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  • #31

    VWPT - Nasdaq

    this is also a stock i have wet my feet in.

    Bought some today at $1.23, currently at $1.16 (down a little)

    Some good studies have come out on this product, and hopefully this will help their weak earnings situation (they currently have a negative eps, negative earnings), which probably has been scaring some investors away

    Sort of taking a shot with this stock, and hopefully they can leapfrog over some of their competitors (Quick Time, Flash 7, Windows Media Player, etc..)


    • #32

      I bot and sold another position in NGEN. I should just be holding, but a quick 450 was nice this morning!

      I would not at all be surprised if NGEN was in the 30's sometime this year.


      • #33
        A few I am looking at:

        TERN- has dropped for a few days, might be good for a bounce. No purchase but looking

        ALTI- cheapie NANO stock, as the sector biggies have been rocking, this one is still "affordable". The bigger NANO stocks would be- NANX, TINY, NGEN etc..

        MRVC- Love this stock, would like to see the market come down and bring this under 4

        CHTR- 4.50 to 4.75 would be a nice entry price for a purchase

        IVAN- stock got killed for good reason, but might be worth a pickup for a bounce back to 3 or so.

        These are near term purchases..I have others that are not so close to purchase, but that is for another post.


        • #34
          Wallstreet-congrats on the hit.
          Keep an eye on my cln, astm and imnr. All have been trending up and all with FDA approval, which might be close, could go much higher.


          • #35

            I saw that IMNR was at like 2.20 yesterday right? Did you peel off a few shares? Gotta love when it gets cold that the stock gets a pop. I also saw CLN move yesterday, doing ok today so far. It is always on my list. Seems smart to range trade that ASTM (I would trade STEM actually over ASTM as we have discussed before)

            I get the feeling we might get a dip after the FED says nothing..every month we go on, we get closer to them actually doing FED funds futures are going to start ticking ever so slightly up.

            There will still be winners in a down market, and I think we gotta slow down for a few weeks in order to move higher longer term.


            • #36
              wallstreet little help here

              Street what do you think of webb or chcr

              No one called anyone a JT


              • #37

                WEBB scares me..this Multex profile of the company says it all:

                "For the nine months ended 9/30/03, revenues fell 70% to $647 thousand. Net loss before extraordinary item applicable to Common fell 57% to $2.8 million. Results reflect the Company no longer consolidating the results of Jabber, offset by the absence of a $1.2 million loss on the extinguishment of notes."

                CEO and VP making 350k and 242k while the company is losing money all over the place..

                WEBB is definately a big way.

                CHCR near its 52 week low, also on the BB (OTCBB), I dont like seeing corporate officers making a killing while the company is losing money. Top 4 officers were making over 500k together while the company lost money last year, versus a gain the previous year.

                I need more volume from stocks I trade too, so I wouldnt purchase either..but if you have an inside scoop please let me know and I can take a closer look!


                • #38

                  Are you shorting anything?

                  the ham mer
                  "You're only as good as the effort you put forth!!"



                  • #39
                    Wallstreet-I didn't sell any of those imnr shares but will on next spike(assuming there is one).
                    Like you I am expecting a general pullback anyday.


                    • #40

                      wallstreet this is one i just started to look at what do you think?
                      Roll Tide


                      • #41

                        BDSI - looks like a mini NGEN

                        bought some at $3.80


                        • #42

                          I have ADOT on my list somtimes, but in my view it is a stock that will be nothing more than a PK stock..never a chance to crawl out and be somthing bigger. If you want to play it, figure out its channel and play inside that channel. Dont look for a 100000000000000% return cause you will be wasting your time. Try for singles or the like and if you happen to get more then feel lucky. This stock trades a ton of volume, has like 80 Billion shares and I will say the Cubbies win the world series before this one makes it big.


                          Nah..I wouldnt short anything..I think our levels are overbought, that to me means I wait with my list and some cash.. Shorts had their 3 yr run and now it is time for the bulls to make some money. Rather than shorting, I try to hit some chip shots like I have been..somtimes missing great doubles as I say..because I am skeptical at these levels. I am even tempted to take a profit in NT and wait it out.. I only bot at 6.25 but I feel like I want to be almost 100% in cash here..dont ask why I just dont like these bullish indicators being so lofty..I will never be a bag holder again so I am missing out on some of my favorites doing quite well.

                          I lost out on bigger gains on everything.. SONS, MRVC, FIBR, HLIT, NGEN, CHTR..nearly every stock I said I liked a while back sent out 25-50% returns and I was conservative on every

                          EastCoast.. my only concern with BDSI is the volume..I want to be in the stocks that trade the volume.. so I would take ALTI over BDSI for that reason only. On the other hand, I wish I could make a big fat basket of Nano stocks cause if one had every stock that was a LEGIT play, you would make a killing in 2 yrs, even with say 20% of them failing..

                          What we need is a few people who are kick-ass in certain sectors so that we have a few really good sources for different stocks.. I need to expand my areas of stocks into different sectors..never can have enough information and stocks to follow.

                          So far the market wants to rally..lets see if that changes this afternoon..


                          • #43
                            What a shock..

                            The fed opens its trap and says somthing stupid.

                            It is amazing they waited this long, they are so stupid. Way too much power for what they are supposed to do. Why they arent regulated is a mystery to me. Time for Alan to put tape over his mouth and quit worrying about the stock market.

                            Lets see if the market sees through their stupidity and this drop reverses..

                            Funny and pathetic at the same time.


                            • #44

                              Bot 1/4 position in NGEN at 12.50 (early, but we shall see)

                              Also have an order in for 12 even.


                              • #45

                                Update on what's to come in the morning report. (WRLS)
                                Not my writings, only what I received. Thought you might want to watch it unfold.

                                the meeting couldnt go any better.Now, I have to say that this is the third annual meeting I have attended. And Millard was BY FAR the most pumped I have seen him. He's calling 2004 a "recovery year" for the industry. He said they're working on 16 "major projects", all of which would provide the company with greater sales volume than they have today. He said that 1st Quarter results, which will be announced on Thursday, will be "pretty good". And he said that 2nd quarter will "be phenomenal". The order backlog has quadrupled since the last conference call.

                                Of the 16 major projects, 6 of those are in the U.S., two of which will be awarded "near term". If WRLS gets even one or two of those projects it will double or triple the size of the company sales-wise. He thinks we'll get 3 to 5 of the projects, conservatively. Not all of those will be awarded this year, however as they have varying gestations periods.

                                Millard gave a "revenue target" for 2004 of 30% growth over 2003. If my math is correct that puts us at $81MM in sales versus $62MM in fiscal 2003. I believe he fully plans to blow away that target. He said the US market is "already in high gear", whatever that means.

                                On the Wireless Alarm Deal (long-awaited), everything is ready to go except the two customers have not given the final approval to move forward with the program. Therefore he does not know if/when it will be done (I sensed some frustration when he was talking about this). He said they keep in regular contact with both parties about the deal and he said they've been politely informed with "a little friendly advice -- stop pushing so hard." He said in general the wireless side of the business is in excellent shape as they are getting inquiries about using their units as primary instead of secondary communication lines. A lot of the "under 30's" crowd which has grown up using cell phones, when contacted by alarm companies, they discover that those customers have no intention of signing up for a wired land-line phone so therefore the Alarm unit becomes the primary communications line (a la the Telular unit).

                                The Telular brand name brings a certain amount of weight in the industry. Nokia and Ericcson make similar units for WLL, but they are referred to by customers as the "Nokia Telular" units or the "Ericcson Telular" units.
                                Millard cited a recent example of an Indian phone company (Tata Industries?) which recently inquired about a WLL project which would require 250k units per month. Although this particular request is in the very early stages of being worked on, it gives an example of the magnitude of the projects Telular is working on.

                                Not a lot of questions were asked at today's meeting, although it was much better attended than last year's meeting. I asked a couple questions and so did two other people.

                                All for now. It was a great meeting. This stock has a LOT of up-side in my opinion...
                                "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"

