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FB-"BIG GAME PLAYS"...w/ indepth Write-Ups & Big Game Analysis!

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    *SUNDAY'S PLAYS (9-25): (Winning Day!)

    {NFL-Week 3}

    *FB-NFL-REC (Week 3): 11W-2L= +17.60 Units

    -Top Plays-Rec: 7W-1L= +13.70 Units

    ================================================== =======================================

    *FB-NFL-REC (Week 1, 2, 3): 26W-15L= +34.15 Units

    -Top Rated Plays-Comb Rec: 19W-5L-1P= +38.50 Units


    -Well Gang...with Sunday's Ass Kickin Day, I have recorded my 4th Straight Winning Week in Football, just like I said I would do.

    Tomorrow, on "Big Monday" we finish Week #4 off with games in both CFB & NFL....So get on the $$$ Train and take advantage of my Weekly or Monthly Play Packages I got available for this upcoming Daily Gridiron Action....Jump On and Lets Rock-N-Roll!....Aloha CC.

    Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-26-2005, 04:41 AM.


    • Originally posted by Co-Captain
      Aloha Spark,

      Wow, more Comps....I am not sure if you are aware, but this past Weekend, I posted 11 Comp Plays (3 posted today)...and all of them, like always were Actual Plays I released and played myself....I thought that would be more than enough to cover my requirements to post here, in my one and only active thread..

      The majority of my posts I have are used to show and inform others that I provide a Legit Handicapping Service...and not posted to bump up or to unnecessarily clog up this already long thread I have...Sorry if it appears this way, but I am just trying to provide everyone what other services dont and wont ever provide everyone...I wish I didnt have to do this because it does take a shit load of my time and energy, but its something that needs to be done inorder to separate myself from those who wont and dont, as mentioned.
      Administrator Join Date: Jul 2002
      Posts: 8,985

      Sports Services New Update


      All sports services must post a comp play with each post
      .................................................. ..............................

      You are correct ... You made 3 Comps yesterday but you bumped 11 times ... You can not do that ...

      This is posted right on top of the forum Capt ... and everyone must abide by it ... if you make a post for advertising purposes like you have been doing all day you must leave a comp play ... I do not care if you leave 25 comps ... If you bump you must leave a play ... it is simple ... please do not challenge me with this ... Thanks
      Last edited by Spark; 09-26-2005, 10:12 AM.


      • and now I just noticed you did it again in post #121 ... I will be locking this thread up if you to not abide by the rules ... You are the first one to throw stones at Services that do not play by the book ... Pot is calling the kettle black now ...

        This is a Warning Co-Captain ....


        • FYI:

          -My MNF plays released on "Big Monday".

          *MONDAY'S PLAYS (9-26):


          **TOP RATED PLAY ON: (3 Units)

          KC +3

          -Score when 1st posted at another site...was 0-0 1st q with 11:19 left to play in the 1st...Current score now, Denver 3-0 with 7:15 remaining in the 1st q.

          *REGULAR 7PT TEASER PLAY ON: (1 Unit)

          KC +10 & Over 40.5

          -Gang, check back for a 2nd Half Comp Play if interested...Till then, lets keep Rockin-N-Rollin...GL and Aloha CC.

          Comp Play (opinion only): Dodgers -112
          Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-26-2005, 09:30 PM.


          • *2ND HF COMP PLAY 4 "BIG MONDAY" ....ENJOY!

            *REGULAR COMP PLAY ON: (2 Units)

            KC -3 -102 (2nd Hf)

            -The NFL is all about adjustments...and I see the Chiefs having to make alittle less of it in this half, eventhough they are down by 16 pts...That fumble was costly for KC..but the Broncos only ran the ball 7 times in the first half...I see them doing alittle bit more ground attack this half...but I also see Jake has not given up his usual turnover just yet and I expect it to come this half...KC will get RB Holmes more involved in the passing game alittle more to open up the middle for TE Gonzalez...but whichever of them is being pressured the most expect the other to be the one to exploit the Broncos...Either outside or inside will open up this half for the Chiefs...

            Donte Hall has 5 returns for 117 yards in the first half...expect him to continue this in the 2nd half...and that should help with field position for the Chiefs...Basically I like the Chiefs offense to get back on track in this much talent to hold down to just a FG...Take the Chief -3 to cover the 2nd HF....GL and Aloha CC.

            ================================================== =========================================


            -Pending tonights MNF game..this is my current YTD Record in FB (CFB/NFL)

            CFB-WEEK #1 (CFB) Comb Record: 8W-1L-1P= +17.00 Units

            FB-WEEK #2 (CFB/NFL-Wk 1) Comb Rec: 17W-12L= +12.95 Units

            FB-WEEK #3 (CFB/NFL-Wk 2) Comb Rec: 16W-13L-3P= +11.80 Units

            FB-WEEK #4 (CFB/NFL-WK 3) Comb Rec: 24W-9L= +20.50 Units
            ================================================== ================================

            *05' FB-YTD REC (CFB/NFL): 65W-35L-4P= +62.25 Units (65%)

            -Contact me if you want to Jump on board and Roll with me for these upcoming daily Football Games...Aloha CC.

            Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM
            Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-26-2005, 10:57 PM.


            • *FINAL UPDATE: WEEK #4 & YTD-FB RECORD.

              -Well that MNF game sucked...Hell, dont know what is worst...KC not showing up or Dallas giving it up late last week...Oh well, sometimes games like this occur and there isnt anyway way of projecting when it will...You can be sure though that All the top teams in the NFL will experience a game like this one sometime this season...In fact, some of them already, Philly vs Atl, Den vs Miami, Minny vs Cincy, Jets vs KC, Balt vs Indy & Tenn.

              Still even with this down day today...Week #4 has produced nothing but $WEET PROFIT once more for all who came on board and Rocked along with me...Smart Move!

              Below is Week #4's Final Record and also my current YTD-FB Rec on the Gridiron.

              CFB-WEEK #1 (CFB) Comb Record: 8W-1L-1P= +17.00 Units

              FB-WEEK #2 (CFB/NFL-Wk 1) Comb Rec: 17W-12L= +12.95 Units

              FB-WEEK #3 (CFB/NFL-Wk 2) Comb Rec: 16W-13L-3P= +11.80 Units

              FB-WEEK #4 (CFB/NFL-WK 3) Comb Rec: 24W-12L= +13.90 Units
              ================================================== ================================

              *05' FB-YTD REC (CFB/NFL): 65W-38L-4P= +55.65 Units (63%)
              (+27 Games above .500)

              -Anyways, Contact me if you want to Jump on board and Roll with me for these Upcoming Daily Football Games..... Monthly & Weekly Plays Packages currently available at a Special Rate.

              Join me as I go for my 5th Consecutive Winning Week on the Gridiron , which starts tomorrow...Dont keep missing the $$$ Train....See ya on board.....Aloha CC

              Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM

              Comp Play (opinion only): Milw -120
              Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-27-2005, 12:41 AM.


              • Co-Capt. Sorry for giving you shit earlier this year. You are a great guy, and nice to talk to! Keep up the great work buddy.


                • Reminder:

                  If your planning on coming aboard...we start Week #5 today on "Super Tuesday" ...

                  Lets Rock on to my 5th Straight Winning Week! ...Dont miss out and cost yourself again...Let me do the work for you and then Lets Kick Ass Together.....Aloha CC.

                  Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM

                  Comp Play (opinion only): St Louis +106


                  • FYI:

                    -My Tuesday play released in CFB.

                    **SPECIAL-TOP RATED PLAY OF THE DAY: (4 Units)

                    Fresno St -13

                    I will keep this simple....Basically, this one is POWER GAME vs FINESSE FOOTBALL....This one is also played on Grass...and it should be noted that the team with the better Team Speed is the Power Team...and this one is also in the Power Team's Nasty Ass House...Plus, the Power Team's Power RB Tandem, is very hungry to pound the shit out of a Smallish Finesse they have not been doing much yet this season....Also, the Finesse Team is now playing coast to coast back to back games...while the Power Team is much rested...and the Power Team already had the benefit of playing another Finesse type of team, who also runs a no huddle offense, in its previous game.

                    Power Game vs Finesse Football ...who do you like?....I believe that Speed Kills...but when the Power Team is the one possessing the better Team Speed...and also playing on a slower track...and at home, which is also on National TV as well......Well, you know what that means, right....Boise St vs Bowling Green was a similar type of matchup and also situation as this one is.....Very very similar.... MAC VS WAC.

                    The MAC has some teams with talent...but they struggle when the elements and situations is not in their favor most times...Fresno is a team which plays hard-nose football with an attitude to boot...And Coach Hill is the one who recruits this type of players, especially on the O-Line, a position which he played...The Bulldogs come in with a lightning and thunder RB tandem...who has the benefit of an experienced OL to run behind...Pinegar's passing played second to this ground attack, last season...but only because the WR corp was young and inexperienced...But this season, the passing game of Fresno St has been opened up more as evident vs Oregon, where Pinegar went 33 of 43 for 400+ yards and 3 TDs ....

                    And if you think that all Toledo needs to do is to stack the line...well, Oregon tried that by putting 8 men in the box to force Pinegar to pass...and he lit them the fuck up...Problem for Toledo is they are small and weak upfront that even if they did also stack the line to stop the run...they probably wont be able to...And when those secondary starts creeping up to help in the run support...them boys are going to get hit by the big play action pass...Can Toledo defend that..well first ask yourself if they can stop this fucking Power running game with their front 7 first....That answer is, NO WAY!

                    Power vs Finesse...Big difference again here is that the Power Team has better Speed, playing on a slower track, and at Home, and off a loss, and with a nasty attitude, and who's fans are known to spit and throw beer cans at visiting opponents as they run by them to take the field...Nasty Ass Atmosphere.....If this Finesse team...had one of these three things in their favor...Just ONE...then I would say they would have a, just like how Hawaii beat Mich St last season...Hawaii was at Home and on a track that suited their game...In this one, Fresno St has all the benefits and situations in their favor...Hard to beat when this happens, IMO.

                    I think Fresno Pounds the Shit Out of the Rockets tonight....Take Fresno -13.5 as a Special-TOP RATED PLAY OF THE DAY...

                    *Write-Up alittle different than usual...but I think you get the point...also please disregard any typos and grammatical errors..Thxs.

                    *REGULAR PLAY ON: (2 Units)

                    Under 64.5

                    Comp Play (opinion only): Angels -101


                    • Originally posted by Co-Captain

                      -My Tuesday play released in CFB.

                      **SPECIAL-TOP RATED PLAY OF THE DAY: (4 Units)

                      Fresno St -13.5 (EZ Blowout Winner!)

                      I will keep this simple....Basically, this one is POWER GAME vs FINESSE FOOTBALL....This one is also played on Grass...and it should be noted that the team with the better Team Speed is the Power Team...and this one is also in the Power Team's Nasty Ass House...Plus, the Power Team's Power RB Tandem, is very hungry to pound the shit out of a Smallish Finesse they have not been doing much yet this season....Also, the Finesse Team is now playing coast to coast back to back games...while the Power Team is much rested...and the Power Team already had the benefit of playing another Finesse type of team, who also runs a no huddle offense, in its previous game.

                      Power Game vs Finesse Football ...who do you like?....I believe that Speed Kills...but when the Power Team is the one possessing the better Team Speed...and also playing on a slower track...and at home, which is also on National TV as well......Well, you know what that means, right....Boise St vs Bowling Green was a similar type of matchup and also situation as this one is.....Very very similar.... MAC VS WAC.

                      The MAC has some teams with talent...but they struggle when the elements and situations is not in their favor most times...Fresno is a team which plays hard-nose football with an attitude to boot...And Coach Hill is the one who recruits this type of players, especially on the O-Line, a position which he played...The Bulldogs come in with a lightning and thunder RB tandem...who has the benefit of an experienced OL to run behind...Pinegar's passing played second to this ground attack, last season...but only because the WR corp was young and inexperienced...But this season, the passing game of Fresno St has been opened up more as evident vs Oregon, where Pinegar went 33 of 43 for 400+ yards and 3 TDs ....

                      And if you think that all Toledo needs to do is to stack the line...well, Oregon tried that by putting 8 men in the box to force Pinegar to pass...and he lit them the fuck up...Problem for Toledo is they are small and weak upfront that even if they did also stack the line to stop the run...they probably wont be able to...And when those secondary starts creeping up to help in the run support...them boys are going to get hit by the big play action pass...Can Toledo defend that..well first ask yourself if they can stop this fucking Power running game with their front 7 first....That answer is, NO WAY!

                      Power vs Finesse...Big difference again here is that the Power Team has better Speed, playing on a slower track, and at Home, and off a loss, and with a nasty attitude, and who's fans are known to spit and throw beer cans at visiting opponents as they run by them to take the field...Nasty Ass Atmosphere.....If this Finesse team...had one of these three things in their favor...Just ONE...then I would say they would have a, just like how Hawaii beat Mich St last season...Hawaii was at Home and on a track that suited their game...In this one, Fresno St has all the benefits and situations in their favor...Hard to beat when this happens, IMO.

                      I think Fresno Pounds the Shit Out of the Rockets tonight....Take Fresno -13.5 as a Special-TOP RATED PLAY OF THE DAY...

                      *Write-Up alittle different than usual...but I think you get the point...also please disregard any typos and grammatical errors..Thxs.

                      *REGULAR PLAY ON: (2 Units)

                      Under 64.5 (WINNER!)

                      FYI & UPDATE:

                      Well Gang...just like that I keep the $$$ Train rolling full steam ahead with a solid 2-0= +6 Unit ...$weep on "Super Tuesday".

                      As I mentioned would be the start of WEEK #5 on the Gridiron so jump on board and join me as I go for my 5th Consecutive Winning Week in FB ....Well congrats to all the new members , who for the 1st month simply watched me Kick Ass in FB, but who finally was smart enough to realize they need to get on this $$$ Train at any cost....Perfect start to the new week for all of us...Get ready, cause tomorrow, we Rock-N-Roll again my friends.

                      For, anyone who still wants to jump on...all I will say is "Just Do It".....Let me do all the work for you and then Lets Kick Some Bookie Ass Together...Hell yeah!....Dont miss out and cost yourself again Gang.....Doing that will only hurt more!....Believe Me!....Aloha CC.

                      CFB-WEEK #1 (CFB) Comb Record: 8W-1L-1P= +17.00 Units

                      FB-WEEK #2 (CFB/NFL-Wk 1) Comb Rec: 17W-12L= +12.95 Units

                      FB-WEEK #3 (CFB/NFL-Wk 2) Comb Rec: 16W-13L-3P= +11.80 Units

                      FB-WEEK #4 (CFB/NFL-WK 3) Comb Rec: 24W-12L= +13.90 Units

                      FB-WEEK #5 (CFB/NFL-WK 4) Comb Rec (pend): 2W-0L= +6.00 Units
                      ================================================== ================================

                      *05' FB-YTD REC (CFB/NFL): 67W-38L-4P= +61.65 Units (64%)
                      (+29 Games above .500)

                      Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM

                      Comp Play (opinion only): Milw -130
                      Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-28-2005, 12:39 AM.


                      • FYI:

                        -My plays released on "Wild Wednesday".

                        **TOP RATED PLAY ON:

                        Col St -3 (buy .5 pt)

                        **TOP RATED 7 PT TEASER PLAY ON:

                        Col St +3.5 & Over 54

                        -Get on board and roll with the rest of us as I go for my 5TH CONSECUTIVE WINNING WEEK in FB.....Dont miss out any of my Play Package Specials running now...Jump on board and Lets Go Get Em!....GL and Aloha CC.

                        Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM

                        Comp Play (opinion only): SD +147
                        Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-29-2005, 08:17 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Co-Captain

                          -My plays released on "Wild Wednesday".

                          **TOP RATED PLAY ON: (3 Units)

                          Col St -3 (buy .5 pt) (EZ Winner!)

                          **TOP RATED 7 PT TEASER PLAY ON: (2 Units)

                          Col St +3.5 & Over 54 (EZ Winner!)

                          *REGULAR PLAY ON: (1 Unit)

                          Col St -.5 +110 (2nd Hf) (EZ Winner!)

                          This 2nd HF play was posted in my other ** running thread...use this LINK to verify it.


                          *FINAL UPDATE 4 "WILD WEDS":

                          $weep Again Baby!

                          Gang if your still not ready to jump on board, your Nuts....I am destroying the Man!...Get on board now and roll with the rest of us as I go for my 5th Consecutive Winning Week in FB..

                          Wed's....3-0 $weep brings Week #5's Record to 5-0= +12.10 Units.......SMOKIN HOT BABY!

                          I currently have a Monthly-Play Package "Special" for this upcoming month, where we will have approx 26 days of continuous FBAction....Gonna be almost like it was Bowl Season!....But, this "Special" will NOT last forever and Oct 1st is this Saturday ....Anyways, for all those who do comes on board for this Oct Months "Special" .... I will give you "Aloha Friday's"- Big Play as a Comp Bonus from well as, a members price discount...

                          Lastly, for those who need to see it to believe it just for you....All the DOCUMENTED Proof of My $uccess is provided right here for informational & documention purposes...

                          CFB-WEEK #1 (CFB) Comb Record: 8W-1L-1P= +17.00 Units

                          FB-WEEK #2 (CFB/NFL-Wk 1) Comb Rec: 17W-12L= +12.95 Units

                          FB-WEEK #3 (CFB/NFL-Wk 2) Comb Rec: 16W-13L-3P= +11.80 Units

                          FB-WEEK #4 (CFB/NFL-WK 3) Comb Rec: 24W-12L= +13.90 Units

                          FB-WEEK #5 (CFB/NFL-WK 4) Comb Rec (still pend): 5W-0L= +12.10 Units
                          ================================================== ================================

                          *05' FB-YTD REC (CFB/NFL): 70W-38L-4P= +67.75 Units (65%)
                          (+32 Games above .500)

                          The $$$ Train rolls on....Get on board and then Let Go Get Em!......Aloha CC.

                          Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM

                          comp play (opinion only): SD -115
                          Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-30-2005, 01:02 AM.


                          • FYI:

                            Sorry forgot to inform everyone to please use this Temporary Email Address to contact me...but send all Payments via Paypal to my Yahoo Email Address.

                            Temporary Cont Info:

                            [email protected]


                            • Good job!!!!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
                              NFL RECORD 16-14-0 + 1UNITS

                              College Basketball 8-3-0 + 5 Units

                              College Football 6-6-1 -4 Units

                              NBA Basketball 11-12-0 -3 Units

                              NHL 1-1-0 + 0 Units


                              • Originally posted by CHICAGODOG
                                Good job!!!!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

                                Aloha CHICAGODOG,

                                Thanks....Best of luck to you this season...Kick Ass!...Aloha CC.

