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  • #76


    • #77

      Impossible. I hope it works for you but calling for a 6 dollar price when it is at 4.40 and up 50 cents today..

      Well it just aint happenin!!



      • #78


        • #79

          Deal..I will watch it as well. I hope it goes there for you!



          • #80
            I just bought some ipfs to trade at 1.06(I also have a core holding).Lets see what happens, as I have been watching price movement of late, and it might be a good stock to trade(for my sake I hope I am right).


            • #81

              Wish I had some good words for the trade.

              Looking at a 3 month chart, I dont see a bottom in yet. The stock keeps making lower lows and lower highs. It would be good to see a bottom put in with some volume and see if you are buying a low here.

              On the good side, some of the best trades are the ones that make your stomach churn when you hit the enter button. Buying when there is fear can be very profitable. I dont know if you have good fundamental reasons for the trade, but if you do..and think the selling is for no reason on light volume etc..then you may have a winner!

              Glad you are buying in pieces, makes the averaging better and gives you a chance at better average prices.



              • #82
                Wallstreet-thanks for advice. I will probably dump stock if it goes back to around $.96(the trading shares).
                Remember about the miis I told you about-bought at 2.49 and sold at 2.70 because of rampant manipulation.
                Today it is back to $3.20;if you like to trade and can figure out at what price manipulation will set in(easier said than done), it could be a good trading stock. I am on the sidelines for now unless it goes back to around $2.90.


                • #83

                  That is a joke about gets crushed one day, now up 10% on really crappy volume..anything goes on the OTCBB, I bet you are right about MM's messing around.

                  IPFS held in there for is always nice when you get a few $$$ on the first day, but at least it isnt negative so far.

                  Man the techs got crushed. I go to work on my property and I come back to a bloodbath. Some of these stocks really got kicked hard today..even with the market only down 1% or so. Wild beta stocks can eat you alive.

                  I will add to SONS if we get a monster dump in the AM..which I think we could hasnt been often that we close on our a$$es like we did today..good sign for a lower open tomorrow.

                  Mary, sorry about DFIB..maybe tomorrow??

                  Need about 2 days more of this on a few of my favs and I will be loading the cart...

                  See you later..hope it wasnt too bad of a day.


                  • #84
                    Wallstreet-you are aware that Ty Gaston answered your post?
                    I am trying to make him look like a fool if you read today's posts;folks/con artists like that need to be exposed.


                    • #85

                      Yeah..I saw that and I keep reading your going back and forth with him..but like I said in my last reply, I wont waste anymore time talking to him.

                      We both know that only two things would stop him from the way he acts.. prison or death..and I cant see either one happening.

                      I have to agree with what he said, that the more we kick him, the more he gets attention and the more people will call him out of curiousity.

                      I would let him go, it isnt worth your time nor mine. I do like the back and forth you do with him, he shows in most every post what a bafoon he is.

                      I gotta keep to my guns and my post and not jump on top.

                      I was THIS close to slamming the Sports Dipster today though, with his phony 10000000 star game..what a fraud and a horrible person.


                      • #86
                        Wallstreet-Ty alleges 34 people I believe he said from bettorschat signed up for his service-yeah right!
                        If that were true(he might have had 1 or 2 out of curiosity), then someone would have stepped forth to defend him out of all those 80 posts.
                        I wonder how he will come back when I called him for using the word "bitch" to describe women.

