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Confirmation of Jack Price/Corey Black Scam

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  • Confirmation of Jack Price/Corey Black Scam

    As most of you know, I try to expose con artists on a regular basis, Jack Price/Corey Black being one of my biggest targets.
    The reason for this is that 1) I believe (as do many) that Jack Price is one of the biggest con artists out there and 2) Corey Black doesn't exist and is fact Jack merely trying to pass off his own picks under then name of a fictitious person.
    Anyways, today I got up the courage or some would say the stupidity to call his/their 800 number to receive both "can't miss" picks in the NBA tonight.
    Now keep this in mind: on the comp. phone 888-7573777, Jack speaking for "Corey" says to simply call and one of "the free game operators" will give out the games "no questions asked."
    Ok-so I decided to call but obviously from a pay phone and here is the gist of what happened:
    The person answering the phone said I believe "Black Sports"
    I said that I was calling for the free game(I gave a fake first name of course).
    The person answering the phone(AJ-that name sounds familiar), said he was on the other line and whether he could have MY number in order to call me back(the oldest con trick in the book).
    I said "no-put me on hold."(for obvious reasons).
    AJ then said he couldn't do that but to call back in 4 or 5 minutes.
    I called back, and then is when fun begins.
    Now remember ,I don't remember every sentence spoken in conversation, but I can give you a drift of what happened.
    I told AJ I wanted the two free games in reponse to ad in comp. phone.
    AJ(who sounded pleasant enough) asked me how I was doing in the games.
    I said pretty well.
    He then asked if I used a local or offshore;I said an offshore which is true.
    He then asked how much I bet on games.
    He asked him why he wanted to know(the real reason of course is so that they can decide how much to charge you).
    He gave me a song and dance act about how just wanting to bs sure I was a serious gambler, because a lot of people aren't, blah, blah, blah.
    I didn't want to belabor the point and so I said a couple of hundred to a dime (I actually bet less than that but figured that was reasonable).
    He then went into a long monologue about how well they have been doing, that a person who justs bets $100 max a game has made several thousand in past few weeks, etc.
    He then asked if he ("Corey") could make me money, whether I would be willing to pay them a portion of it.
    I asked him how much, and he said"whatever you feel comfortable paying."(an interesting but evasive answer).
    He said that if I had been with him(meaning Corey) last year, I would have had no problem sending them 10K because I would have made so much more(this was an obvious test of me to see how I would react).
    Then playing the part, I said that the service sounded real good, BUT that ad on comp. phone said that tonight's games would be given away NO QUESTIONS ASKED and that I didn't expect to have to listen to a speech about how good the service was and about what the fees are.
    At one point in conversation, he asked for a "small" deposit today just to get started.
    I repeated that I wanted just the free games for today,and as stated on comp. phone there would be no questions asked and by inference no money requested.
    He then told me he would give me a phone mumber where I could get some free plays but not the "best" picks.
    I asked him what the number was, and guess what-the number given was the regular comp. number that I call every day for their comps(888-7573777);in other words, he figured just to get rid of me, knowing that he couldn't con me into buying anything today,he would simply give me the comp. number figuring I didn't know it.
    At this point,I told him that I already called the number today and then said to him-"Well you have told me everything I need to know" and promptly hung up(damn it-I should have said give my best to Jack Prick)e and Corey Black(head).
    I am sure that many of you have similar stories to tell,; to tell you the truth, this is the first time in a long while that I have stooped to this level, but as they say "curiosity killed the cat" got the best of me today.
    I sure hope at rhe very least that this little story is helpful to any newbies debating on whether to call any "come-on" service.

  • #2
    Lol, Thanks For Sharing With Us, Savage1. You May Save Some Members' Time And Money On This Scammer


    • #3
      savage you are going to pay phones just to call and mess with services and you even stand there and call back when they tell you to??? Then you run home and type out the conversation to people... WOW!

      Duuude .......... There has to be some disease named for this. I mean seriously brother these services have replaced the wife and taken over your life. Let it go and take up lawn bowling or something. hahahahaha

      You amaze me my friend. You really do!


      • #4
        Originally posted by wayne1218
        savage you are going to pay phones just to call and mess with services and you even stand there and call back when they tell you to??? Then you run home and type out the conversation to people... WOW!

        Duuude .......... There has to be some disease named for this. I mean seriously brother these services have replaced the wife and taken over your life. Let it go and take up lawn bowling or something. hahahahaha

        You amaze me my friend. You really do!
        Wayne -You have a point. lol
        On the other hand, if I convince just one newbie or person who is tempted to call one these scamsters, then it was worth it.
        Remember also I am retired, and in between games ,WTF, I have nothing better to do,;I also enjoy it, and think one of my missions in life is to expose the scamsters.
        If George Bush thinks he has a pipeline to God and a mission on earth, then I think I am entitled to mine.
        ps I have no wife presently(maybe what you posted is the reason lol).
        ps If I have a disease, then to my knowledge there is no cure for it.
        I know they have Gamblers Anonymous, but I know of any "Don't Expose Scamsters Anonymous." or any pill to take.


        • #5
          What I meant to say in line 2 above is tempted to call one of these scamsters, NOT to call, etc,
          Last edited by savage1; 05-05-2005, 07:23 PM.


          • #6
            I APPLAUDE SAVAGE!!! UR THE BEST. just loved reading that it was great keep up the good work. ( they can make u sick for sure!! )


            • #7
              Jack Price, Stu Feiner, Jeff Allen, can all go to HELL!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by stickman1
                Jack Price, Stu Feiner, Jeff Allen, can all go to HELL!!
                Isn't Jeff Allen in prison yet? I know that his shop is just north of where I live and I thought that he was busted. Oh well, another scumbag will pick up where he left off.
                Get the best line possible....or you can just gamble!


                • #9
                  Jeff Allen is in prison. Not sure how long.

                  How is Jack Price still in business? How


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by stickman1
                    Jeff Allen is in prison. Not sure how long.

                    How is Jack Price still in business? How
                    He is not in business using his own name anyways,-as stated many times, he tries to hide himself and his well known lies/scam to the public by pretending he is the NON-EXISTENT Corey Black.


                    • #11
                      When I discovered this site I laughed out loud when I first read Savage's reports on Jack Price. Why? The name sounded so familiar because about ten years ago one of my friends talked me into "going in with him" and using my credit card (since I was the only one in our little circle of friends that had one at that time) to buy "Jack's" services since we were behind on our own. And of course we lost and bailed out before we could purchase his "Lock of the Century." It seems Jack is still busy selling his lies. Great job Savage on your expose of the scamster.


                      • #12
                        What is his comp number so I can call?


                        • #13
                          The number to call is 888-7573777.
                          It is comical, as every day Jack tries to act as the pitchman for "Corey."
                          Anyone with an iq over 50 realizes that there is no "Corey." If there were, how come in nearly one year, I haven't heard "Corey's" voice even once when I called "his" comp. phone-only Jack's disgusting voice and lies?
                          ps Thanks for your responses;I enjoy reading them.
                          Last edited by savage1; 05-05-2005, 09:58 PM.


                          • #14
                            i think probably most of us maybe not all of us have used these scumbags in the past and learned the hard way

                            to any of you young kids out there that are gambling learn from other peoples mistakes

                            these services will never pull you out of whatever hole you are in they will just cover you up and bury you

                            every last one of them

                            just in case you dont know

                            we fade these scumbags

                            savage this is a free country you do what you want and enjoy it

                            we can share the women, we can share the wine
                            we can share what we got of yours cause we done shared all of mine.


                            • #15
                              What other scamdicapper names can we come up with?

                              Mike Wynn, Sam Sharpe, Dan Pastorini

