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  • #46

    You like that company, it is a winner.

    I would nibble at dips in the market..needs more volume though.

    Need to have some institutional trading/interest..then you could see the baby run.

    Congrats on a nice play, protect those profits!!

    Market can get dicey and after Jan I think we go up and down very quickly.

    I am tempted to buy some JDSU tonite..raised estimates for future quarters, it looks decent right here.


    • #47

      i just read all 4 pages of posts and it was like reading about 15th century indian literature........i know nothing about stocks but i am interested in the market

      i gather that you would suggest ameritade as a brokerage, but for someone brand new, what type of reading or preparation should i do???

      how much does it cost to open an account?
      sorry the questions are so novice


      • #48

        Yep.. Ameritrade is the spot to start. Commissions are low and they have after hours trading, all the tools you need etc.

        As for the education..I would ask any questions you want..start following a few stocks that you either read about or see them and learn how stocks trade..

        I would paper trade, meaning buy a stock, but not really buy say theoretically buy JDSU at 4.85 or somthing..then trade it as if you owned it. Learn how to use charts, how to read them and more than anything you have to guard your capital with your life. Buy in 25% increments and take profits when they are there etc.

        People here will help you, feel free to make a list of stocks you see on here..put them on your streamer at Ameritrade and watch..the more stocks you watch the better. Also, stay away from stocks under 1.00 to start. They will be tempting, but you should learn the trade first, then dive into the deeeeep waters of the cheapies..

        Oh and min 2k, I would recommend 5k though..the reason is you gotta be able to buy a position that you can get in and out of with a 10% move and have it be profitable..if you get in a position and it doesnt make you money moving like that, you will sit on it for a long time waiting for the home run..home runs are not what I am looking for..unless they jump off my bat..

        Questions? Ask away..


        • #49

          I did not know how much to put in, i guess i could safely put in $10K but that does not necessarily, i have $10K to lose........i am a rather conservative gambler and only do that for fun.......just recently, i have made a little bit of money and would like to invest it ...............with that said, here goes::
          1)to open an account, just sign on to ameritrade, deposit money, and that is it?
          2)by their very nature are stocks under $1 riskier??
          3)what type of research do i need to be doing to figure out a good stock from a bad?? i know these are embarassingly easy questions, but i am not sure i have the time to do all this research, and is it like gambling, where years of research almost guarantees me a profit in the 2 sports i bet??
          4)are there any tv cannels or websites you would recommend??
          5)isn't the stock market doing well right now??

          sorry for the stupid q's


          • #50
            there go the homebuilders!! They are gonners, like i said smart money has been shorting them big time the past month.

            Wstreet alan said nothing bad about the stock market today, go back re-read his speech.

            The fed made an amazing move today, extremely smart if you ask me.

            They essentiall put a floor on the dollar, crushed the dollar/euro specs, dismatled the home builders, put everything back in check without essentially doing anything that people didn't already shit... inflation is around.

            big money will continue to short home builders and lenders with every uptick, if you waited for alan to say anything you missed 20% and you would not be able to get an uptick for any size orders, that is why they had to start last month.

            shorty trading with 10k is like playing the slots, don't waste your time. Instead do some research into some good qulaity fund managers and place your money with them.....a good quality mid cap growth fund (cvgrx) (calamos growth fund)
            check them out.
            Last edited by 4breakout; 01-28-2004, 10:45 PM.


            • #51
              thanks breakout

              wallstreet, will you look at breakout's advice to me??? and give me your opinion on his "trading with 10K is like playing the slots"; that was sort of my thought going well as 'fund managers'........i am assuming that means mutual funds, which i think are groups of stocks??....i know you guys are laughing now, but i am actually this green .......

              i guess i could put more than 10K in, but unlike betting college sports, you guys see how little i i am cool with relying totally on others if i could learn it a little

              all advice is welcome
              thanks 4breakout, i will check that site out



              • #52

                I asked you a question which you didnt answer, how do you determine smart money?

                I didnt say that the Fed said somthing about the stock market, but if you have been IN the market for the past few years you MUST know they stick their noses in the market way too much. They are not supposed to be in the position of moving the stock market, but since 1999 Alan has been hell bent on controlling the stock market. His increasing rates the way he did is what caused the last recession, and his decisions to cut rates the way he did was in direct response to the market. The fed stood pat way too long, and that is what caused the market to get crushed when they should have been reversing policy about a year earlier. Hell, they shouldnt have ratchted rates in the first place.

                Congrats on the drop of the home builders, IMO if you keep shorting them you will lose money. What I said was the right short is a short term short so to speak..I also said that the time to be bearish was a few weeks ago.

                The reason the market tanked was not because the fed changed wording, rather it was a reason to sell off. What the FED said was smart, and it wasnt their place. I do not feel a private-non governmental agency should have control over our monitary policy and money flow. Be that as it is, it will never change and it was so easy to predict.. We were at levels on many indicators that we havent been at since 1999, and the FED merely pricked the sellers bubble and it was a great reason to drop.

                I also feel that the dollar was dropping because it was easy money and our government came out and said they didnt care that the dollar was falling, that it was not an issue..and I agree it isnt an issue..but due to that, the dollar got oversold..just like the euro was oversold in 2001..almost the inverse of what the dollar is now. The euro/dollar was around .80, and now the inverse is true. If one had deep pockets it was easy money to start buying the dollar. Add that the dollar has been shorted to such a degree that this move should continue.

                I feel the same way about oil. Oil is an easy short at these levels to me, it is high for really no reason other than it is easy money and shorts arent scared..similar to the stock market from 2000 to 2003. That trend will also reverse and if one was deep and smart one would short oil right here.

                I fully disagree with you on the home builders, they are not overbought, their technicals are not lofty, PE ratios are still historically low and I think any short for more than a 10-20% move is unwise..and I will have no part of a unwise short.

                This market move may last a few days, but the time to leap into the bear camp is not now..and I have little good to say about the Fed..too much power, too much concern with financial markets and stupid monetary policy from longer than I can remember..


                Shorty, the comment that 4Breakout made must be referencing investing, not trading. To invest and trade stocks for a longer term, with larger names with higher prices, then a larger amount is needed than 10k. His comparison to slot machines is true if you do so unwisely.

                You can take 2000 and invest/trade wisely. You can take 1,000,000 and do so stupidly. When I was a broker in Philly, I saw people take 1 million and turn it into 50k in the 2001 area..I also saw people do the reverse. It is not how much you choose to start with, rather what you do with it and the decisions you make with the money.

                Use what you feel you can, I think 5k is a minimum and it can work for you. If you make a list of trading rules and stick to them you will profit just as you would with 100k.

                Open your account with Ameritrade, put in what you to open an account is easy, just follow the online steps..

                What I recommend is jump in research..start keeping a list of stocks that you find from here, from companies that are local that you have heard about. If you feel a strength in a particular area (say you work in the health care area, or in the financial area) then take your experience or somthing that you enjoy and research the companies that you know or use. Buffett says invest in what you know.

                Take your time, visit and look at the actives lists, look at the story stocks, pull up some charts, read the news and the financials, make a good list and observe..

                I and others are more than happy to offer a helping hand. I will not point you towards options or penny stocks nor will I send you to a site that you have to pay to learn.

                Having a desire and determination to learn and experience is the greatest tools you can begin trading with.

                Hope it helps and feel free to ask away!!!


                • #53
                  Okdaveot and Wallstreet, although I didn' mention it in my very speculative holdings(maybe I was embarrassed), I have 120000 shares of adot(not much when you consider the price) as a speculation and just a tiny portion of overall holdings.
                  I also bought ctkh and pkcy for shits and giggles.(I admit I like to gamble;than again most of people on this thread do also). :D
                  Last edited by savage1; 01-29-2004, 11:37 AM.


                  • #54

                    I remember you had some ADOT, but not that much..haha

                    I hope it pays one day, goes to 10 bucks for ya!

                    We are getting some prices to come our way now..some tech stocks have been crushed just in a short time.

                    I am quite dissapointed with myself today..I should have sold NGEN early, bot back when it dipped..easy trading on it today.

                    I dont feel a huge rush to go out and buy, I expect more days in this dip so maybe we get even lower prices..

                    Watching FIBR, TERN, MRVC, SONS, CHTR,ALTI,VTSS etc.

                    Feel free to add to this list as we are getting some bargains coming in!

                    edit) entering an order for HLSH- news out on a kickback probe from 4 yrs ago. Causing a buying opp, order in at 4.75
                    Last edited by wallstreet; 01-29-2004, 12:08 PM.


                    • #55
                      I don't usually buy stocks on tips, but someone who let's say knows what he is doing(he gave me several big winners last year) advise that I buy IRBH;I paid $1.05;I think he views it as a short term trade.
                      Do you own dd-a little bit is available on yahoo if you click news after getting price of stock.


                      • #56

                        I looked at a few things, and I know you may have seen this already, but here are some issues to think about.

                        Company did a 20 for 1 RS in July 03 and a 1/5 in April 2000. It looked dead in the water until June of last year, nearly flatlined. I have no idea why the spike in mid september, up from 2 to 9 in little time, then back down. I am not real keen on the lack of trading volume, so if I were to get in it wouldnt be with a large stake cause you couldnt get out if you had to in a quickie without getting killed.

                        Here is somthing I dont like.. (from the last 10Q)

                        For the period ending Sept 2003, they had no revenues and a net operating loss of 1,218,323, and have about 10M shares outstanding.

                        Also, read under the liquidity and capital resources area- they were cash flow negative by 902k, with only 33k in cash left. They also got the death blow from the auditors in Sept..the auditors issued the going concern statement. It also looks like the guts of the company is only 1.5 yrs old and they dont have no history on wether it will even work or not.

                        It looks like in Jan they went to an Investment Banker to see if they could get more funds..which means they are swirling the toilet so to do this when cash is looowwwww.. So they will either float more shares, which could lower the price or they will have to do a convertible offering..or give ownership to a second party to raise cash.

                        I only say these things cause I dont want you to get burned..but this stock looks like it is swirling the toilet to me. News of a capital infusion would be the only thing that would bring me in the game. I think this one is interesting but could be deadly!!!


                        • #57
                          Wallstreet-irbh is up today, and I am not looking to get rich with it;my man has told me it is a trading stock only.
                          I don't know where he gets his information and don't care, as he seems to know things that aren't relected in what you just posted(draw your own conclusions from that statement).
                          I bought 5000 shares of this at around $1.06 and will sell with no hesitation on my part when he tells me to.
                          Sure hope you are doing well.


                          • #58

                            I noticed that too, volume is NOTHING though, 11k shares, is that all your buy?? lol

                            I cant get in an illiquid stock like that..

                            NT is on the move, watch this stock go to 10, it is acting like HLIT after earnings..every day up ever so slightly.

                            My only order in today will be for NGEN to sell at a point where I will make a nice hit..but I hardly want to sell. Its a great stock.

                            If IVAN gets wacked again I might give it a shot. I am not giddy on any purchase right now, thinking we are in for a down period in general.


                            • #59
                              Wallstreet-thanks for take,My ex-wife is doping well with nt although she doesn't have that much.
                              Of late my lu, cln, astm and maybe this irbh are doing good.
                              Let me know if/when you like ivan or anything else for that matter.
                              ps I am a little worried about this irbh, and actually will be relieved when he says to sell it.
                              I also think overall correction is near.
                              Last edited by savage1; 02-02-2004, 02:19 PM.


                              • #60

                                I have been wrong more than right on stocks..I try to be right enough with my picks that I make money, but ever since my days of options and high speculation, I dont go near the PK babies often. I do have HLSH, but it is such a small position and I will hold this one for a big hit..which might take a year. I also might add another 500 or so if it drops. But I dont trade the PK stocks often, I just cant get into that game again. I remember watching and trading MVEE, I had like 500k shares was like .002 or I just cant play that game again..I guess that is the same reason I dont play hard ways at the craps table..I dunno.

                                Tell that wife to hold NT, I should have read the earnings report closer..I think it goes to 10 before it goes to 6 again..they really took the street by surprise with the last quarter..what a home run they pulled.

                                I didnt see why the market popped the last hour or not..jumped quite a bit. That is good news actually. I expected that Feb might be a retrace, but lets see if it continues for a few days.

                                Maybe if MOTD gets smacked here I might take a flyer for 10% or at .90

