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FB-"BIG GAME PLAYS"...w/ indepth Write-Ups & Big Game Analysis!

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Co-Captain



    Denver -3 (PUSH)

    -I like SD..but until they prove to me that they can win at can I not go with the Bronco's at Home with this short number...Shannahan is only 9-1 vs the Chargers at Mile High and that says alot...Plus, toss in that Altitude and the loud Home Crowd and you got one very difficult place to play at...With these two teams liking to run alot, you have to side with the Broncos to be more equiped to handle the thin air...

    But, another reason why I like this one is also because the Chargers pass defense showed signs of being soft, as they let Dallas aging WRs to scored 3 TDs, two of which went to Keyshawn...not a good sign going up against QB Plummer, who will definately toss it deep to his speedsters in Smith and Lelie....Speaking of Plummer, he is alot mobile QB than Bledsoe is and that should also slow down the Chargers pass rush, which wont be able to just pin their ears back and blitz...I like the thin air and the Mile High crowd to help get the Broncos back on track with a win today... Go Broncos!


    Denver -3 -115 (2nd Hf) (2nd HF Winner!)

    GB -3.5 -110 (2nd Hf) (2nd HF Winner!)

    Arizona -1 +105 (2nd Hf) (Loser!) :angryfire


    Comp Plays for "Showtime Sunday's" NFL-2nd Set ...go 2-1-1......My NFL-1st & 2nd Set Comp Plays Comb Record (Sun): 4-2-1= 67%...Solid!

    Get the Rest of My Best in just contacting me at the Email Addy below....Dont keep missing the $$$ Train Gang...There's plenty of room on jump on and Lets Rock-N-Roll!!!....Aloha CC.



    • #77

      -My ESPN Sunday Night selection I released and played..


      Oakland E

      -KC allowed over 350 yards through the air to the Jets...and they were the beneficiaries of 3 Jet turnovers in their win...The Raiders secondary got burned early by NE's Brady, but expect the Chiefs to establish the run like always before they try to hit with their play action....However, I simply cannot overlook the two big holes on both sides of the line for the Chiefs...with Roaf on offense and Sims on defense...Two very important key players for this team whose absense may be all the Raiders need to breakthrough..

      Raiders held NE's Dillion to under 100 yards and looked solid vs the run...tonight they should be psyched on stopping Johnson and Holmes...The Chiefs young secondary, on the otherhand, will have their hands full with Moss and also with Jordan running it at them...Moss should break out tonight...but dont forget about Porter as well.

      Miss this one when it was a Home Dog, but still like the Raiders to get it done tonight!... GO RAIDERS!
      Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-18-2005, 08:43 PM.


      • #78
        FINAL UPDATE 4 NFL-Week #2 (SUNDAY) :

        *SUNDAY'S PLAYS (9-18): (Winning Day!)


        *FB-NFL-REC (Sunday): 6W-7L-1P= +1.80 Units.

        -Top Rated Plays-Rec (NFL-Sun): 5W-3L-1P= +5.10 Units
        Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-19-2005, 02:04 AM.


        • #79

          -With Sunday's Winning Day in the NFL..I recorded my 3rd Consecutive Winning Week in FB this year....Posted below is each Weeks Damage I did to the Man so far...As I mentioned many times before, Football is my Strongest and Best Sport to Handicapp...and my Records of $uccess this early in the season simply speaks for itself.

          CFB-WEEK #1 (CFB) Comb Record: 8W-1L-1P= +17.00 Units (89%)

          FB-WEEK #2 (CFB/NFL-Wk 1) Comb Rec: 17W-12L= +12.95 Units (59%)

          FB-WEEK #3 (CFB/NFL-Wk 2) Comb Rec: 15W-10L-3P= +14.30 Units (60%)
          ================================================== =========================================

          *05' FB-YTD REC (CFB/NFL):40W-23L-4P=+44.25 Units (63%)

          *MONTHLY PLAYS PACKAGE-Up and Running!

          For those that are Ready to Rock-N-Roll in the next 4 Weeks of almost daily Gridiron Action...Just contact me and Lets Get to Rockin and Kickin More Bookie Ass Baby!....Hell Yeah!!!....ALOHA CC.



          • #80

            -My plays I released on MNF.

            **TOP RATED 7 PT TEASER PLAY ON:

            Dallas +1.5 & Under 43

            -I dont expect Dallas to loss their season Home opener on MNF...and Washington's struggles just to get past a depleted Bears team says alot....Again, I see Gibbs going back to his style of ball, which is ground game first and foremost...Parcell also is a establish the run first type of coach...In this matchup both teams have solid defenses against the run so that should help keep this on under the total..and ball control on offense will also help as well.

            *REGULAR PLAY ON:

            Dallas -5.5

            -Both will try to establish the ground game...but Dallas definately will have the advantage through the air...In the end, Gibbs team's lack of offensive spunk will fall once more to their division rivals who have dominated them at the toon of 14-1...Gibbs style of play is something that worked a decade ago...but he seems to continue to draft players to fit that style of play instead of getting players who can win games...Parcell and the Cowboys are alot better this year...and way more of a balanced team with a better up-to-date Coach leading the way.

            -Check back at the Half for a Comp Play ...GL and Aloha CC.

            ================================================== ======================================

            *2ND HF COMP PLAY 4 "MNF" ...ENJOY!

            Saints -.5 (2nd Hf)
            Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-19-2005, 09:36 PM.


            • #81
              *2ND HF COMP PLAY 4 "MNF" ...ENJOY!

              **TOP RATED 2ND HF PLAY ON:

              Dallas -.5 (2nd Hf)

              Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-19-2005, 10:37 PM.


              • #82
                *Short Write-Up on 2nd Hf play..

                -Dallas should be able to get it in the Endzone this half...Both defense's playing well as I expected, but Jones is getting close to 4 ypr and that should open up the passing game abit more...Washington's offense again is not doing a thing and Dallas's defense has already came up with 2 sacks, 1 int, and 1 fumble rec...Washington's defense has yet to take Bledsoe to the turf...Good sign...An advantage in this one will probably come from the poor punting average that Washington's punter, who is only averaging 36 yards per punt....not good in a defensive game where field position is very important...Advantage Dallas... GO COWBOYS!


                • #83
                  Early Update:

                  Damn NO blows a chance for the 2nd HF Cover...when Horn loses the ball as he stretched for the goal line...Shit!...Disappointing Loss, as we had many chances to hit this one! :angryfire

                  Dallas though is getting it done so far in the 2nd Hf as Bledsoe hits a Bomb to Glenn...and dont forget Gang, in games like these (defensive battle) never overlook the Special teams play...Dallas already missed a FG in the 1st HF...but what was more important was that their Punter McBrair is punting very good tonight (45 ypk avg, 2 inside the 20)...Whereas Washington's Punter Groom (only 36 ypk in the 1st half..and 1st punt of the 2nd HF gave Dallas another short field which led to a TD) is not....Field Position is so important in games like this...and even moreso important for a Washington team, whos offense is simply struggling.... Go Dallas!
                  Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-19-2005, 11:14 PM.


                  • #84
                    FB-REC'S UPDATE:

                    -Even with that tough loss with Dallas on MNF (Damn, still cant believe how they blew that game)...I still finished off Week #3 in FB on a Winning note for all my clients...I have now opened up this FB season with 3 Consecutive Winning Weeks (+41.75 Units..(61%) so far...

                    CFB-WEEK #1 (CFB) Comb Record: 8W-1L-1P= +17.00 Units

                    FB-WEEK #2 (CFB/NFL-Wk 1) Comb Rec: 17W-12L= +12.95 Units

                    FB-WEEK #3 (CFB/NFL-Wk 2) Comb Rec: 16W-13L-3P= +11.80 Units
                    ================================================== =========================================

                    *05' FB-YTD REC (CFB/NFL):41W-26L-4P=+41.75 Units (61%)


                    Gang,..currently I am offering a Monthly Plays Package which will cover the almost daily Gridiron action we have coming up, starting Wednesday...That is approx 25 straight days of Football Baby!...

                    Included as a Bonus in this Package, will be any and all of my Second to None "BIG GAME PLAYS" (one coming up this weekend) with their indepth Write-Ups and Game Analysis that I may release...all at no additional cost ...This alone is a solid deal in itself!....So, if your interested on jumping on board this $$$ Train that is Smokin Hot right now...then just contact me and Lets Get To Rockin!

                    All the Proof of My $uccess in FB is Documented right here in this running thread for everyone to view and verify...Go check it out again if you need to....Then jump on board....and Lets Rock-N-Roll Baby!....Remember, $uccess Waits 4 No One!...I simply cant wait to do more damage to "the Bitch"...GL and Aloha CC.

                    ps: My Popular-Weekly Plays Package is also still available, for those interested.

                    Cont Info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by shock1
                      hey co-captain, how many units do you play each game based on the top plays and regular plays. Also, how much do you charge for weekly, monthly, and season football packages?


                      I was going to ask the same thhing...then I noticed this post

                      Also are your selections monitored by any watchdog group or are they just on Chat sites?....
                      Remember the three R's:
                      Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by rwall
                        I was going to ask the same thhing...then I noticed this post

                        Also are your selections monitored by any watchdog group or are they just on Chat sites?....

                        Aloha rwall,

                        This is the Scale (below) and Units I use in FB..for each of my Rated plays...However, at times my Reg Plays may be rated at 2 Units...and my TRPs also may be sometimes rated at 4 Units....And later, I will probably increase both daily plays up to 2 and 4 units...But, right now, my daily plays and units they are played at are normally: Top Rated Plays= 3 Units....and Reg Plays= 1 Unit...unless they fall into one of the other Rated play categories.

                        All my Clients gets this suggested SCALE along with the plays...I use a Varied Betting Style as I rate my plays...However, they can also be played using a Flat Betting Method as well...But, that is up to the bettor to decide...I just cap em, rate em, and then post em...

                        As for being monitored by another site...I am not, all my plays posted with the exception of one NFL play is all posted in this Running Thread, here and at the ** forum...I feel if people need to find out the real truth about my plays, their value, quality, success, all they need to do is go right to this thread...How much easier for them to do that having it all here, where no one (especially me) can fuck with them in any way....Some monitors are fronts for Tout Scammers this has been proven...and because I will never really know the real deal, I dont see it beneficial to be up against others who may not be playing fairly at all...Plus, why waste money when this Running Thread is way better, imo...Here people can see my info, insights, thoughts, and backing or reasoning I may have on a play...Nothing to hide...and I also believe there is way more value in seeing someone's handicapping work (Write-Ups) inorder to really know if they are cappable Sports Handicappers or not...

                        Anyone can post someone else's plays or post plays with a half-ass reasoning to no reasoning at all behind it, except maybe a consensus number...So how do others know the legitamacy of this play...Some may say that Winners is all that is important...But, I feel that this way...those who are interested in using my Service will FIRST be able to see if I suit their needs..and they will be able to see that I am a legit Sports Handicapper, who uses nothing but Sports Handicapping Methods (Fundamental, Situational, and Technical) to cap out my plays....They will also get to disect my plays and my backing of see if I am knowledgeable in this business or not...There are many people out there who are simply trying to act like they are a legitamate Sports Handicapper, when in fact they are nothing but salemans trying to catch using Big Titles and alot of worthless Hype touting a Big Play...while not providing any type of hard facts, info, insights, etc to show why it is a good play to make an investment in...

                        With me, I will show you why I like a play so Big and why it is that you should consider getting on it as well...I think that this is clearly plain to see with my posting of my Big plays with their Write-Ups and Game Analysis...Anyways, I think everything you need to know about what I provide and how I am legitamately doing is right here in this Running Thread...No one else is as detailed or as open with their service as I am...And let me tell you, doing this is not easy at all as it does take a shit load of time...But, it must be done inorder to separate myself from those Tout Scammers, who are looking to take another suckers money any way they can...I am not into that kind of bullshit games...I love what I do and I feel I have alot to offer those who want my help in this game, for whatever reasons they may need it.

                        Shit I am getting off track I will end here...If you want, I can send you Last Weeks Plays (CFB/NFL) or any of the past 3 Weeks plays, Units they were played at, daily and Weeks ending Record I had with them both overall and with only my TRPs...I have it posted in this thread, but I also have it in a spread sheet showing a comparison between using a Varied Betting Method and a Flat Betting Method with my plays, if you like...Just shoot me an Email asking for it and I will send it to you...No Problem....I hope this helps you out...If you want to roll with me this month or week, then Lets Roll My Friend....Like I mentioned all you or anyone else needs to know or see is right here in this thread...try asking others to provide you the same and I am sure you wont get close to the amount of Info, honest Info, that I provide everyone here.....Aloha CC.

                        {NFL-CFB Plays Ratings w/ Units Wagered}

                        -("BGP")... "BIG GAME PLAY"-GOW= 6-7 Units..... "BGP"-GOM= 7-8 Units...... "BGP"-GOY= 10 Units (1 play per sport/year only)

                        -(TRP)....... TOP RATED PLAY= 3 Units..... Special-TR-POD= 4 Units........ Special-TR-POW= 5 Units

                        -(RP)......... REGULAR PLAYS= 1 Unit
                        Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-20-2005, 08:05 AM.


                        • #87
                          if ur posting ur plays on another site than you should post them here or dont post ur record here..why should we run all over the net to see your plays than u come back here and post ur record..
                          #1 post ur plays and record here

                          #2 or dont do either

                          #3 or just get lost..guys like you is why people hate services,,u post shit all over the net and do a haldf ass job at it,,either post everything here or nothing,,if u want to get treated with respect than dont treat us like were stupid mother fuckers,,im not running all over the net to see if ur telling the truth,,do it all here or GET THE HELL OUT NOW..DONT THINK TO MANY PEOPLE WANT UR SHITTY SERVICE HERE ANYHOW,,


                          • #88
                            You're a fucken idiot Ripple. He does post all his plays here you just have to go back and look at the threads. He posts his plays a little after the games starts for tracking purposes. You're talking all this shit when you don't even know what's going on. Maybe you should be the one to get the fuck outta here.


                            • #89
                              shock kiss my ass,,i wassnt talking to you,,hes been nothing but trouble here and we get plenty of complaints about ur buddys service..mind ur own business,,dude get monte to ban me no him ..ur the fucking idiot to buttinto someones thread..go back to buddies asshole site where u came from moron..


                              • #90
                                shock,,have you seen all the posts you made,,there all kissing co captain's ass and telling vegas sports off ,,everytime vegas sports lost u jumped into his thread and told him about dont do that to ur part of co-captain teams..your just another useless poster making useless posts..and trying to get co-captain business..ur like most of these services kissing peoples ass and trying to make excuses when you lose and taking peoples money

