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People's bank

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  • #16
    There are Peoples Banks all over central Florida !


    • #17
      oh I thought they were only in CT. Good, it helps the franchise expand more!
      U-C-O-N-N = Uconn! Uconn! Uconn!


      • #18
        teling you guys, get some Peoples bank stock-symbol PBCTD its cheap now but will go up
        U-C-O-N-N = Uconn! Uconn! Uconn!


        • #19
          Originally posted by uconnplayer
          teling you guys, get some Peoples bank stock-symbol PBCTD its cheap now but will go up
          I thought the stock just went public? I show that stock symbol being out back in 1990


          • #20
            I really don't know the banking sector well and even less about regional banks, but this one is a little odd, at least to me. It seems that it was a mutual holding company that went public. The $20/share was an offer to all including people that deposit there, syndicate offerings and common stock to public. So, the deal uconn got is not that special; however, I can't say if it a worthwhile venture or not. Just a quick look at the financials, seems to be a long term play rather than a quick pick and dump.

            This was a savings bank which doesn't make much historically when compared to for profit banking. Going public shows a shift in policy and attitude. Seems to be pretty strong regionally and regional banks do well over the long haul.

            Again, this is not my area of expertise, but thought I would give my two cents. Good luck with the play uconn, I think you should just buy it and hold it for a while (forget about it and come back later). I sometimes like to have triggers in place for such items. For example, if you want to clear 50% on the investment, have a trigger sale with the your broker at $30 plus the cost of transactions (most will say ignore the transaction costs, I say, screw that, I always put them in my math)


            • #21
              I hear ya, but this is a long term stock. My family and all People's Bank customers got the stock at 20 a share and its long term. I'm looking to double my money in a little under 2 years. It will go up, trust me, you guys have never heard of Peoples bank before, its very big around Fairfield County here in CT, which is the 2nd wealthiest county behind Beverley Hills. People's is expanding adnd when it hits Westchester County in New York, watch out! Boom! It will explode. Buy a few, and wait ot out for a year, you will see a difference. good luck.
              U-C-O-N-N = Uconn! Uconn! Uconn!


              • #22
                It just split a while back 20-11


                • #23
                  peoples bank has been around for 30 years. Its a 230 million dollar company, they will not fold and their stock will do well, once the public is aware of it and more branches open, the stock will rise, mark my words. why are you guys hesitating?
                  U-C-O-N-N = Uconn! Uconn! Uconn!


                  • #24
                    I thought this was an IPO


                    • #25
                      it is
                      U-C-O-N-N = Uconn! Uconn! Uconn!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by uconnplayer
                        it is
                        How can it be an IPO when its been traded since 1990?


                        • #27
                          From my understanding, the original entity was a holding company for the savings firm, sort of like a union bank. My thought is that the profit level was due to loans to members at low rates, which you will find in their return. The recent IPO was going public as a 100% stock only company. The stock went down in price as they diluted shares with an additional 2MM added.

                          I am not fully clear on the full story, so guessing somewhat at the story. Not really interested in learning it either, just willing to share. I am no expert in the market, just a little bit better than average.

                          Uconn, you claim long term, but say you expect to double in 2 years. Huh? To me, long term is 3+ years. Plus, you guarantee profit in a year, wow, you must have some magic ball. The bank seems solid and in a good area, but realize that they diluted shares with the offering. Your $20/share deal is not a bargain, that was the going rate on the market. Maybe you have something here, but please don't hype up doubling in price without coming back with fundamental analysis or thoughts other than they will open up a few more branches or richest county in US. I wish you well on the stock!
                          Last edited by KJ1000; 04-25-2007, 01:13 PM.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by KJ1000
                            From my understanding, the original entity was a holding company for the savings firm, sort of like a union bank. My thought is that the profit level was due to loans to members at low rates, which you will find in their return. The recent IPO was going public as a 100% stock only company. The stock went down in price as they diluted shares with an additional 2MM added.

                            I am not fully clear on the full story, so guessing somewhat at the story. Not really interested in learning it either, just willing to share. I am no expert in the market, just a little bit better than average.

                            Uconn, you claim long term, but say you expect to double in 2 years. Huh? To me, long term is 3+ years. Plus, you guarantee profit in a year, wow, you must have some magic ball. The bank seems solid and in a good area, but realize that they diluted shares with the offering. Your $20/share deal is not a bargain, that was the going rate on the market. Maybe you have something here, but please don't hype up doubling in price without coming back with fundamental analysis or thoughts other than they will open up a few more branches or richest county in US. I wish you well on the stock!
                            Kevin Johnosn or whoever you are, don't tell me not to hypeup a stock. This is a solid stock that will rise. I know it will, I know alot of people that are surrouned around the market an it is a good investment. Don't come in my thread saying not to hype this up. I have provided reasons why it will rise. If you think long term is 3+ years then thats you. It will rise within 2 years. I feel confident it is a solid stock. If you choose to not agree with me and try to one up me then stay out. I bought a bunch of shares at a decent price, yes its not a bargin, but it will do well. I know this. Come back into my thread 2 years from now and then we'll talk. Please if your going to take cheap shots on a stock you know nothing about then get out. I'm here to make money, pass along some solid knowledge, if you don't like it its your loss. later hater
                            U-C-O-N-N = Uconn! Uconn! Uconn!


                            • #29
                              Long term means different things to different people. Some consider a few weeks to a few months long term. Most consider years long term though.

                              I would offer some insight on the books of the company like have they been growing in profit per quarter? How much debt do they have? etc.


                              • #30
                                Damn, you are one bitter soul. Best of luck on your stock! For the record, I never took any cheap shots at the stock or you, just asked for more facts. Knowing that it will double in two years is not analysis, saying that it has x branches with plans to add x branches this year with growth in to NYC is helpful advice. Brother, I am here like everyone else and that is to make money. Keep the faith and best of luck on your barn burner! I hope it triples in 2 for you. No more words from me. Peace!

                                Originally posted by uconnplayer
                                Kevin Johnosn or whoever you are, don't tell me not to hypeup a stock. This is a solid stock that will rise. I know it will, I know alot of people that are surrouned around the market an it is a good investment. Don't come in my thread saying not to hype this up. I have provided reasons why it will rise. If you think long term is 3+ years then thats you. It will rise within 2 years. I feel confident it is a solid stock. If you choose to not agree with me and try to one up me then stay out. I bought a bunch of shares at a decent price, yes its not a bargin, but it will do well. I know this. Come back into my thread 2 years from now and then we'll talk. Please if your going to take cheap shots on a stock you know nothing about then get out. I'm here to make money, pass along some solid knowledge, if you don't like it its your loss. later hater

