Thread III

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  • Trade Thread III

    Gotta throw this trade in there..

    Order to buy 1/2 position of IPIX at 8.10 in after market.

    Others that are looking tasty, maybe tomorrow if we get a big gap down..

    TASR (gulp)
    MAGS (gulp!)
    MACE (high high risk)

    Notice I waited out on all the nano stocks until I see NANX's earnings..not worth the high beta risk just yet.

    Also, these are watch list stocks, no orders in yet. Also the list may grow if we can get the Nasdaq VIX up there where some heavy fear is in the market.


  • #2
    Wallstreet-Cln had a nice day on increasing volume.
    The price has to do with the testing/news of their product.
    It could move nicely in next few days-with this stock no guarantees however.
    This is is the only stock I know of which literally went down about 40% AFTER FDA approval.


    • #3

      I keep watching this stock and hoping for you, but I cant say it is in buy range here. Looks like it is touching the 20 day, and about 15 cents below the 50 day moving average.. I was not really shocked to see the drop after the info came out, the stock went from 1 buck to almost 2, which doesnt seem like much but it is almost a double..unless they were to say somthing huge, a selloff was in order..

      If the stock gets a few days of volume and incremental movement..meaning a nickle or 10 cents, then it might be attractive..but it seems that the moves are short lived and the selling may not have stopped.

      Keep me updated!


      • #4
        I will say this: I think if the stock is going to go up in the short term, it will be today(Wed);if it doesn't go up, then I will consider the late day move up today and AH as a fakeout move.
        I sure hope it does move up, as it is by far the largest of my small cap stock holdings, and I do believe in it bigtime over the next few years(to the tune of 21000 shares, which for me is a lot;there are others who post on their chatboard who have considerably more).
        Last edited by savage1; 04-20-2004, 10:39 PM.


        • #5
          Wallstreet, good move on ipix, the stock is up over 7% today. Out of curiosity, did you buy anything else today? you mentioned several others that you were contemplating buying. If you did what did you buy and at what price? thanks and gl


          • #6

            Others were just watchers...

            Wish I had the following (damn it)

            IVAN (unreal)
            TASR- buy around the open and you had a 10% return today

            Will be watching on SIRI..if she gets to 3.25 I will get in for a trade. Their numbers really sucked but I like the possibility due to the throngs that trade this stock.

            I will also be watching NANX tonite..if thumbs up I will get some of it or NGEN or ALTI or CBMX or one of the like..

            Tons of cash just waiting..I am getting impatient!


            • #7
              well i did day trade tasr and made about 7 pts on it myself. please do keep us posted on your activities, I'm always looking for a good tip. i will look at the chart for ivan and siri. you sound like you are a technicalist which is what i like cause i like to use the charts too, they tell me when to buy and the fundementals tell me what to buy. I just havent been putting as much time into this as i should. by the way what was the earnings report for nanx? was it any good?


              • #8
                IMNR has a nicd little pop going today on recommendation from Zacks;its about time something popped to upside in my portfolio.
                Check it out Wallstreet and others;might be good to buy this on pullback;Zack has target price(yeah know that is meaningless) in high $3's.


                • #9

                  Nice job on IMNR, congrats on the pop. I watch that one from time to time but I have to tell you I dont have a ton of confidence in that stock or company. I think they are a zero in the future. I traded this stock years ago and I hated the day that I bought into it. It only moves on news, the volume stinks and no institutional ownership. There really is no "sector" because it is them and maybe one other who does this specialized kind of therapy (cold elimination) so it cant get a bump because another stock did somthing.

                  I dont recall if I lost or gained on it but I cant play this was a skunk back then and it still is a skunk. That doesnt mean you cannot make money off a skunk though.. I think I traded it back in the covered call days..when I was writing calls..

                  Hope CLN starts getting somthing going, it must be really tough having that size of position and not knowing where it is going.

                  I am sorta glad I dont frequent stock chat boards anymore..I lost more money following others advice than just watching the tape and getting to know stocks that trade good volume and have somthing on the balance sheet and a way I can track them.

                  I still do frequent raging bull from time to time, but usually only to rub some crap in the faces of losers who bashed me when I was bearish a few years ago and the stock in question is just doing awful..


                  • #10
                    Wallstreet-Thanks for response.
                    I have to think Zack has a reason for recommending it.
                    Actually, I am behind in the stock but the pop helps.
                    Re: Cln-I don't want to sound cocky, but I feel that this stock will at least double in next 12 months and very possibly a lot more than that.
                    If it goes back to $1 and closes there or below for two straight days, I will probably sell it all realizing I was wrong.
                    For now, I will just let the 21000 shares ride(as stated before some of the heavy hitters on this stock make my number of shares held look like a peanut).
                    Hope you are doing well with your stocks.
                    Thanks again for your input.


                    • #11

                      Zacks is a firm that puts out opinions, you are referring to them right? I dont hold much weight to analysts and their opinions. I feel they do the work for people who cant figure it out themselves due to time or biggie, I just never look at what an analyst says.
                      Last edited by wallstreet; 04-22-2004, 11:40 PM.


                      • #12

                        Very frustrating today, had several orders in, stock went to my exact price and ran away.

                        Did buy 1/2 position in MAGS at 22.75, if she drops 1 pt I will cut it.

                        Orders missed

                        MRV @ 2.73 (went and didnt fill me)
                        IPIX @ 8.60
                        NGEN @ 7.30 (LOD, they didnt fill my order)

                        Somtimes it is good to miss a fill, we shall see!


                        • #13

                          Already mentioned that I bot and sold MAGS for pizza money, but also-

                          BOT 1/2 positon MRVC at 2.60

                          Maybe it is a trap, stock is acting horribly lately, but at this price it is worth a gamble for me.


                          • #14

                            bot 1/4 position MRVC @ 2.24

                            Man did NT lay a doozie this morning!!!!!


                            • #15
                              Today is a very tempting day to throw the chips onto the table since many of my fav stocks have been literally taken to the shed and smashed.

                              Stocks that I am eyeing, and if we get a hit tomorrow morning on some heavy volume, I might take a big gamble for a fat pay day..

                              VTSS (looks like it has bottomed or close to it)

                              And a few others. I would stay clear of stocks like TASR and MAGS and SINA and OSIP etc, these bubble stocks are getting popped, and I dont think it is done yet. After the split on TASR it might get ugly, I am taking post split down to 25 bucks..then it becomes attractive.

                              Also watching the fear VIX in the market, I would like others opinions who might be on the buy button as I am.

                              Oh and I have to admit to a big fat loser.. I went back in to MAGS expecting an earnings pop, but as I said a few weeks ago, when I am in pre earnings, the stock gets crushed. I got whacked pretty good..lost about 1k on the trade..but still got out another 500 bucks better than where it sits right now..

                              If we get a mean last hour I may step to the plate and even take a big cut on one like VTSS...

                              edit) I would steer clear of NT for a few days/ looks tasty at 4, but wait for the downgrades and lawsuits..they really did a bad one, saying maybe 1/2 of 2003 earnings were fake..she has to go lower.

