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TY Gaston E-mail

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  • #16
    wow this piece of shit is making threat @ bc? why dont u get a life asswipe...guys like you i would like to meet...maybe this doesnt concern me..but to threaten someone like bc? what the hell did he do to u..rememebr u guys started this bullshit ..not him
    visit my website @


    email me @ [email protected]


    Call me in the office @ 1-888-222-0951


    • #17

      you are correct to a point. Bettorschat is one of the most reputable if not the most reputable site on the web. There is no reason for any members (or mods) to have to baby-sit the service area. If BC gets rid of the SCUM before it has a chance to attack, it will stay the most reputable site on the web. Sorry if you don't feel this way. Some of us that do contribute to this site have a stake in it for it to be the most outstanding site on the web.
      Last edited by wizardofoddz; 06-07-2004, 07:46 PM.


      • #18
        Re: djlivejive

        Originally posted by ************
        you are correct to a point. Bettorschat is one of the most reputable if not the most reputable site on the web. There is no reason for any members (or mods) to have to baby-sit the service area. If BC gets rid of the SCUM before it has a chance to attack, it will stay the most reputable site on the web. Sorry if you don't feel this way. Some of us that do contribute to this site have a stake in it, for it to be the most outstanding site on the web.
        i hear ya, i love this site.... best forum for sure but ty's threads were entertaining and didnt really see any harm bein done or rules broken i mean if its simply cuz the posts contained negative reactions and that is tryin to be minimized here then fine if thats how things are to exist here then ty should be tossed cuz he sparked the controversy (but many of us includin me are guilty for our contributions), but what was wrong w/ the contest? who cares if they didnt prove money was put up, i'm glad it took place was great evidence ty's code monkeys arent shit and his $10,000 season packages are ridiculous....i respect BC and Wayne and all they do but was just biggie i'll just start callin ty instead when i feel a need to rip on the loser that will really get him mad, hahaha


        • #19

          I do understand what you are saying, but all this bullshit just takes away from the true focus of this site.

          "Making Money"


          • #20
            As Stated :

            "Making Money"


            But lets not fool ourselves , one of the outstanding traits of this site is also to lend our experience with dealing with such claims and to let the novice know in advance that they are outlandish indeed .

            After that , they are on thier own because we cant baby-sit just help when needed or asked .

            BC`s , got the ball and hes my star runningback !



            :cool: :cool: :cool:
            " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


            • #21

              Hey Ty - where the hell is that quarter I loaned you in 4th grade.

              payup bitch...
              Last edited by callyman; 06-08-2004, 12:40 PM.
              Oh, this is the worst-looking hat I ever saw. What, when you buy a hat like this I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh? Oh, it looks good on you though.


              • #22
                If this ban is not lifted within 24 hours I will pursue slander and defamation of character civil suits against your company, thats why I want an address so if I decide to I can serve your papers.
                This quote is from the copy of Ty Gaston's e-mail to BC, which was at the beginning of this thread. Like Shorty and a few others, I don't know much about this running feud but I have been reading these threads when I see them because they are so stupid they are funny. The quote above is a good example.

                This guy Gaston is saying in public that if he decides to sue BettorsChat he can't unless BC gives him an address to serve and he wants the address. Yeah, sure. The only person dumber than someone thinking an adversary will provide them informantion needed to "sue or harass" would be the person that does provide that info.


                • #23

                  I agree and its his Attornies job to serve me if he intends to sue me.

                  If he does I'll just have to get my Attorney to file a countersuit here in Arkansas asking for damages etc. against him. Plus I'll have my Attorney get his case thrown out.

                  The funny part is that he's other threat is turning me into the government for the exact same things that he does with offshore books.

                  The guy wanted everyone to know that he paid EC and I can't get EC to confirm anything with proof. They just avoid my questions. So as I told him they are the ones making you look bad if anybody along with yourself on the way you conduct yourself on the forum.


                  • #24
                    BC --

                    Do you think maybe the reason Ty was so adamant about getting your fax number instead of using a scanner was so that he could somehow use it to track down your physical address???


                    • #25
                      Ty is dumber than he looks

                      I doubt this guy even has an attorney.


                      • #26

                        I really don't know for sure, but I don't think so as the scan that he got of his account showing the $200k deposit was from another e-mail address that Ty then forwarded to me.

                        I'm not hiding from anyone on this, but i'm not going to give someone like him who acts the way he does my address. He can get my address through his attorney if need be. Like I said if that's the case he will be counter sued in my State. And I strongly believe that I can get his case thrown out thus allowing me to prevail on my case.

                        The funny part is that the real problem is with EC as they won't provide any info on their part. All I get is excuses or they don't answer my questions. If they would give me proof then this could be put to rest so TY's beef should be with them, but for some reason he want's to focus on me.


                        • #27
                          Hey BC, check this out


                          Ty has you listed as a bad sportsbook


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Cubs04
                            Hey BC, check this out


                            Ty has you listed as a bad sportsbook


                            Well, he's officially did it now as I will be contacting an Attorney this week or next since he's slandering me again. And to think the whole problem is with EC not providing any proof.


                            • #29
                              Latest E-mail From Goob

                              Subj: your on, when and where?
                              Date: 6/10/2004 11:05:13 AM Central Standard Time
                              From: Tygaston
                              To: Bettorstalk

                              lets meet asap when and where! we will see what a real man you are, odds are you wont even show up! You dont have the balls to meet me face to face, which airport do I fly into Little Rock? I will bring more proof of the transaction, then you can eat shit and open the site back up, what other proof do you want me to briing offshore account records, business records from the past 19 years, and my stats of games for the last 19 years of free plays, 900 numbers, tv ads etc? And how about my birth certificate? Not a problem

                              with the GUARANTEE that i provide all the records, you unfuck the banning from your site and give me carte blanche access as a MODERATOR, and a national apology to me in the USA today, a nice 4 by 4 ad which will run ya 5 grand in the sports section! are ya game big shot? Oh yeah and I will travel with two security personnel in case you try to get wise? Lets do it

                              I will shut your mouth once and for all, in fact I also downloaded the Supreme Court new Orleans transcripts you speak of as I found them and YOU cant fucking read! You misinterpreted what the case was about and you dont have a clue about COHEN, I know him personally, same as Jack Prices case and Jeff Allen's case!

                              Lets see how big your balls are?

                              Ty Gaston

                              PS when and where?


                              • #30
                                My Response

                                Subj: Fwd: your on, when and where?
                                Date: 6/10/2004 12:51:35 PM Central Standard Time
                                From: Bettorstalk
                                To: Tygaston
                                CC: Bettorstalk

                                LOL....There's only 1 airport in LR goober.

                                Just let me know when you're coming and shoot me a e-mail when you arrive into town from this e-mail addy. I will then give you a place to meet me like a restaurant.

                                And don't e-mail me back crying what's your address or I'm not coming, because I guarantee I will show up!!

                                LMFAO.....You're a punk as you need 2 security guards.....LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! I knew you had no sack.

                                You want to post back on the site????????

                                You send me an apology for your attitude that you've taken towards me and how you've treated me. Then you take out an ad on your site apologizing. Then and only then will you be given access to post on the site.

                                When and Where?

                                LMFAO.....DUH...........Little Rock, Arkansas can you find it???????

                                Where????? When you get here a restaurant as I might as well eat why I have to listen to your shit.

