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The Joke that is Wiseguys Unlimited

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  • The Joke that is Wiseguys Unlimited

    I know everyone said that $JIMMY$ was a sack of shit, well I'm just here to confirm it. On September 29th, this dude emails me saying this:

    I am giving up the service, and am going to help you all for free! Its not in me anymore.. The email I received from GT really sent me over the edge when he was calling me spineless, and all I want is money, more money, and thats all.. He said I just want another few thousand from him, and thats all. Well, I am not that kind of person.. I don't want anymore of your money, I just want to help! lets kill the books tomorrow, and can't wait for Basketball season!

    H ethen proceeds to never email anyone any picks and he's never to be heard from again. Then, lo and behold, a friend tells me about another site and guess what I see posted by this guy on October 9th:

    Wiseguys Unlimited '05-'06 Basketball Season!!!!! 67% WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Wiseguys Unlimited hit 67% winners in NCAA hoops last year going 104-55 against the spread. We also hit 61% in the NBA! Many many people know how great last years basketball season was, and can verify how much money was made last year. I believe this year will be even better, and Im going to try and out do last year, and hit 70% in NCAAB, and 65% in NBA. Don't know if it will happen, but thats my goal, and I will do my best to achieve it. If anything else, you all know how much damn money you can make off hitting 67%! Just email me at [email protected] and you can get the early bird basketball special!!

    Big money to be made in hoops this year!!!

    UNFUCKINBELIEVABLE. I wish I could meet this bastard so that I could whip his ass. I know he screwed a ton of people out of good money.

  • #2
    eveyone should email this prick


    • #3
      They pound the shit out of that guy on the other site. I wonder what it's like to be hated everywhere you go.


      • #4
        I just sent him an e-mail asking him what the fvk is this ... He sent me the same e-mail and asked me to pls let him back in here ... I was thinking of giving him another shot but thank God Wayne stopped me ... Thanks MB ...


        • #5
          SPark, if you like, I can email you the website that I found it on.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MB17
            SPark, if you like, I can email you the website that I found it on.
            Yes pls ... Thanks


            • #7
              It's done.


              • #8
                Spark, I jsut responded to your email.


                • #9
                  I just email him and asked how much for the season,his responce>>

                  We can do it a couple different ways. Do you bet $500 or more a game?>>>>> then I pasted your statement from here about what was said to all before.


                  • #10
                    jimmy has just merged with porckchop the old guy..i sent spark there website and the email i got guys will never go away dont think he isnt on here under a different name or body ..he/she


                    • #11
                      his plays been all over a few sites the last few weeks, so this guy never went away..


                      • #12
                        RIp, he's not with Porkchop. Evidently, he left that website. HE sent an email out saying that he was going to be free, but then he didn't send any plays out. Then I happen to go to another site, and this guy is on that site advertising for basketball, adn then giving football plays out. So he has time to go to another forum and give out plays, but he doesn't have time to send plays to the members of wiseguys unlimited? This mofo is nothing but a scamdicapper.


                        • #13
                          on his website it says within the last weeks hes welcomed porckchop to his site,,
                          okay cool..he left that one to make another one somewhere.,,lmfao,,thanks mb buddy
                          Last edited by Ripple; 10-10-2005, 02:19 AM.


                          • #14
                            Home Page
                            Saturday, 17 September 2005

                            Week 6 NCAA 9-7 for 56%
                            N. Texas

                            N. illinois


                            Uconn Under

                            W. Virginia

                            C. Michigan


                            San Diego St.

                            Hawaii Lost

                            Penn State

                            Cal (unreal)

                            A&M Over Winner

                            Colorado St. Over Lost

                            Please welcome the one and only "Pork Chop"
                            xxxxxxxxxxcom is proud to be affiliated with one of the very best handicappers in the world. Yes, that's a bold statement but it's not one that we are about to back away from.
                            Just take a look.

                            this was from sept 17th...this is the website jimmy advertises on another forum and monitored site,,good luck buddy..


                            • #15
                              RIpple, I'm not trying to take up for him because I think he's a lying sack of shit, but supposedly he's not affiliated with that website anymore, and if you go to other forums (like the one I sent Spark to), he doesn't even bring up that website anymore. He's back to the way he was when he first started; no website and only an email address (which is shady as hell anyway).

                              Anyway, either way, he's as shady as they come.

