I am not chickswithpicks. I told you all that Im WGU, and thats all. My IP Address is Now Jessica, some of this shit serves you fucking right you stupid ass bitch. You go around on forums spreading fucking lies to people saying that Im gay. WTF, someone needs to slap a cow cunt on your head and let a bull fuck some sense into you. As they say, what comes around goes around, you spread lies about me, shit gets spread back.
Wayne, BC, Spark!!! I am giving up being a service totally! Shit hit rock bottom as we have slumped big time!!! Its not in me.. I don't like taking peoples money for plays, and want to be a real member, and post like everyone else! please let me! I will post my plays, and no Bullshit. Give me one more chance. Please Reactivate.. one bullshit post, you can get rid of me. Just give me this
Wayne, BC, Spark!!! I am giving up being a service totally! Shit hit rock bottom as we have slumped big time!!! Its not in me.. I don't like taking peoples money for plays, and want to be a real member, and post like everyone else! please let me! I will post my plays, and no Bullshit. Give me one more chance. Please Reactivate.. one bullshit post, you can get rid of me. Just give me this