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High Roller play

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  • #16
    Fast Eddie, as you should know, since you buy my plays, that the dogs were my plays.. There is a guy named Neyme that keeps posting false plays.. Im going to send an email to Jack, and see if he can settle this.. GL guys. we are up 140.17 units


    • #17
      Ok guys, I have sent Jack a notice about false plays being posted, and we will see if this clears things up. We dont give out both sides, and when you see wiseguys, its not us unless it says Wiseguys Unlimited, so dont get confused. Fast Eddie, Im sorry for telling everyone that you buy my plays, but you started this. Your name is Ed Mckinney, and I got your paypal, and it said Fast Eddie Sports right on it. we are up 140.17 units


      • #18
        Wow, that was very very bad. Tough 3 days.. We will turn this around. Everyone goes on losing streaks. Lets get it back tomorrow. we are up 140.17 units


        • #19
          0-4 since Saturday....Save your cash
          Joe Thorton for MVP


          • #20
            these services always have excuses; excuses
            why do people pay???


            • #21
              Fats, we have admitted that we are on a 3 day losing streak. For all you guys know, its just today. Im not hiding anything. Us 3 will bounce back, and unlike most services, the losing streak wont last weeks, or even months. The other 2 guys work their a$$ of to get winners, and have done great so far. We will not hide our records, and will not hide losing streaks. This is the first real losing streak we have been on, more than a day, and I have faith that we will bounce back big.. Those that bought will continue to get plays until they get up $$, or they will get refunded.. Lets bounce back, and there will be no distractions, or nothing stopping us. If you lost, Im very sorry bro.. We will make it up.
     we are up 140.17 units


              • #22
                faded all four and will continue to do so....Best money I ever made. Faded him early on in the year as well. His name is william conger and when he gets going is the ultimate fade bait..I mean days of going 0-4 which faded is 4-0....Pure cash cow!!!
                Joe Thorton for MVP


                • #23
                  Originally posted by bookbreaker
                  these services always have excuses; excuses
                  why do people pay???
                  Man comeon, what was my accuse?? That everyone gets on slight losing streaks.. Thats a fact. You all will see just how good we are by if we can bounce back after a losing streak. We havent been on a losing streak all year, not once. I cannot tell you how we will respond, but I can tell you that I have faith that it will be well.. We didnt post 35-13 on here for nothing. We are legit, and will prove so.
         we are up 140.17 units


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by $Jimmy$
                    Man comeon, what was my accuse?? That everyone gets on slight losing streaks.. Thats a fact. You all will see just how good we are by if we can bounce back after a losing streak. We havent been on a losing streak all year, not once. I cannot tell you how we will respond, but I can tell you that I have faith that it will be well.. We didnt post 35-13 on here for nothing. We are legit, and will prove so.
                    Conger, do not make me produce e-mails from you during bowl season...Remember Oklahoma and the under.....Over before half time....Remember ND as bowl game of the year? Dude, come clean.....
                    Joe Thorton for MVP


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by fats12
                      Conger, do not make me produce e-mails from you during bowl season...Remember Oklahoma and the under.....Over before half time....Remember ND as bowl game of the year? Dude, come clean.....
                      Fats, everyone knows about my other service I had awhile back. I made it very clear. I didnt have much info on games, and wasnt very good then. I have joined with two other great cappers, and now our info, and winners are second to none. Now you guys can be childish, and set here and bash because you have nothing else better to do.. Im going to go spend time with my fience.. Talk to you all later.
             we are up 140.17 units


                      • #26
                        excuses, excuses..blah blah
                        who cares, u win some and lose some; like ALL OF US AND WHY CHARGE..


                        • #27
                          Bookbreaker, the difference is we dont lose often..

                          Guys, my fience is having heavy bleeding, and severe stomach pains, Im going to run her to the hospital, and if shes not feeling well tomorrow, Im taking the day off. Clients, Im sorry but she is more important than one day of plays. Wish us luck guys, please!!!
                 we are up 140.17 units


                          • #28
                            oh please, as she is lying there bleeding u are typing away
                            give us a break; enough of the bs i


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by bookbreaker
                              oh please, as she is lying there bleeding u are typing away
                              give us a break; enough of the bs i
                              That's hilarious!!!!!!

                              "Hold on honey, I know you're dying but I have to finish my post on Bettorschat!"


                              • #30
                                this guy lied to all here from day one even when spark called it; continued to lie to all and then fessed up that HE IS WISEGUYS
                                HOW ANY ANYONE BELIEVE OR trust this guy..
                                LMAO...girlfriend bleeding and he is typing to

