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3 "Wise Men" now CHARGING for "Plays"

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  • #16

    Real tough beat last night - game was under all the way until the dreaded Overtime ... the worst nightmare for an NBA Under play.

    We'll get 'em tonight.


    • #17
      3 wise men men Comp for Thursday

      Originally posted by wallstreet
      Why is this in the services area??
      Why not here...??? it, it's self explanatory...???

      where????else would you put a thread like this....

      Fellows, remember the less fortunate, as we approach Christmas Day....we're 2-2 on our Comps, losing our Under the other day, when it went to overtime...Remember where you pay to get these picks

      Comp play for today is...
      NCAA Baskets
      #744 Miami-Fla -15

      Best to all, have a good holiday with your "Family" :christmas

      Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


      • #18
        Lost our comp play--now 2-3 on comps...However our member plays were 13-7-1 for +8.20 units...all posted here for free....Guys its Christmas Eve, and over here (Tulsa Ok) the temp is 11 degrees with a chill factor of 0 degrees....Pretty damn cold...Took some old clothes, well not old, but 2 sizes larger than me, don't fit any more, brought them (to American Red Cross), some shoes, jackets, gloves, all stuff just collecting dust in the closet...Wife fussing about no room to put anything, well I helped her out...and hopefully some others...I know I'm being redundant and a pain in the ass, not to mention Wall St Moderator wanting to know why this is in the Sports Services Section--go figure that one out---but Just 1 more day before the Birth of Christ...Very significant day in the "History of Mankind"...Share--Share--Share, thats what this Forum is all about, lets slip away from the Forum, and share with others less fortunate...God Bless you all...Have a safe/good/family "Holiday"...

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • #19
          Thanks to all who helped

          kmann---the 3 wise men---all want to thank those that helped others less fortunate than us...Yesterday the Old Kaptain was 6-1 on NFL plays...If you rode with us, pass some goodies on...

          Todays comp play is in college baskets..
          #722 Cinn -10...we are now 2-3 on comps....

          once again thanks fellows...kmann

          Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


          • #20
            3 wisemen rock!! GL to all


            • #21
              Comp hits

              well our comp play on Cinn (College baskets), hits as they roll...(Thanks Donny)...remember guys, the year is almost over, and we start anew...The free plays from the 3 wise men are soon gonna end, but the contribution to "Helping others" continues on...

              Comp plays now 3-3 (once again thanks to a good friend--(Don)...I'm using his comps for this thread--also helps me keep a record of plays....I don't usualy endorse Services, but this guy I've known over the years, to be the steadiest I've ever seen...Extremely strong in guys don't know him, and I'm not gonna lay it out there, but will continue his comps...

              After all my preaching about staying local (Forum), it would be hypocritical of me to endorse someone at this time....I'm still not endorsing a service, but I've turned to him several times during long--hard--cold spells, to bail me out...

              Just giving him credit, where credit is due...3-3 on comps doesn't really portray his skills...I'll see if I can get him to e-mail me once in a while, some of his Member plays, so I can throw em out there for you fellows...

              Remember the "needy", that was the "Sole" purpose of initiating this thread....kmann---kapt

              Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!

