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Bashers Of Sports Services Whats The Deal?

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  • #16

    Thank you for listing me in your thread. This is the funniest, most bullshit thread EVER at BC. I am glad you made me a part of it. Good luck!


    • #17
      Re: Ty...............

      Originally posted by Tony Vegas
      Thank you for listing me in your thread. This is the funniest, most bullshit thread EVER at BC. I am glad you made me a part of it. Good luck!

      Tony you made the TYSHitbag hit list
      1 of 1 Morons


      • #18

        Originally posted by Ty Gaston
        Rjeremy and the rest of you bashers PLEASE KEEP FADING me, I will keep sticking it in your asses, thats the reason you fade because you dont think anyone can win, yet you bash me because you fade me all the time and you lose and need someone to blame.

        Listen up ya schmucks please keep fading me I love sticking it to you!

        Ty Gaston

        Ya born losers Rejeremy, Superzero, Fastbreak, if I put all 3 of ya in box ya couldnt find your way out, because you all would be too busy sniffing each others assholes!

        BC : I thought you bounced this asshole a while ago. Now he's popping up more and more lately... like pimples on a teenager.

        Why do you permit garbage like this to stick around and insult our members ?

        He needs to be roughed up some - then run out on a rail.

        Tell ya what - I'm pretty busy lately but I'll gladly pencil him in for a beatin' early next week

        BING !!! BAMMM !!! BOOM !!!!


        No more garbage.

        Say the word .... I'll lay the Smackdown free.... my pleasure ... I'll be doing us all a great service.


        • #19
          Can we place bets on that?
          What's the odds?
          There's no such thing as luck.


          • #20
            I Was just looking out for someone who was asking if TY was as good as his record says he is.

            THAT ANSWER IS NO!!!!!

            I'm looking out for members here.............TY is a liar and a fraud.

            Anyone that says they are 80% or whatever, and goes 2-8 with his Code Zebras right here at BC in a contest is a LIAR!!

            You're a snake TY, you don't deserve any people's money.

            I can't believe they even let you one here anymore.

            I think the only reason is because you whined and cried like a little baby and threatened to sue over it. GROW UP!!!

            I can't possibly imagine ANYONE from this forum actually signed up with you............


            • #21
              Tony Vegas and Warrior

              Ty Gaston likes Toronto Towers +200 over Boston in Major League Baseball Action for Wednesday!

              for more free picks go to and click on free picks!

              Tony Vegas; thought you would like that, me mentioning you as if you were actually somebody! Thought you would like to see your name in print before your obituary! You get amuzed at the simplest things like taking a pee, and watching an egg wiggle in a frying pan, not to mention bending forward to look at your toes which you haven’t seen in 15 years!

              WARRIOR; if you could sell $995 for your season or more, would you sell it for that or just tell someone it’s $14.95? I would prefer 150-200 clients at $995 or more, than 1000 clients at $14.95. I would pull my eyes out first before I or my sales reps talked to people about a $14.95 deal! I would rather piss in the wind naked than sell MY INFORMATION for $14.95, maybe you might wanna take a trip to Vegas and listen to my sales reps and learn something! Why in the world would you bash someone selling picks for a large price? JEALOUSY? Just curious?

              Oh but that’s right you have no overhead, don’t advertise in newspapers, radio, tv, just websites! So if you make 10 sales a week, your jigglin, can’t figure out to do with the $149.50?

              Have a nice day

              Ty Gaston


              • #22

                This thread has accomplished exactly what Ty wanted, views. He loves that you guys come in and bash him. Notice that when nobody responds in his threads that his views are a little under 30 or 40 but if he can engage people in bashing, he gets well over a couple of hundred views. Ty has gotten what he wants again, his name in the heads of everyone here at BC. Now his website will get more traffic b/c people read all this bullshit here and run and check out his website. That allows Ty to get the traffic on his website up, allowing him to make more money. He is a genius in marketing. Bad publicity is better than no publicity. Ty might not be able to pick winners but he sure can market. Congrats Ty!!


                • #23
                  Clap clap clap

                  Tony Vegas Clap clap clap, nice response, but your right bad publicity is great, but its not bad publicity it's people lying and shit and me sticking up for myself, it dont matter the vip football club is 8-2, the Code Zebra football club is 9-3 and the VIP Baseball club has won 15 of its last 17, so keep playing the free plays when you can be winning with the real shit!

                  keep staring down as some day you may find your toes, Call Dr Atkins!

                  Ty Gaston


                  • #24
                    The strip club's record is 15-1 and the code fat-ass is 3-7.
                    There's no such thing as luck.


                    • #25

                      You're the only FAT FUCK around here. You weigh over 350 lbs you loser.


                      • #26
                        Attached Files
                        "You like the odds of lightning?"


                        • #27
                          You are right...........

                          It doesn't matter b/c no one has seen any proof of your record. I have no idea what your actual record is and personally don't give a shit. It has been months and still not one person has vouched for you. So sorry if I don't find any truth in your claims. Your sole purpose of posting here is not to get people to sign up with you. You know half the people visiting this site can't afford it, then the other half think you are full of shit. You just want the traffic to the website so that you can say how popular your site is and charge more for advertising. The more hits and clicks means more dollars and cents. You are a hype machine. You love the bashers b/c it makes people think about you.

                          Also, I love how mature you act for a middle aged man. Trying to goad me with fat jokes. I am 25 years old, and in pretty good shape. 6 foot 2, 200lbs. Nice try though. Good luck with your free plays and congrats on your marketing skills. More bash = More clicks.


                          • #28
                            I sure as hell am not going to read all the replies but I will say this. This may have already been written.

                            Ty Gaston posts or has someone post at nearly every fucking forum on the net and at each one it's a different play. You are bound to get something correct. I see you at one forum patting yourself on the back but at the others you don't take responsibilty for the losers.

                            This could be why people dislike you.


                            • #29

                              Just now saw your response. My thread was not aimed at you, but at the industry in general.

                              As far as what I charge, I work to support the family and do my sheet during the football season. It is a supplementary income during this time of year. That's all.

                              I'm not big. I dont do this for a living. If I did, I would have to charge more. You're right about that. I dont make much doing my sheet, that's for real.

                              My Mom has said for years that I do not charge enough, but she does not understand the ugly side of the biz. The only way I would charge more, a lot, is if it was based on some kind of Net Winner set up.

                              I'm not going to charge a lot of money for my information and research if I cannot BANK them a PROFIT. The sheet is just an information tipsheet. It's got picks and I expect the sheet to come out ahead, but it's only 7 bucks per Issue.

                              I start charging hundreds of dollars, and I'm gonna back it with a guarantee of some sort. I don''t have the consciense to repeatedly accept exhorbitant amounts of money from people if I am not doing what I am paid to do: WIN THEM MONEY.

                              That's what I was referring to Ty, not to you. I have no idea what your record is, so how could I judge you that way? But I'll say it again, those who engage in that kinda' shady business activities WILL pay a price somewhere down the line.

                              I don't sell enough sheets to make a living doing it. I think I would sell more if I doubled the price. Really. I've had people call me and suggests that you get what you pay for. So, from that standpoint, I understand where you're coming from.

                              But truth be told, if I had a bankroll to play the games, like Wayne said, why bother selling the Picks? Just bet them to make money!

                              But I don't. I work for a living and work my @SS off on my sheet...and love doing it...

                              I'm working on an ULTIMATE Program that will release only about 2-5 "Paycheck" plays PER MONTH. It's would be 100 bucks for the game, but it guarantees the win. You wouldn't pay unless you PROFIT 1.0 Net games.

                              That's the only way to do business in my opinion, and I can live with that because I truly am offering a service--my time, research, efforts--so that people can make money from those efforts.

                              It's the same basic Principle as my Net Program, but I quickly found out that people do not respond to ten bucks per net winner (too good to be true???).

                              This site offers a lot of free, WINNING information; and that's hard to compete with. But there is a market out there for professionals who do not have the time to search this site or any site and don't know who to trust and follow anyway.

                              That's one reason I began doing searches on cappers and posting the winning cappers' records, was to offer back to the forum my efforts in informing people on who they can follow for FREE.

                              If I had a sizeable bankroll to play my own games and do this full time and not go to work X-number of hours per week, I would not even bother with a pay service or even my dinky little sheet. I would make my money betting the games and post all my stuff here for FREE.

                              Gotta' go run errands...thanks for posting...L8r...


