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  • #16

    I like the homebuilders quite a bit. I think that rates staying low and the economy improving keeps the builders in a strong up trend that should move through the latter part of the year.

    I would buy the builders on profit taking and times when housing starts begin to go against stronger comps. The PE ratios are still very low on them and I wouldnt purchase for longer term holdings because eventually the ratios will go up and so will rates..which is a horrible combo for them. I wouldnt be looking for doubles, rather for trading positions..buying on weakness and selling on strength..a form of channeling. Find a company that you can have high confidence in, one that you know the lows and highs and when news is released, how they will react to that news..the more you get a feel for the motion of the stock in the group, the better results you will have when trading. It seems simple that buying the lowest priced stock or the lowest PE stock in the group would be the wisest...not at all the case..find the highest volume 5-10 of them, pull up similar charts and see why one moves more than another....then you choose the one or two that you know and the money will be easy.

    I own a Centex but the builders are not my bag... the things I just went over with you are keys to success with any stock in any sector.



    • #17
      I am not a broker or anything close. I stumbled across this stock on the golf course from a perfect stranger I got paired up with. We talked about the market and he told me to buy FRX. Pharmasutical (sp) company he said he had owned it for years and years and it was outstanding. Gave 10,000 shares to his daughter for a wedding present. ( so he said) Any way I investigated the stock and bought 12 shares at $50 ($600) I found out it ususally spit at 80 they annoucnced a spit and said anyone who owned stock buy a ceratain date could get in on it so we bought 15 more at 82 (1230). FRX has spit twice since and we currently have 108 shares. $1800 investment is now worth around 8,000 as FRX is back up to about $75 a share. This is obviously a long term stock but if you are in for the long hall this stock has sure been good to us!! Take the info for what it is worth just trying to contribute something. God knows I am a follower when it comes to picks!! Good Luck!
      "No man alive likes to be called high smellin' and low down.." Rooster Cogburn (John Wayne)


      • #18
        smart money is shorting homebuilders

        look for sun trust bank to be bought out in the next week or two (sti)

        4-5 more regional bank deals at various levels of completion in the works


        • #19

          Tell me how you determine "smart" money is shorting the builders? Are you follwing option buying? Are you following institutional buying reports on Thomson online?

          I think the time for shorting the builders is when the fed tells us they are going to raise..not by the actual words of the fed, but when the fed futures start turning up, and the probabilities tell us when.

          Any short term down move in the builders will not last longer term, I would be very cautious to short right now. People trying to be brave must either have deep pockets or a short leash.

          And on the regional banks, the time was when the ONE transaction was announced, since then they have moved quite a bit. In a way you are playing roulette guessing which bank will and wont be acquired, or be the acquirer.. My personal view is you may see 1 more in the very near term. I dont buy the bull$hit that CNBS is shovelling that an onslaught of mergers is going to happen. They are such a contrary indicator, that is why I am semi bearish right now..they keep flashing new highs and other bullish things, and they are the two eyes of Joe Public..and are wrong way more often than not.

          Good contribution, keep them coming!


          • #20
            wallstreet you are a gambler,I would sell what you've got and start watching better stocks like HCM,WSB,MPQ,NCEM,PBT,AIK,AIA,MSB,LRT,PW


            • #21

              Cant say I am the biggest fan of REITS or Royalty Trusts. The trust I mentioned BNKUZ is a lititagion trust and very volatile..but not as an investment. The stocks I list on a gambling site are going to be a mix of speculation and risk with an ammt of research and reason. The stocks I like are ones I have traded for years and have a good feel for. Anything else I will always put the caption like Savage did..not for the weak of heart, do your DD and hold on for the ride..also track tightly with a stop.

              I think REITS are too subject to interest rate risk, and right now is the best rates will ever be again..commercial REITS are going to struggle if rates increase. Oil Trusts I dont know enough about, but I would recommend you do a write up of WHY you like these stocks, with proper entries and exits and some information on them so that people like me can get a grasp on an area you have a good feel for.

              The market is too broad for me to know more than a few sectors in a very intimate know these and I would like to know them through your experience!



              • #22
                Sold my NGEN, only had 1/4 positon but it spiked hard and I sold at 12.51

                Hopefully I will get to buy back later..still had a nice 10% profit and time to lock in a nice quick gain.

                Stock still moving, very nice day for NGEN, NANX,TINY all of them.


                • #23
                  Wallstreet.. what do you think of ICGE ? Breaking out anytime soon ? Trade volumes so high .. worth a shot for short term ?



                  • #24
                    hey wallstreet

                    hey bud im new at this now i got an idea of a couple stocks i want to purchase,but with whom do i purchase these.i want to buy some cheap stocks and once they move up i want to sell and buy something else


                    • #25

                      ICGE is a zero in my view. I dont think they make it long term, but until then look at its chart, it seems to run from .45 to .50 or so pretty regularly. I would wait until it gets to the lower boundary of their trend and pick it up in pieces. I would purchase 25% in four pieces.. I looked at its chart and I didnt know it had been to 30 cents in the last 3 months.

                      I see no real rush to buy this stock and wouldnt do so until it takes a few days south.

                      I am getting tempted on IVAN here, I might buy a 25% spot today, but if I do I will post quickly.

                      I hope people who bot HLIT on my recco held on better than I stock up 50% from my buys 2 months ago, but I sold of course.

                      Market looking dicey, be careful traders!


                      Capone, read up on the posts here, find what works for you and be careful. I would open an acct at Ameritrade or Scottrade, somewhere cheap that has a name.


                      • #26

                        Nice job on NGEN, you must have sold at lunch time. I checked it then, looked a couple hours later and it was almost $14. You cashed early but wize not to be greedy. I'm learning to respect you insight and judgement of this unknown world. Have been reading your post, checking your list and gaining confidence in your opinions.
                        Thanks, Xx

                        Have been watching two LEXR and SNDK. Both Flash memory for digital. Both showing sales, profit, growth and minimum dept. One high end and one low end product. Both charts are following same pattern. This week on the low for both. Product coming down in price but shouln't this create more volume in sales or is Flash memory on the downslide. If not? 20% could be in store.
                        SNDK just had report on the 21st and LEXR due on the 29th. Both have been above estimates, last 4 qtrs. ?????
                        "I use to be indecisive - Now I just don't know"


                        • #27
                          careful wallstreet, IVAN is a $1 stock (nothing more than a short squeeze started by some clown at morningstar)

                          go back and read ryland's earnings report just over a week ago, the homebuilders are starting to crack. I am not saying they fall out of bed overnight, give them a couple of weeks.

                          Mark my words by Monday you will see at least two mid size bank mergers, no i don't follow the sages of cnbc.


                          • #28

                            I know about IVAN..if you noticed I havent been buying even though it was well past my entry range from a month ago. Looks like someone at Marketwatch was pumping the stock, and that there is more smoke and mirrors than substance to the what a joke. That is Cramers view and he is usually sharp..but he may not be right. He danger zoned KMart and it bounced right who knows, if it gets cracked I will try it again I am sure. Im not sure I buy the BK scenario he painted.

                            And you might be right on the mergers, the problem is that smarter people than I have already taken positions in what they feel are the best candidates. I need to do more research to make it a trade. I think there are deals out there, I just am not in the "know" on

                            XXXout, yeah I did jump way too early on NGEN, just like I did on HLIT..damn I missed an extra point or two on both. I did start to nibble again on NGEN later in the day..the way the volume breakout occured I feel there is more to go. I was a stupid moron for getting stopped out on this one back at 6 bucks..geez..

                            I do follow SNDK and LEXR, the problem is for me I tend to ride the stocks that are lower in price so I can take a decent sized position and not have it be 50-100% of my trading account. 500 shares on SNDK would be too big on a percentage basis for what I am wanting to do. I see it got nipped today..and tomorrow doesnt look so hot either for the market in general. Its funny, sometimes those indicators are right..another blurb on CNBS saying that we are in overbought territory not seen since 1999..I remember that mania and if true, geez..watchout!

                            Today was a good sign of how fast they can take down this market if they want to.. the NAZ tried to make a push positive but the close makes me feel there is more to come. Patience on good positions is a must..


                            • #29

                              on the Toronto Stock Exchange
                              biggest stock i own in terms of value


                              • #30
                                East Coast

                                Here is the US equiv..

                                LORFF- Lorus Theraputics

                                Smack in the middle of their trading range, .35 to 1.40 with a close at .84 US

                                Not a ton of US volume, but if people are interested, the LORFF can be bot at any brokerage.

                                On the brokerage issue.. Ameritrade is top of the tops.. 10.99 a trade including limit orders cannot be beat..also if you trade a certain level, you get free level II quotes..gotta go with the best..

