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Bashers Of Sports Services Whats The Deal?

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  • Bashers Of Sports Services Whats The Deal?

    This sports services section is for sports services who want to post free plays to the public. It is also used for advertising our websites, and specials we may have regarding purchasing picks from us as well.

    Bettorschat specifically designed this sports service section for this use. Bettorschat does not allow us to post our games in other forums which attract 10-20 times the amount of hits as this sports service section! Every Tom Dick and Harry can post in those forums but we are adjourned to post in this section! I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT!

    What I have a problem with is the excessive bashing that occurs in this sports services section primarily by the same individuals like Sportsaremylife, Rjeremy, Fastbreak, Superzero, Tony Vegas just to name a few! They go into our threads and say things calling us scammers, liars etc etc. Yet in my instance NOT A SINGLE FRICKING ONE OF THEM has ever done business with my company and I am sure they haven’t done business with some of the others they bash! I have been in the business selling picks since 1985, while these snot nose pricks woke up one day and decided to start betting. I put my time in as others have come and gone in this business and my longevity is what people appreciate!

    In the past I have been very vocal and said what I wanted to say about these jerkoffs, AFTER they say what they say about me. In the past when I would say things out of line, the moderators would doctor the thread to not expose what was exactly I said. I DON’T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT.

    When these jerkoffs go into our threads and bash us, why don’t the moderators doctor their threads and prohibit them from bashing, if they are prohibited long enough maybe they will stop.

    I am here to provide free plays, FADE EM or BET EM, isn’t that what this site is all about. When a guy gets hot roll with it, when a guy gets cold FADE it. I get sick and tired when I win 3-4 in row then lose one and here the bashers come, swearing, cursing, abusing, and no moderators do nothing about it. This sports services section was made for us right? If a guy pays someone from our section and gets scammed, let’s hear about it, but to pay someone and they lose for you, you didn’t get scammed you just lost

    Let’s stop the abuse FADE OR PLAY, or if they continue to bash us we should be able to say whatever the hell we want in return to their responses to our threads. Why should I or any sports service be not allowed FREE SPEECH when these other jerkoffs are free to ROLL and say anything this wish without MODERATION! What’s fair is fair and it is our section right?

    Bettorschat; Please moderate these jerks or let us say as we wish, inevitably it is OUR SECTION isn’t it? We can’t go to the sports forum and say our say, EVEN when someone on their bashes us, let’s be fair. Isn’t it really all about the net units? Winning losing? Sports services where is your voice in this, we have lost alot of good sports services in this section because of these jerkbaits, what do you think yea or nay?


  • #2
    Services get bashed as most people believe if you can win with your service then why sell your plays.


    • #3
      Ty Gasbag................

      You want cheese with that WHINE???

      You're lucky to be able to
      post your losers here.

      Didn't your Mommy tall you
      life isn't fair???

      Go write another check, you loser.


      • #4

        First of all SHUT UP!!

        Second of all, the only reason I say anything is because your claims are SOOO rediculous that it's crazy. You are the definition of a SCAMDICAPPER!!!

        I am simply looking out for other members (public betters), and making sure they don't get sucked into the wrong service.

        That wrong service is YOU!!!

        One last thing, if you've been doing this for 20 years, and you hit these outrageous %'s that you say, then you should be retaining ALL of your clients and not need anymore. You should also be betting these games yourself, and not need anybody else's money.

        You should be in Forbes TOP 100 richest people in America.

 have been exposed numerous times, now post your free plays and stop whining.


        • #5
          I got sucked in 3 years ago. I have been betting on football for nearly a decade now. I opened an offshore acct. and signed up for a Larry Ness package. It cost me $1500 for the season. NFL only. The sales man had me play 4 games on sunday. The amounts I played were based on my $$ I had. The system that I played and paid for ended up being horrible. It was, bet 4 games individually. game1 $200, game2 400, game3 600, game4 800 based on how they felt the so-called info that they had on each game they had me playing.
          That was $2000 every sunday. But by the beginning of Dec i was down just over $1900 on their system. Thats not including my $1500 investment in the service. I stopped using them because to me I can pick 50% winners basically blindly. The service was at less than 46% when I stopped following. I lost for the NFL season just under $2500. That might not be alot to many, but it was enough to make me realize that all I was doing was making the sportsbooks wallets fatter and who wants that??

          2013 NCAA POD Record

          8-3ATS +3.80 units

          2013 NFL POD Record

          1-2 ATS -4.50 units


          • #6
            10 dime Bry

            10 Dime Bry;
            there are sad stories as well as good ones, it just depends on the company your with, I would be more inclined to do business with someone who has been around for a long period of time.

            If a person pays a sports service and wins cool, if they pay and lose, they didnt get scammed, they just lost, just like every Tom Dick and Harry out there that loses, 96% of all gamblers lose in a year's time PERIOD, but some yes there are some that keep thier nose above water, and yes those are the ones that have been around and have longevity!

            Bettorschat; what an answer! Services get bashed as most people believe if you can win with your service then why sell your plays. If you can charge people to go to bettorschat and make money from it why wouldn’t you? Oh that’s right you make your money from the offshore sportsbooks who advertise on your site correct?

            I make my money advertising to sell my picks to the gambling public, to people who don’t want to do the homework and let someone else do it for them. There are 2400 sports services selling their picks in one form or another, whether it be 900, or 800 services, or website ads or newspaper ads. Believe me there is a market, and there has been a market for it for over 20 years when Mike Warren and Jimmy the Greek were the first to do it.

            I enjoy trying to beat the offshores and the bookies and make a huge living doing it. Why the hell would I use my braun when I can use my brain. People have been buying more service for 19 years, I get a ton of repeat people, I get a ton of new people every year, it’s sales period! The repeat customers would not come back year in and year out if they were not happy with what they bought PERIOD!

            FASTBREAK; Typical of you and your worthless sense of humor, but you forgot to mention that life is fair for TY GASTON I piss more money away on the finer things in life than you make in your lifetime. Your bashing is stupid cause it shows your real colors. If you were in fact making a FORTUNE from my losing plays WOULDN’T’ you keep your mouth shut? Oh yeah you may have won a fade yesterday, but what about the days prior to that if you really fade as you say your are, you’re a fucking loser PERIOD!

            RJEREMY; You have never done business with me and until you do you go ahead and hit your 45-55% games! Keep paying the book, paying the offshores, just like the other millions of people who blow over 200 Billion a year in LEGAL and ILLEGAL sports betting! Do you actually think a guy like me TY GASTON who has been in business for 19 years does not make any money? You’re a fool! How can you call someone a scamdicapper when you have never done business with them? Keep looking out for the other members, because for everyone you may seem to stop, someone else out of curiosity will join just to see? I do bet my own games dipshit, but just goes to show how fucking stupid you really are. Every sportsbook in Vegas has small limits (maybe some let you bet 15k or 20 if they know you), you bet big one place the line moves, and it is just the same with the offshores. If you’re a sports service like myself and your clients are betting as well and paying for the information and tipping as well, WHY NOT? ASSBAG! And as you say your looking out for the public bettors, keep looking out for them cause 90% of them squares anyways. Squares don’t win ASSBAG! Squares never win!
            Ty Gaston


            • #7
              Ty Gasbag..........

              Get in another contest and
              pick all LOSERS again!

              You are a joke and a fraud....
              everyone knows it!!!

              Bend over and sign
              another cashiers check


              • #8
                TYCLOPS GET THE F*@! OUT OF HERE



                • #9

                  Keep looking out for the other members, because for everyone you may seem to stop, someone else out of curiosity will join just to see?

                  THESE ARE TY'S ACTUAL WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!

                  You're pretty much admitting that your a SCUMBAG, and people join out of STUPIDITY, "just to see" NOT TO GET WINNERS, but "just to see"


                  Keep throwing out LOSERS!!!!!!!! YOU LOSER!!!!!!!!!!


                  • #10
                    Keep fading me

                    Rjeremy and the rest of you bashers PLEASE KEEP FADING me, I will keep sticking it in your asses, thats the reason you fade because you dont think anyone can win, yet you bash me because you fade me all the time and you lose and need someone to blame.

                    Listen up ya schmucks please keep fading me I love sticking it to you!

                    Ty Gaston

                    Ya born losers Rejeremy, Superzero, Fastbreak, if I put all 3 of ya in box ya couldnt find your way out, because you all would be too busy sniffing each others assholes!


                    • #11

                      The only thing you can come back with is nonsense. Your record speaks for itself. You were exposed right here on bettorschat in front over a couple thousand people.

                      YOU DO NOT WIN!!!!!!!!

                      I haven't had a losing week in 10 months!! Can you say the same.

                      Sure, you'll say the same, cause you're a fucking scumbag LIAR!!

                      Keep sucking people in for your shitty ass plays, but as long as you are on this site I will keep WARNING PEOPLE to:

                      STAY AWAY FROM TY GASTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      .........he has never won anybody money!!

                      AND THAT'S A FACT!!!!!!!


                      • #12

                        First off I would like to say thank you for the pub. I didn't know I was making that much of an impact in your life. You never return my calls and don't respond to my emails. (don't freak out I am kidding).

                        I know that you make money. Who couldn't at 25k a season for losers. You are making money but I have never seen one person come on here and say that are have won them money to cover your super high cost plus money on top of that. All that I hear about is those gay zebra plays that are 50% at best.

                        Why don't you post them for a month. If they are as good as you say I would be more then happy to work with you. But I am calling a rat a rat until you tell me otherwise. If you know that these plays are going to win then why not post them for the free pub and get some clients that way.
                        Get the best line possible....or you can just gamble!


                        • #13
                          I market an annual football tipsheet at a very modest price. I do it because I love doing this and the costs supplements my regular income. I'm not a big player so I rely on the income this time of year from my Spread Report Sales.

                          Unfortunately the industry has a bad stigma attached to it, and rightfully so because of the exhorbitant charges of services that are not legitimate and are fraudulous.

                          It's the one field where you catch flack for charging for your services, even if you're on the up. The same argument could be used for Stock Brokers. If they're that darn good, why don't they just bet their stocks and not sell their picks.

                          Of course, people will say that's different because the average investor hasn't a clue what to invest. That is exactly why it is not different. Sports services at a forum like this will catch flack because most at the forum are educated and DO know what they are doing.

                          But there is a huge market out there with lots of busy people that don't have the knowledge or time to cap games anymore than they have the knowledge or time to pick stocks.

                          I love doing this and I love putting out my sheet each year. I do not charge extra like other sheets for their 'good games'. That drives me batty when services do that. They have fifty different 'levels'. Bullshit. These crooks will have a price to pay. Those kinda' things come around.

                          One price, and you get it all. That's the way it oughta' be.



                          • #14
                            It's a Business

                            Like many others, the publication/selling of Gaming/Handicapping information is a chosen occupation, resulting in a Business opportunity. If one is good at something, the natural instinct is to take and use that ability to make financial gain. Isn't that what entrepreneurship is all about in America?

                            I've been in the industry for 30-Plus years, and have certaintly had my share of "ups and downs", but I've also survived. And, Yes I am a player, using and playing with the exact information given to my clients. By the way YES, good fortune, aka. luck, is nice to have on your any form of Business adventure.

                            We move on. Rewards, to us all, in everything that we do.


                            Your comments, criticism, inquires are always well received.
                            E-Mail: [email protected]


                            • #15
                              Here's competition for Ty

                              Sign up now for the Purple Mushroom bet picks!

                              Scientifically proven method of winning 98% of all bets. Both Pete Rose, Jeremy Roenick and I use a quigi board to contact Ted Williams' spirit.
                              We would be more accurate, but we sometimes contact Ty Cobb, and he never seems to pick anyone except for Detroit and sometimes Philly.
                              Just make a season payment of $20 grand, and we'll send you all of our quality picks.
                              There's no such thing as luck.

