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The Joke that is Wiseguys Unlimited

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  • #16
    cool mb thanks ur 1000000% right hes as shady as they come..un real bud,,have a good one ..


    • #17

      Originally posted by SPARK
      I just sent him an e-mail asking him what the fvk is this ... He sent me the same e-mail and asked me to pls let him back in here ... I was thinking of giving him another shot but thank God Wayne stopped me ... Thanks MB ...
      I reiterate from my original conception of $jimmy$....I said it then, I say it again....He's a smooth operator......You entertain the idea of giving him one more chance....How many times is that one more---one more---one more---one more..... etc.........

      Papi---you are one of the greatest easy going guys, please don't let a con like this take advantage of your good heart...There's times when you have to be firm (you consider em mean), this is one of those times...Be firm---atonement is not done by merely stating your intentions, it's accomplished by actions....You can get in a "shit house", in a matter of seconds....when the door jams (and it has), it may take a month to get out of there, and in the mean time, you have to smeel your own created "shit"....let him smell it a while...a long while...

      You can't change the spots on a Leopard with out major surgery.....He hasn't even entered the BC Hospital of "forgiveness" yet....You know me to be a fair man, and that's what I'm being is fair...

      Papi---you're too good for your own good......Nut up, tell him "time will tell", "pay your dues", "action, not words" is what I'm looking for............

      You know I love ya Pal---he's to be handled/corrected like a "child".......Thats what he is....A PREVARICATOR to the fullest........stay firm my main man Spark, you've earned the respect to be called the "ModFather", now use it...

      Always your outspoken Friend---blunt as I am some time---I love ya---kapt

      Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


      • #18
        this is from another forum bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

        10-10-2005, 12:27 PM #1
        Wiseguys Unlimited
        67% NCAA Hoops winners!!

        Join Date: Oct 2005
        Posts: 4 Do you love money?? 67% Hoops WINNERS!!!!!!


        Wiseguys Unlimited hit 67% winners in NCAA hoops last year going 104-55 against the spread! We also hit 61% in NBA! Many people know how great last years basketball season was, and can verify how much money was made last year. I believe this year will be even better, and Im going to try and outdo last years performance, and hit 70% in NCAAB, and 65% in NBA. Don't know if it will happen, but thats my goal, and I will do my best to achieve it! If anything else, you all know how much damn money you can make of hitting 67%! Just email me at [email protected] and you can get the early bird basketball special!!!!

        Big money to be made in hoops this year!!!

        [email protected]


        • #19
          I hear ya kapt ... Thanks


          • #20

            I keep telling him that! hahaha

            He's a big softy!


            • #21
              Originally posted by wayne1218

              I keep telling him that! hahaha

              He's a big softy!
              and this is true Kapt ... Wayne tore into me when I asked what he thought about bringing this guy back as a member ....
              I swear, reading your post was just like reading what he wrote to me ... amazing ... almost word for word ... You guys are great ...


              • #22

                Please stop emailing me your plays. I don't want them.
                I don't care if you have a 2 team parlay tonight with the
                White Sox and Philly - 1 1/2 goals tonight.

                P.S. I faded both plays.


                • #23
                  Never mind Jimmy, fading you is the best thing going.



                  • #24
                    I know I am going to get shit for posting this, but right now, I don't care. I don't know if any of you know me or not, I post on a few other forums. I see Matt's point, and some of you other guys points too. He shouldn't say he was free, then decide to go back and be a service. He shouldn't have lied to the forum, etc. I see all of your points, but sometimes I think it is you guys that made him go nuts. lol. I mean come on, how much abuse and bashing can one person take without going crazy. I think there should be a rule against this kind of stuff. It really turns me off, and Im sure it turns other people off as well. I mean the guy may be the biggest fucking prick in the world, but come on. Seriously, how can you question his capping skills in hoops? Most of you were begging for the dudes hoops. At the other forum I post at, it was nothing but the same. Im sorry, but I would have to say that Jim or whatever his fucking name is has to one of the best damn hoops cappers I have seen in my life. I would never pay for a service, but damnit, there is no way I would be on the other end of his trap play. If you want to bash him for lying, etc that is one thing, but seriously, how can you say his hoops plays suck?

                    I know I have already said too much, and no I am not affiliated with Jim or Wiseguys but reading this stuff is getting old. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't doubt if his record was better than the 104-55 he is stating. Hell, I have never seen him even have a losing day in college baskets. Come on guys, and growup

                    I HATE bashing. Where does it get you? No where.

