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Please, Stop Falling For "hyped" Picks!!!

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  • #31
    nice post buzz

    Nice post ...I obviously did not realize when I made the original post that 80% of the guys in this Forum (or at least it now seems that way) are fading all these HYPED picks. I guess I saw soooo many people excited to get a Cappers HUGE Hyped pick I thought they actually wanted to bet the actual pick ...not the opposite side. But it's pretty clear to me the long term members fade all or most of these Hyped picks. I guess it's a bad thing for newbies til they learn. Funny thing for the people who do this...your actually Handicapping the HYPED picks you cant fade them all. Now your just basically betting each week from a different angle. I can assure you not one of you is winning fading HYPED picks by a lot of the guys you get off this site. Guys like Spreitzer and Cokin and many more (who do HYPE) are winning more then they lose on HYPED games. I get 85 services picks every single day...and I have tracked them all for 10 yrs. One thing that happens is if a Capper has a name for his Hyped Play (ex. - smasher of the year or board of directors Club pick)....just know when that certain Club or Category loses gets deleted and a new name starts up. This way if its winning...its all true the record and they stay with it.
    If you can truly say you are fading HYPED picks and winning a ton of money...then you are actually a SUPER SOLID HANDICAPPER and you need to quit your day job and start selling picks. If your honest and can win like will make a ton of money. And since your honest you will sleep great at night.
    I'd love to see you guys who bashed me start posting all your FADING picks each week so I can track them and if you do well start betting them. Hey I bet for a anyone I see who can win consistently I will bet on their plays too. So let's load these picks before game time and tell me who your fading....and lets all kick some ass all season. I think that thread might teach newbies some too which will be a solid thread to post twofold.
    Everyone is in here to make money somehow....I was simply trying to teach people a few tips ON HOW NOT TO LOSE SOME.
    Last note: for KMANN ---you rip me for not posting a pick on the original thread....I understand I did mistake there...but I have posted only 7 threads prior to this one I started....I gave 7 free picks winning 6 and losing 1. Its not whether I won those threads (7 picks) or not to me...its that I gave a pick I bet myself and gave to my clients. I dont bet all sports so the day I started the thread all my picks for the weekend were done. I had no solid pick to post....I was just making a thread from other threads I read that I thought might help some people (I never realized people would actually stoop so low and cruel as to THREATEN ME). I'd rather take crap for not posting some lousy free pick
    (I'd never post a pick just for the sake of it...thats horseshit).
    And for your line KMANN I will start pitching some special
    deal anyday....that clearly wouldnt happen as I dont need sales. I am in business for 17 yrs and been on the radio for 15
    and have more clients then any Service out there. I am not a moron...once a guy gets my picks they would be plastered on the site in nobody else would buy them anyway. I DO NOT NEED ONE SALE...I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT. You guys are soooo bent against Handicappers. I was in here trying to help give advice to people who might need it. To those that don't, why ruin it for everyone else that might?? The only offer I ever pitched was giving all this sites readers my Magazines online version all FB season for free. I figure I spend 80 hrs putting it together a week...why not have bettors use the info. Many on here took advantage of it and many didnt. I never once pitched a big game on here or a weekend. All my picks are basically the same. I dont have anything big to even sell. Try not to make accusations you can't be sure are absolutely true. It's classless. I never came in here to punk anyone....just because I dont agree with every thread posted doesn't mean I need to write that guy and rip him a new one. I sure hope to you don't need a free play that bad either. I guess KMann you are perfect and never broke a rule in your life.
    g g
    Crush the bookmakers!!


    • #32
      For Shawny Mack C/O The Boy C - LMAO

      Originally posted by The Boy C
      do i also make you horny baby?

      seaniemac says hi back to you from A1 forum. dont think he doesnt lurk here and there. see the streets of philly raised us with loyalty.

      why dont you tell everyone then you were going to unban him again but you were afraid he would show everyone up again and you would get complaints about him beging too good.

      why dont you tell everyone why you were so interested in what service and inside info he had?

      maybe ill just have him come over right now hahah.


      P.S. this isnt him now, he did make the name and just gave me the password to do whatever i wanted.


      HEY ERRAND BOY - You take this message back to that "other" Sorry Sack of Crap ....

      Tell him CoverBoy has his friend Andrew Dice Clay at his house now and for a goof he turned Dice on to some of " Shawny's " posts. Dice says he remembers him trying to sneak into one of his shows one night looking like " some skank who doesn't have 2 nickels to rub together. " Naturally he was caught, roughed up , and kicked to the curb . That seem familiar ? It should be ...

      Dice then told the audience : " NOW THERE'S A LOAD THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SWALLOWED " - Got a standing ovation.


      Wait ... one second ... someone wants to tell you another thing or 2 ...

      Hey Snapper Head - This is Andrew Dice - Thought you can crash my concert, HAH ? Nice try, Nit Wit ... I wanna trow you a precise beatin' ... on principle alone ... but my Pal over here is tryin' to talk me out of it. Ah what the hell ...We'll go drinkin' instead and pick up a coupla tomatoes. We'll save the beatin' for another day. I read your stuff ... PAL you got the brain of a 2 year old ... and the 2 year old was glad to get rid of it. Take care, you Pantload "

      Hey You - It's me again , Coverboy --- NOW you can hurry up and deliver this .... before I change my mind about the Beatin'...... Message Boy

