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Ultimate Nonsense

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  • #16
    Does anyone know if Michaels won the game or not? The website has been down all day?


    • #17
      This is a great title for one of your threads!!


      • #18
        The Big Green Turd(another service termed them that)I mean Big Green Machine website has some comp. picks posted tonight and thats it;when I clicked on Sean Michaels name, it still has the ad up for last night stating he must win the NBA game or leave the internet.
        Something tells me Sean lost last night, has packed up his bags, left BGM and is on his way to find a new "home" and a new posting name on the internet OR he isn't leaving BGM at all, and will come back under a new name without leaving. Of course, BGM will tell us that they have a "new" capper "replacing" Sean with outstanding(undocumented)


        • #19
          Yea Sean Michaels is gone, back to the porn industry. If he had won, they would've wasted no time posting it.


          • #20
            Should not the Big Green Turd eh Money Machine at least acknowledge that he lost?


            • #21
              Probably not, I mean what's gonna happen, is there gonna be an uproar calling for his job. Those bastards get away with murder.


              • #22
                Originally posted by BigWeiner
                Probably not, I mean what's gonna happen, is there gonna be an uproar calling for his job. Those bastards get away with murder.
                As far as I am concerned, BGM is showing its true colors by leaving their home page entirely blank.
                As you said, if the game had won, the home page and that of Michaels would be plastered with huge headlines saying How he told you so, blah, blah, blah.
                I view this kind of reporting or actually not reporting a lie of omission.


                • #23
                  Apparently he had the Spurs. He's spoutin' off at the website for tonight.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by scottya
                    Apparently he had the Spurs. He's spoutin' off at the website for tonight.
                    On the BGM website or somewhere else? I didn't see it.


                    • #25

                      Do I want to gloat and brag and rub it in to everyone who didn't believe in me? I would be lying if I didn't say yes a part of me does.

                      You put yourself out there like that, then watch a game like that, then sweat a game like that and have it win.
                      To have tole the internet world I must win or leave the NET for good. Are you crazy?
                      In this business, it doesn't get much better than that. It truly doesn't.
                      People, this is where I take off. To a place other handicappers only dream about. A place where you can do know wrong.
                      I am more confident right now than I have ever been and I look for a whole lot of winning to available to you for the next few months.
                      This business is about many things, one of which is luck, which is exactly what it was when the Prince 3 at the buzzer didn't go. This business is also about confidence and when you have it, most of the time, you win big.
                      That is what I did last night and what I plan on doing the next few months as well.
                      Come aboard for the Sean Michaels run of a lifetime.
                      It will be one for the record books, that I assure you.

                      WHAT A JACKASS


                      • #26
                        Thanks-I also went back and found it;for my mind he is still a grown man in his 40's with the overall maturity of someone about 8 years old.
                        Some lock- a game which goes down to the last shot;I have heard from my sources that this guy over a time is a lousy handicapper;from what I have seen over the years, I would concur.


                        • #27
                          Win or Lose....Try to stay away, if you can, from these last High Profile Public Slammed games ...However, if you need to play it, which I can understand makes it that much more exciting...Been there, done that....

                          Just not get out of hand in these games as there is many more better opportunities to come...Ever wonder why these games like the SB, WS, etc are the biggest money making days for Vegas...If that is so, then it would seem smart to avoid them, dont you agree..

                          But, like I said, if you need to put something down on it..just make sure you Never Ever Ever buy into these Clowns HYPE and MONKEY DANCE....So this guy hit this One Game...Well guest what Chief, it's only ONE GAME....and your acting like you Never won One Game before...which is probably the truth....Gang, its only ONE game and there is no need to start dancing and prancing around like a dumbass....unless, you bet your house on this game, while following this Clowns pick....If you did, then, by all away...cause you two belong together...and it would appear that if you continue together only one of you will be dancing in the end....Wanna guess who that would be..

                          Remember, Be Smarter Investors Gang!..Aloha CC.


                          • #28
                            Co-Captain-Any service/handicapper which would make the the 7th game of the NBA Playoffs a Lock of a Lifetime, as Michaels and many of his cohorts did at Big Green Machine(I guarantee some of them lost also) shows the devious nature of the operation and an obvious attempt to dupe the public into thinking the game is something which it is not.
                            Maybe as an associate capper, who deemed them the Big Green Turd is using language too strong;I would tone it down a bit and simply call them the Big Green Puke. Puke is more likely to be green anyways rather than turd.


                            • #29
                              I just visited the Big Green (Turd)Machine website.
                              It seems all the cappers out there use every day 1 million star locks on up to rate their games including Chuck Franklin.
                              To me this indicates that the cappers have neither respect for themselves or for potential clients by such outrageous ratings.
                              It also indicates a lack of confidence in both their handicapping abilities and in their ability to attract clients.
                              If their games are as good as they say they are, surely there would be no need to rely on such gimmicks, and even more so gimmicks like "Pawn" I mean Sean Michaels when allegedly he put his whole career (a lie of course) based on the outcome of Game 7 in the NBA Playoffs, which was also the last game of ther season.
                              Perhaps that Monaco guy, who apparently runs the operation, ought to rethink the way in which they advertise;it might improve the business and even get a few people with a brain larger than a pea to join.
                              Last edited by savage1; 06-25-2005, 01:59 AM.

